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Vol. X H I ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, AUGUST 25, 1888. No:* 84. SfwfMjsldual (Sara?. J . A.^V-JIETltICK; M.D. ; - • < H°®o^l>athlo Physician, ami Snrpoon. • Cor. CpokmariY& Gangs avH.,Anl>ury Park, N. J. • Hours: until 10 a. in., and aftor 4 p. tn." /. S. KlN^ONTIl, M-D *. ’ Corner Grand and Asbnry Avenues, . . Office Hoars—7 to 0 a.m.,-1 to S pVffi.> fl to 8 p.TO. T^K. BRUCE 8. KEATOR', . Ilorooeopathln Physlnlnn arid Surgoop. Graduate of both a c h n o l a . - ' i" .•* C'or. Afibupy avenno and Borgh.stroOt. Houre—Until 9 ai m.j 7 to 9 p. ra. ,, , / , Telephone connections. _ ; —~r m. i. a i tt;, a . m., p. p., : Pnqumatbpathlst, orM enlalncnlor,; = - 400 BiJWiUl nvoiiHO, Opr. Hook street. Onito hours .10, 12 to 3,0 to 9. _ p. pawle ^~™ ~ ~ V j '• D E H T IG T , • ■\ | tH6 Things. avo.t[ Anbury ParfyN, j j l i . 8. T. SLOCUM, h • D1CN I JST, j Office—2(M Main 8 t.’ ., opiiosllo Railroad Station, Gas administered. Aabury I’ark.N, J, • A^8. nURTpNrJ). IK S;- (J. HOHTON,- t i m : 8. T>URTON BilOTIIERR, . - -L> . HoMlitant HonllHl*. COO Cook man avonuo, eomcr Emory St.; Asbury Park, N. .T. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. ira Gas adminlKteml.'-Appolnf,ments mado fry telo- * phono or by maii ' j MTrs of “80550”—tho new preparation for cleansing and preserving tho Tcoth. v DEHTXST, O.mco ^r, Cookman avenue, near EirtOfy street Mechanical work a specialty. . Difficult oporatfons solicited.- J. y. HAWKINS. JJAWKIN8 & DURAND, FRANK DtTOANI), Attomnya-at-Law, Solicitors «fc Mastors In Chan- cery, Mikado Build Inc, Cookman Av., . Asbury Park, N. J. pAACTC. KENNEDY, Attomey-atLaw;' Solicitor, Master In Chancery and Notary Publlo. * ' Special attention given to examination of. Titles, ' ifcc. '• - . Office tn "Cook’s Building,' -■ . e- Asbury Park, Now Jersey- A LFRED D.--BA1LEY, - ' Attomoy-ut-Law, Solicitor and Master tn . : . ..U. Chancery'aml'Notatr Publloi--- .* . Spcclal attention glvonto collection of olalnts. Office in Mikado Building; Asbury Park, J)AV1D HARVEY, Jr., Attomoy-afc-Law, Solicitor, Masterand Exarulnor In Chancery, Notary Public.; » ■/ Asbnry Park, N. J. QEORGE W. BYRAM, Attornoy-at-Law and’ Solicitor In Chancery, Address P. O. Box 100-J, Asbury Park, N, jL Benjiy M. Nbvuis, EnMumi'Wiww, Counsel lot*.a,t Law. V Attorney at Law., ftfEVllJS A WII.HON, \ Law Offices, _________ •'ItKD HANK, N .J. ^ L IC E K. HARRISON, ' - "77 » 303 Third avenue, Asbury Park. TEACHER OF MUSIC— Plano,’Organ and Theory i jlflANK V. nODINft' ’ ~ - ” ___ A R C H ITE C T, .... MIKADO .BUHJMWl. , ___ ____ P. O. Box 855. ASIIUItYPARK. N ..!, 3 \IK3' ^ OSAIaN:E V. lUriiF,Y, TEACHER OF PIANO, ASSAM AND THEORY. Foreign and