Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

F. IP: 4th 1: 4 A 5- A 8 Marion, Indiana, Leader-Tribune November 25, 1954 Martin Boots School Holds Thanksgiving Convocation Thanksgiving convocation at! Martin Boots School yesterday featured music talks appro priate' for: the season. The presented to the eighth and pinth grade students. A piano prelude ndas played by Judith Hawkins, it was followed with responsive readings. duet, "Bless This Darlene and Diane Nelson sanand short talks on thoughtfulness were James Pence, Marilyn Young, David Crossman and Earlone Retz.

Other music consisted of a number by a string ensemble, entitled "Country Garden; a choral number, (Thanks Be to God" by the ninth grade boys' music class, and a clarinet trio, composition, "Holiday," by Knoderer, Hansel Sheridan and Joe Pearson, accompanied by; Miss Hawkins. 1. The second series of talks was given by Phillip Holliday, Judy Gregory and Carol. Ann Myers. In a similar program on Tuesday for seventh grade students, sang Be and Juanita Brown and Frances, Pack I talks were presented by Richard.

Caldwell. Robert Wilkinson, Janice Highley, Erma Ellis; Sheila Small, James Heckard, Hughes, Noel Hill, Billy Dennis, Anita Cunningham, Patty Deeter and Bonnie Tidwell. The program was under the direction of Miss Wynona Stuart, speech instructor. Instrumental numbers were under the direction of Phillip. Polley, Edward Baas and Miss Jeanette Sprinkle, music and instrumental instructions." Members of the string ensemble were Pat Maguire, Billy Stubbs, Jane Sprowl, Jewel Daughenbaugh, Your BEST BUY in Hearing Aids The TEST -PROVED ZENITH "ROYAL $125,00 conduction air sermold.

Get'the Facts! Learn about impartial testa conducted by America's foremost privato independent testing laboratory--and RA concludes you can't buy you'll that even if you pay finer hearing aid than a Zenith. 10-Day Money Back Guarantee 11 HUNECK DRUG STORE 38th Washington Marion, Ind. Betty Gerstorff and Francis Pack. Members of the boy's chorus were David Fidler, Jerry Crabb, Charles Adamson, Michael Ball, Richard Bartel, Michael Cain, Charles Clark, Larry Cutts, Phillip Detamore, Harry Dorsey, Richard Eagleson, John Evans, Arthur Faulkner, Larry Fisher, Bill HarJerry Hedges, Philip Holliday, Tom Keoy, Ralph Miller, James Moritz, William Ruch, Philip Harold Smyser, seshes Stanley, Larry Stevens, Robert Sutton, David Scott, James Spangler, Jan Talbott and David Weaver. The accompanist was Connie Scott.

Announcers for the programs were Tony Barton and Mary Cook. PETITION FILED WASHINGTON (UP) Great Commission Schools, filed petition Wednesday with the Federal Communications -Commission: for a Channel 61 television station at Anderson, Ind. McNatt McNATT-Mrs. Florence Swanson attended the recent WCTU officers and directors meeting at Liberty Center. a day Dewayne guest of Keplinger Marshall was and a Warre TuesMorton.

Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Losh were Tuesday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Losh, Muncie.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams and granddaughter, Jane Ann, were Sunday guests of Mr. and 1 Mrs. John Ruble.

a Marilyn Lloyd was the weekend guest of Mr. and 1. Mrs. Lloyd. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Losh are the parents of a daughter born rece tly. She has been named Sandra Marie. Mrs. Alton Roush and son, visited Tuesday with Mr.

and Mrs. Glen Schaff Mr. and and Mrs. family. Edward Moorman, I Meloda Music, and Mrs.

Fred Moorman, Upland, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Murray. Mr. and Mrs.

Donald Lloyd and' children were Sunday. dinner guests of Mr. Walter Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs.

Luther Wilson were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Murray, A Sunday school teacher's training course is being held in the Mt. Zion United Brethren Church. The first two sessions were held Monday and Tuesday and will continue Nov.

29 through Dec. 1. All meetings will be at 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Perdue and Mr. and and children Mrs. were' Raymond Perdue, Sunday of Mrs. Allie Beavans and daughI ter. dR: Any Hour-Any.

Day BANK BY MAIL! Marion National Bank's sav. 1861 1954 Ali. ings and checking account service is AS near as, your mailbox when you bank by mail. Ask for a "Bank-by-Mail" envelope and deposit slip next time you're in. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation MARION NATIONAL BANK i.