Arnqtlfigin-flngerfngr^ Terms—515 for 30 lessons, payable at 10th lesson. M XSS M. E, COLEMAN, ORESS-iVlAKfER CIITTINfl AHWFJTTillrt jr.BrECIAlfV. . The art of outUng and fittina tanght. COR. BOND STREET ANQ BANGS AVENUE, . Asbury Park, N. J. ' ^B/JO H N SO N , '•practical Watchmaker," Deader tn Fine Watches, Jewelry, SpeotacTos Ac. , Watches and Jowolry ropalred at City Prices. Main street, near Oookmnn avenue, •' ASBURY PARK, N. J. 'GEO. M. BENNETT, HOUSE FAINTING In all Its brauchefl. Hardwood finishing, Grain- ing, Calcimlnlng, &e. • - ' Estimates fumisljed on application. ^ - L. Box ai&J, Ocean Grover, COOK HOWLAND, Architect & Builder. Building plans cxccutodand all workpromptJy. d o n o : " ■ • . Offloo in Cook's Building, Main stroet and 1Cookman avenue, Asbury Park. JO H N W c -6! j TPH EN ; llacksmith and Hofsesho*r. . Carrlago work In all Its branches. CARRIAGE PAINTING' AND TRIMMING r In the finest' stylo of decorative art. Main street and First avenue, ASBDBY PABK. ’ ' •»,- • • ADON L1PPINCOTT, .Carpenter & Buildei • Jobbing In all branches promptly, and carofully attendod to. Rosldence^-iOOa First aVennet • P. O. Box 283. - ASBURY PARK, N. J. FRED. B. GOWDY. cnAS H. PITCHER. COWDY & PITCHER, C arriages, and M anufactu; rors of H arness. ilM>osltorIes—AHlmry Park, Rfi«l Bank and T<miM Itlvcr. . DANIEL C. COVERT, No. a7 Pilgrim 1 Pathway, Ocean Grovo, N. J., G E N E B A t A G E BTT -----FOIl TUB— **— ^ Porshasa, Sala and Renting ol Real Estate. Also Proporty Insu'red. ln flrst-cln#n companies. Impi'Qveioonts raado for non-refildents. Proper- ty eared for, I^oans ncgotlat6<l and Collections mado. Correspondence solleited. P. O. BoxSia6/» Tents, Awnings, Flags. , Felting'for boilers ahd steam pipes. - S. HEM MEN WAV, 615 Bookman Ave.. Asbury Pork, H . j . Sail lofts, GOSouth St.. New York City, , / ' / frv. F S U IT S , C O N K K E T JO N E H Y , - W iitiofujl idniift, Fiorldi* Ornnjfcn, Cn- . tnyvba nnd M ii I hku f l r n p o s , * ! V. ' andxlnxurles oC-raany descriptions, can be found tho new storo of rr WASHINGTON WHITE, MAIN STREET,-. X ASBURY PARK. pijslttesisi(Surds. . ROBERT T.. GRAVAT'r pKAtKnr* ' ? Stovea, Heaters', Ranges, TINW A R E , * c ? '. ; ' Cookinaik ay.,.near Bond St., ASBUBX.PAIIK, N. J. , TIN ROOF!ilB, LEADERS, BUTTERS, &G. COPPER, TIN AKD SHEET ISON WORK Of AU, KINDS , ^ 5 y,ri ^P^Flrstolaas work atlow ratos.^iEl L LiPPIFOOTT, T A . I L O R 727 Cookinan Av«< G e n ts’ .F tirm slim g s. TRENTON STEAM HYEING WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1849. I^adlos’ dresses dyed In all the newest shades. Feathers dyod to all colors. Gentlemen’s cloth- ing cleaned, dyed and prossBd chpial to now. Agent for Asbury Park. . HENRY; DOREN, ■’ " ’{Successor tb G. Wf-Read,) MERCHANT TAILOR, 718 OOOKMAN AVENtTE. Suits mado to order gnarahtcod to fit. Cleaning . and Repairing. - CEORCE W. LEE, JOBBING H OU SE C A R P EN TER Hardwood work a specialty: orders promptly attended to and work done In ilrat^class mannor.- , Manufacturer of Btorm' Doora, Window and Door Hcrecns, Orders left at 1). II. WyokofTs paint storo, or received by mall, will bo promptly .attended to. Rcardonco—N, E/Cor. Anbury avonuo and Main Street: P. OfBox 005, ASUURY PARK, N. J. A. A TAYLOR Mason and Builder, Brlcklaylrig and Plastering In all branches o ' Masonry work. Jobbing promptly attended to. P. O. Box 097. Offleo, 733 Mattison avonuo SAMUEL W. KIRKBRTDE, CdNTBACTQR, Carpenter & Builder. Plans and specifications furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Best of reference given. Residence—First avo., bot Bond and Emory sts. Shopand Ofilce—Flrst ave. and Main st. P. O. Box 743. ASBURY PARK. The Old and Reliable Brandr— Vane, Calvert t Co. Ati Inmenso StociosH riiii'’ All DesiraMe Shades of Color; N.E; Biieliano|i& Co. Solo Agents, for State of New Jersey. fl?"prices low to painters and Consumers, Liberal arrangements mado with dealers. MAIN.ST. AND-ASBURY AVE. GROCERIES, WILLIAM BEAMES, Successor to J. Honry Applegate, ■" full LineofCholce Eioceiies, FliOUK AND FEED. ‘ faftson Avenue,near Bond Street, !“ ""A 8 BD O T X»AI4JS_ M. M . CROSBIE, * Suecossor to David.Cartwright, SEofe Tar Pap or; Sheathing Papor, Two and s Throe-ply ItooQng Paper.'j-/. jp. a , iiok 802. Asbnry Park, N. J. S ANITARYPLIi W iBIN G b . ceowELL & ea. Now occupy the new brick building of J. Hcniy . Applegate, on Mattison .Avenue, neaf Bond^treet, wher^tt}ey_are prepared to estlmato on'all kinds of«sm'iAulDm»nm Tltey do noner other than first-class work, and all plumbing will be done after tho mpet approved snnltary mothods. 7 ' , Hopalrino* prom ptly nttcnd^I to. H. .^MARRYOTT, 5 Contractor and Builder, Estimates fumlshod" for ovon^deflorlptlon of work. Jobbing attpndod to promptly. - Rtikldenue— ' .Cor,-Sewall Ave.. and Emory St. ' Ix>ck Box 710 , A lftfffiv P A B K , j frJ„ JOHN IUBBARD, Practical House Painter, AND PAPER HANGElt. '-* ' Rcstdonco.Cor. Fifth avonue and Bond straot, Look Box 075. ' ASBURY PARK, N .J. JOSi L. DURRAH, v D P3.a<© te3:© r, 505 Ti|jRfrAVENUE. “^7 ’ Jobbing Proriiptly attended to, • GEO. C. OJIMEROD, CONTRAGTOR A l BDIL 1 H, ASBURY PARK, N. JT.