Grant County's Largest Bank I ur Pilgrim Fathers thought of ThanksI giving as a time to pause in their work and thank God for His many blessings. As we celebrate this holiday, let us recall the true meaning of the day; the traditional Thanksgiving feast is only CHESTER E. SHAWLEY a symbol, which can' be, and too often is, only an empty symbol. STABLISHED 1888 I- SHAWLEY Memorial Chapel 2901 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET :7: 1 -PHONE 130. st: Il CLINIC PLANS PARENT SERIES Parent training program for parents of children enrolled in the Pleasant School will begin 7:30 p.m.

Monday in the Community Memorial building. The program includes a series of 11 classes conducted by the Mental Health Clinic of Grant County. Dr. John Jarrett, an obstetrician, is scheduled to conduct the first program. the same time and place, Dec.

13 the second meeting of the series will be held with Dr. Edna Wojcik, a pediatrician, as the speaker. Beginning in January, the second and fourth Monday nights of each month have been set, for the continuation of parent training programs. Wayne R. Brown, president of the Grant County Retarded Children, declared it is the duty of.

every parent who has. a child enrolled in the school, to attend this series, of training programs being provided for them. FREEZING POLES VIENNA (INS) -The Poles are freczing. Only the government offices are heated. Everybody else in the Red satellite is suffering from fuel shortages and an entiredisorganized, fuel distribution system.

This was revealed by Warsaw's Communist newspaper "Zycie. Warszawa." SPACE CASE clear VIENNA scientist (INS) and writer, Austrian Professor nuHans Thirring said he is convinced that "conditions exist on one of the ten billion planets which mit life of some kind of creature." The noted scientist. commenting on flying saucers, flying sausages and Mars men, asserted however, that he did not think it possible for any of these creatures to land on our globe. SEEING RED VIENNA (INS) -A recent decrec by the Communist government of Czechoslovakia ruled that the only blind persons entitled to seeing-eye dogs are those who belong to the Communist party, or at least are loyal to the Red cause. RADIATED WEATHER LONDON (INS) -Here's fuel for those who are sure the atom bomb is to blame for freak weather behavior.

Professor Frederick Soddy, a retired Oxford University chemistry professor noted for his work with isotopes, says Britain's 'cold summer was "most likely" caused by atomic radiation. Nights Unbearable due to Itching Skin? Relief beyond belief for fiery, itching irritation, with specially medicated Resinol-the ointment rich in lanolin. Soothes and oils tender akin--lessens desire to scratch--thus aids healing. See it tomorrow The New Idea In Automobiles DOUBLE The 1955 STRENGTH UNIT BODY! Rambler A product of American Motors the fear At All Hudson Dealers and Nash Dealers group singing, SHOP Stanle Till Nite 10 P. Every M.

OPEN Stanleys Till Nite 10 Every PLENTY. dir PEACE ASCIANG 1 1. I let us give HANKS 37- 141 ,1 1 for all the blessings we have in such abundance. For the --14 wonder of Plenty for the, fruits. of the earth the miracle of enterprise and ingenuity known as Industry.

For the joy of Liberty the right to speak freely to think independently to worship as we choose. For the concept of Democracy on which we have established a nation of individuals, each with 1'3, 1 a sense of his own dignity and the inherent dignity of every man. and as we give thanks for all these blessings, let us pray for the strength not only to endure in our chosen way of life but for the wisdom to offer it as a dynamic pattern to all 4Hr the oppressed multitudes of the earth who seek a better way under God. Setter's Quality Chekd PURE MILK CO. DAIRY PRODUCTS 5 6 Linda Sexton, Joan.

Simmons, Rose Stanley, Dixie" Vice." Janice Wilber and Wanda Woods. Students in a seventh grade lit- crature save a choral reading," "Thanksgiving Prayer." This group Cynthia Alberts, Jerry Anderson, Sandra Boatwright, Karen Boots, Judith Bowman, Jane Bowie, Peter Box- -N. ell, Rosemary Bradley Carol Brewer, Ronnie Brooks, Geneva Costner, Donald Dayton, Melvin Dennison, Inda Dille, Dorotha Fox, Claudia Godwin, Mary Green, Judith Hudson, Sharon, King, Shirley Nall, Sharon Nye, Alyse Orrell, Lucrettia Owens, Virginia Padley, entte, Phyllis 'Dixie Roll, Ramscy, Charles Judith Roth, Robi- PLENTY. dock, Edward. Pollen, Patsy PulRose' Russell, Jerry Schwartz and Shirley Smith.