- JEfltabllshod 1873. Jobbing promptly atte^ded- to. ,’Beat of r o f e r o n Q t } rLi . --..dracoandRosidencti,^•' COIL SEWALL ilVE. AND BOND.ST. ,_ gfal (Bstnt* ^ fl«n fl«. F.C . BRAEUTjOiM, Real Estate and Insurance, Hotols, Boarding HCusos and Cottagoslo -I^ot, for Salo and Expanse. Siieoial attention given to drawing mortgages,'loaaea and deeds at short notice. Ofllco 710 COOKMAN AVENUE, P. O. Box 17. . Near Main st., Asbury Park, N. J. H. B. - BEE OLE, {linto IL^fi. BCeglo&Son) - ■ KHAL ESTATE and .' IK8UBAK0E AGENT, I K&ia Avenus, Ocean Grovo, K, J, JDoaris Negotiated and Legal Pape^ Drawn II; B. BEEGLE, Notary fablloandCommlBflloner of Dcods for New JefsoyvPonnsylvanlaannd tho Dlstriot of Columbia. -. 1 Bargains In Real Estate LOTS AKD IMPROVED' PfiOEr - ^ ERTY AT NORTH SPRING t AK.M. . Improved property and Lots at Point Pleasant cheapfor cash., ' . . LotsatManhflsaet for •Salo 6r Exchange. 800. fcot of Bay front, suitable for a wharf. Tho only Bay front ln the market for salo In that vicinity. . Will bo sold cheap. Lot £5x125 foot on Sixth avenne, noartheocoan,, Asbury park. . “ , .. If you want to biry or renttl any proporty any- where along the coast •. .* . ^’Apply to > R M. WORTHINGTON, Cor. Sewall av. and Emory St., Asbnry Park. Or W. T. Stobet, Point Pleasant, N. J. W; H. PittTisn, Spring Lake, N. J. . Real Estateui Insnranceat ASBURY PARK, OCEAN BEAGHt SPRING LAKE AND NORTH SPRING LAKE. > Persons wishing to'Ront, Purohaso" Cr Sell at tho above places, or owners having cottagds to rent for season of 1 K 8G, and desiring to placo them in my hands, wilt rocolvospecial attention. For further particulars or maps, address E. WltlGIIT, Box 108, Asbury Park. J Cor.Cookman apdSowall Avs.,A. Park, unices. ^ Q n j{rown'a8tore, North Spring Lako, N. B.—I havo Borne cottages and lots .for Salo cheap, easy terms; also a number of cottages for rent. . . OISSET^'::S Great, Dyspepsia Cure. i IX I S & 8 T IH K sixiRK. , Ajn. Bissett, Doar Slri-^i was afflicted very mUeh with dyspepsia, but sincc I have uRcd yoiir G&stroilyno I experlenoo no ill cffect from a most hearty meal, and I t>eltevo I am cured. - • i. /P. H. WYCKOFF, Now lirunawlck. N. JI HAKKY Ii^pGDEN, Agent, 21 jfMA liTsTM -^ ASBURY PARK K 5W E B OO. Railroad, near 'First' avenue, Furnishes- Electric Arc and Incandcscont lights afnny location. OFFICER^ i President—MYRON S. GOUtD. Vloo Prt^t-EDMUND O. HAltRISON, Troastircr-JOUN ROCKAFEld.KR, Seo.’y and Sup’t^GEO. M. LANE. I— DIRECTORS: Myron srdm ilC C5eo,F.J?roohl, ^ UdmundG. Harrison, “Joint C, MueMurray, John Rockafollor,-.. (. • Gety, A. Hmook, Geo, Mi JlianOi . ' When it Isa woll-kno*frn faot that BOURNE’S English,,Tonic'^ Dyspepsia Pilfe will not only give case, but permanently quro Indigestion.Dyspepsia, or any gastric trouble.1 For Sale by all Druggists, WESLEY HUGGINS, Contfa*gtori Carpenter & Builder Plana and specifications furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Best of rbferonee given. ltesldonco--1.00, M t pannel Wayi>Ocean Grovo.;: P. O. Box 70, Aflbury park;, N lJ. ^ pENIYSVLTANIA BAlLBOAb. ' : (Xfi^and aftor July 1, ‘ 1000, - THA IMS UUY1 ASBVBT PABK .