Peter Boxell read "The First Thanksgiving," a story by Kate Douglas Wiggins. The program was concluded with LAMP TEST PROGRAM IS COMPLETED IN COUNTY 4 IN MOURNING With his head bowed in grief, a Labrador dog keeps a vigil at the side of a puppy killed by an automobile on a highway near La Crosse, Wis. The older dog remained at the side of his companion until the police removed the body. Pastor Tells Thanksgiving History To School Students Convocation at McCulloch School yesterday featured a talk about the history and significance of Thanksgiving by the Rev. I Fisher, pastor of the First Christian Church.

The remainder of the program consisted I of musical numbers by the students. The speaker was presented by Chris Thomas, a student. The ninth it: grade girls' chorus, directed by TE Wayne I accompanied sang by "Prayer Miss Mary Perfect." L. Members included Naomi der, Margaret Bowlds, Jeannene Bowman, Agnes Drook, bi Virginia Dunean, Donna Dungey, Jean ing. Mary" 'Ann Ford, Barbara George, Kathryn Heavilin, Sandra Herring, Bertha Houston, Lowanda Jeffries, Reba Johnson, Beverly Kesot, Gloria Luster, Priscilla Marley, Joyce Mills, Delona MorePatsy McDonald, Pamela McKee, Priscilla Joyce Pol, Pettiford, Diana Rhodes, Gwendolyn Rice, Nancy Riddle, THREE PRIME MINISTERS HAVE LUNCH WITH PRESIDENT WASHINGTON UP) The prime ministers of Norway, Denmark and Sweden wit lunched Wednesday with President Eisenhower at the White House They came to the capital Tuesday night for a brief visit at the conclusion of history-making flight.

The three, Oscar Torp. of Norway, Hans Hedtoft of Denmark and Tage Erlander of Sweden, on the first commercial flight from Copenhagen to Los Angeles over the polar regions. This service thas been inaugurated by the Scandinavian Airlines System, owned by the three countries. Gas City GAS CITY The Mississinewa Home Demonstration club. had its annual.

Thanksgiving dinner Monday at the Davis Party House, Marion. Following the dinner, the mecting, Mrs. was in Edwin charge of Williams: the pres- Mrs. Fred Nelson gave the lesson. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Mrs.

Edwin Williams, president; Mrs. Jake Adrianson, vice president; Mrs. Glen Smithson, secretary, and Mrs. Dewey, treasurer. Plans discussed for the Christmas party which will be held December if 13th at the home of Mrs.

Jake Adrianson. There will be a gift exchange. Those attending were Mrs. Isaac Harter, Mrs. Ray Harris, Mrs.

Raymond Stevens, Mrs. Adrianson, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Darrell Williams, Mrs. Edwin Williams, Mrs.

Bessie Brown, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Dewey Jacks, Mrs. Smithson; Mrs. Harold Maddox, Mrs.

George Jones and Mrs. William Hunter, Robert McHarry who has been a patient at Marion General Hospital as the result of injuries sustained while at work, was able to brought to his home on E. S. A Street: Monday. Hi IF Mrs.

Robert Gilmour is a patient at Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, where she recently underwent surgery. Founder's Day was observcd by members of the Kappa Delta Phi Sorority at the home of Mrs. Carl Harris. Assisting Mrs. Harris were Miss Betty Jacks and Miss Lois llarrising The theme of the program was "Loyalty to Miss Winifred Thomas gave the invocation.

Plans for the annual Christmas party and gift exchange were made. The party will be held Dec. 13 fat the home of Mrs. Roy McKee. Those present were Mrs.

Harvey Pearson, Mrs. Robert Reith, Mrs. Merrill Soames, Mrs. Har. old Wine, Mrs.

i Roy McKee, Mrs. Frank O'Brien, Mrs. William Jacks, Sue Ann Poling, Miss Thomas! Patricia Lewis Gwendolyn Lewis Miss Harris Miss: Jack and M. Hai. and Mrs.

Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Knott and daughter, Karen Ann, had as their dinner guests recently, Mrs. Gwendolyn Spidel "and daughter of Upland.

Mrs. Eva Nesbitt is visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward McDermott, InI dianapolis.

l' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Noble and son, John, attended the Indiana Purdue football game at Purdue Saturday. William Hunter returned home Monday from a visit with I relatives in Alichigan. No cases of ringworm of the scalp were found in the Grant County schools reported Mrs.

Grace Clements, county nurse, yesterday. The Woods lamp testing program was completed Wednesday, when the final tests were administered pupils at Evans School. Tests were given to 7,167 students in the county. READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS CLEAN FINE RUGS, CARPETS UPHOLSTERY In or Out of Your Home ED STEPHENSON 3512 S. Gallatin Phone 2530 LASKY Says: It's sheer extrayagance to pay more for shoes than you do here at LASKY'S 1.

FIE in.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.