> For Now York, Nowark, Elizabeth. Rahway Red. Bank, Long Branoh and Intermedlato stations, a t -0,50, 0.10 a. m.t Llo, 5.80, 0.40- p. m. ' . - Exprosafor Now York, Nowark, Elizabeth and Long Branch, at 7.45 a. m,, 2.46,425 p. m. Limited Express for Elboron, Hollywood, West End, Long Branch and Now York, 830 a. Tn. For Mat&wan,, 8.45, 0.10 a .m ., 1.10, S.4S, 4.25,5.30,0.40 p .m . For Lonfc Branch, G.50i 7.45, 8.20 (Limited), 8.45, 0.10 a. m ., 1.10/ 2,45,4.25, 5.80, 0.40 p. m. For Philadelphia, (Broad St.,)TrentoniPrInccton,' Monmouth Junction,Freehold and Sea Girt, ™• 7.43,0.41 a. m ., 12.87, 4.00. 5.83 p. m / For rhwadolphla, Through Kxprosa, at 7.20 a. m. For Camden, Burlington, Bordontown and points , on tho Amboy Division, via. Berkeley and . Toms IUvor, woek days, at 0.41 a. m.f. 4-40 p. m. , •• ;- For Camden,Burlington, and Bordentown, (via. Trenton,) 7.20 a. m., 12.87, 4.00 p. m. Via. Jdtoesbnrg, 0.41 a. m., 5.33 p. m. For TomB River, Island Heights, an<J Intermedi- ate stations, at 0.41, 0.15, 11,05 a. m., 4.85, ICeal I3stat^ Conveyances. Ii|at of conveyuUocs, Moiiniouth County Clork’o o/Doc?i for tho wco*k ending Aug. 18, " 3 8 8 : ; ‘ ' . ' t 1 ' ■ ‘ " ; . asdurt PAnK. . -.Wm.^H. Tutt to Justus E, Ralph—lots 848 and: 810. $7,500. ; ' ^Theodore Fields, SherlfT, to R. E<; Drummond, et al.~lot at Aebury Park. 81,000. ! NEPTUNE TOWNBHIP. . • . .Conovor Lefferson to Myron S. Gould—lot at West Park. 9700,. - " MIBCBLLANEODb. David M. C. Pcrrlne to Wm) Burrows—truct of land Manalapan township, 8300(- * . Sarah Newman, by heirs, to Sarah Ana New- man—lot Wall township, $L‘ .^Lewls H. Brown to Jane A‘, Cook—lot Occan Township, Jioo. “■ ,.Vl ' " For Point Pleasant, andjntermed latestallons, at' 6.55, 0.41, 9.15, 11.05 a. m ., 3.0L 4.35. 4.55, 0.0G, 7.00,8.Wp. m. ^ . . rBAiHs lxavb kbw yobk (via. Doshrossofl ana Cortlandt Sts. ferries) ran ahboht tkjxk A t 8.90, 7.10. *0,10 a. m .,' 12.00 noon, 2,80, *3.10 3.40 (Llmltod), 4.20, 5.00, '7.00 p . m. TBAifts leavb rniLAnsLPnrA (Broad St.) rpa Asnuav park 1 A t 0.50, a. m.,2.40,8.80, 4.00p. m. Batur- j.uu, O.W. cl. ___, ----- wt - —>s - — —- •- days only, 5,00 p. m. Markot St., via,Camden and Trenton—0.20,7.20, 10.80j». mV, 2.30 p. m, Salnrdaya only, 4.80 p. m. * Via.- Jamesbuyg. ■*r .20 a. m-, 4.00 p. m. Via. Toms River and Mlllstono,township; $2,400. • Barnuol R.,Foruinn cl at: to Martha Parker—20' 42^00 acrcs Mlllstono township. 8100. ■ \TnistoesReformed Church, Colts Ncck, to A. C. Snodeker—cemetery plot. 815.. Mcriljainv. Vatiwlnklo to Lawrence, & Minton -lot,Red Bank. 8 m Jeremiah E. Sayro to Aaron Morchouso—lot ..tiantio Highlands. ------- j Thomas Berkeley, 8.80 a.- m., 4.00 p. t». * J. R. WOOD, aen'lPat*. Agt. CHAS. E. PUGH. Gen'l Manager. . tracts land, Howell township, $200, c Wm. J. Bailey^ to_Wm. U. llrelira-lot, Shrows- Ilcyman—lot near Long BVTORK * XOSG BRANCH B. It. Time Table,Inoffoot July 1,1888. Stations In New York—Cogtral-R. R, of Now JerV sey, foot of Liberty Street; P. R. R., foot of Cortlandt and Desbrosses Streets; N. J. South- ern Railway, foot of Iteetor St. v - . UU.VM H*W TORK »OR ASBUUT PABK, * 0 . Contral R. R. of N. J.-4.0P, 8.1R, 9.80, *11.15 ii. m., I.30, *2 80, *3.80,4.00. *4.30, *5.30,0.15 p. in. Pennsylvania—8.80, 7.10, *0.10 a. m., 12.00 m., 2:80, *3.10, 8.40 (Limited), *4-20, G.00.7.00 p. m, N. J. Southern RAllway-l.OO, *3.45,4.80,5.80p. m: Leave Newark, Broad St. Station, for Asbury Park, A a —8.25, 0.85, 11.20 a. m., 1.35, 2.40, ^00,4.35, 5,85,4.20 p.m . Market St. Station- 8.50, 7,38, 8,38 at m;, 18.20, 2,57, 8.35,4.44,5.20, 7.28 p .m . liavx ASBtrnr pabx ron wxw tobk. Ao. Contral R. R. of N. J.-0.15, *7.00,7.25, *8.00, 0.40, r 10.50 a. m., 12.15, 2 00, 4.10,7.15,8.80 p. m. Pennsylvania—0.50, *7.45, 8.20 (Limited),-8.45,9.10 а. m ., 1.10, *2.45, *4iS», 5.80, 0.40 p. ra. N .J. Soulhorn—0.10, *7.55,8.55a. m., 5.25p.m . > For Phlladdlphla and Trenton, via. Bound Brook Route—0.15,7.25,9,10 a.m., 12.15,^.00,4.10 p.m. For Ocean Beach, -Spring Lako and Sea Girt— . 5 55, 0.14, 0.41, 7.20, 7.42. 9.15, 9.41, 10,SOT 11.05, II.20 a. m„ 12.37; 1.00. 2.01j 2.55,3.80, 4.00,4.15, fTrf;35, 4.40, 4.55, 5.02. 5.20, 5.33, 5.55, 6.00, 0.11, •Wj.M, 7.00,,8.10,8.58, (Saturdays only '11.10) p. m. ’ y V. For Manasquan and Point Ploasant—5.55, 0.11, * 0.41,; 9.15, 10.2f), 11.05, 11.20 a. m ., 1 00, 2.01, 2.55, 8.80, 4.15, 4.35, 4,40, 4.55, 5.02,5,20,5.55j б,00. O.lirO.23, 7.0(i;'7.10, 7.25, 810. 8.58p.m. For Philadelphia, via. Sea Girt—*7.20, 7.42, 9,41 a .m ., 12.87,4.00, *5.S:i p.m .- . For stations on P. It. lL to Camden and Interme- diate points, 0.4X a.m ., 4.40p. m. For Toms Itlvcr, 0.41,9.15,11.05 a. in., 4.40, 4.55, 7M p. m. •-Express. > RUFUS BLODGETT, Supt, II, P. BALDWIN, O. P. A. C. It. Ii. 0 / N. J. J. IL WOOD;/?#ft*Z P<u. Aot.,?. R.JI. I, 111. IJ. UUIIl. 7 , IU « 111 bury township, 81,250.. f. S. T. Meyer, to Jno. ’Branch, 81,G 00/- V . . . . i/Samo to ‘Edmund Dodge-— lot near Long .Branch, 81,500, ; Heirs of Samuel Cooper, to Tiioa. H, Mount— landv Middletown township, $1. Thomas H. ilount to the township of MlddTe- towit—same property, R40. * . ’ . Eliza- Wells• to Nettlo j. -Wells—lot at Free - hold, 82,002. , ' . . . I' Georgo W. Faltirson. Jr. to Mary P. Cottrell— 2 aorcs. Howell township, 81.CS0. Frank p. McDermott, Special Master, to Joslah Walker—lot nt Keyport, f1,000. - Thomas S. Flold to Graco M. E, Church—lot a t R ed B ank, 83,iKK). Dowltt Farry to Ellya Gale— lot near Long Branch, 82.m Thos. Art Cooper to~ Margaret Carlcy—lot at Long Branch, gSOO, i Lawrenco B. Lyncti to Rv Percy Bobbins—lot at Long Branch. 80,500. The Highland Beach Association to Augustus W. Crookshank—lot at IIlKhland Roach. 81,250, Samo to same—riparian right. 810. Joseph Parrish, M.D., to Wm. Anderson—lots 119,120, Atlantic Highlands. 81,000. . : Ellfts W. ex’s, to Eracilue 8. Taylor —lot Middletown township. $3,100. vRulus Ogden to Annlo Conklin—lot at Keyport. •’ * ' Bennett A. Harvoy to Theodore Aumack—1 60- .100 aerus, Rarllau township. 8250. Charles A. Bennett, special mnstcr, to Sarah Simmons et «J.~lot at Keyport. 8730. v ~ Elizabeth Britton to Sarah Simmons—undivided. H of lot at Keyport.18:!G5. . - 1 Edgar Ii. Stafford to .Susan A Mbrris—6 42-100 acres, Raritan township, 8160. Wm. M. Youiig to The 2d Keyport Loan Associa- tion—lot at Keyport. 8200. v. Emma Bryno to Bamc->-lol a t’Koyport 8600. Amlel 1’imper to Wm.. M. Young—lot nt Key- port. 8110, -||ri»T SHOREBAHiBOAP. For Saratoga. Lako Georgo, Catsk 111 Mountains and Hudson Itlvcr, Only all-rail Hue. Draw- ing-room cars through without change. Leave Aslihry Purk or Ocean Grovo, at9.l0d.rn., 1.10 p . m . * I^javo Long Branch, P- It- K.» at 0,30 a', m., 1.30 p, ra.- ** ..! iieavo .New'York, foot of Jay Stroet, N. R., at 9.40,11.15 a. tn.V 8.25, B.40 p. lhi Leavo Now York, footrWest 42d St.* at 9.55, 11,80 a.m.,3.45, o.oop.pL . ..* (L Loayo'Jorsoy City, Pen n. R. IL Station, 11^*^- a. m-, 8.30 p. m. Arrive Kingston (Cataklll Mountains) at 12.50, ^ 2.20.025,8.83p.m. ; t Arrive PWbhecla, 3.50,7.51 p. m. -■**' Arrive Grand Hotel, nt 4.25,8.45 p. m. Arrive CatsklU, at 1.40, 3.14, 7.08, 0.15 p. m. Arrive Cairo, a t 4.35, 8.00 p. m. Arrivo Mountain House station, at 4.16,8.00 p. nu Arrive Pnlonvillo, at 4.20,8.05 p. m. Arrivo Albany, 3.00, 4.40,8.10,10.25 p. m, Arrivo Saratoga, I). & II. Co’s R. It, at 4.20, 0.20,: 0.% p. m ., i .10 a. m, - Arrive^’aidwell (Lake George)-D. &4L Go’s R.R., at-8.10ip-m. . Arrivo Utica, a t 5.29,7.20 p, m., 12.45 p. ,nl. Through ticket^ sold from all stations on N. Y. & L. B. It*Ur Baggage cheeked through to des- tination. . i Magnlficont drawing-room cars for Saratoga,' Caldwell (Lako George) and CatsklU Mountains, and from Jersey City for Phamecla (IIotel'Kaat- crsklll and Mountain Hquso), and L6ng Branoh to Saratoga. Drawing-room car on 0.10 a. m. train from Asbury Park to Saratoga without change. Dally except Sunday. Saratoga specials run to anil from Jersey City station of Penn. IL- R.- Saratoga and lAko George specials run via. Albany.. ., C. K ’ LAMHKRT, Gen'l raft. Agt. 5 Vandcrbolt avo., New York. jpnEEH O LD AND NEW YOBK It* It* , . In effect Jnly 2,1888. •TRAINS W it t I.SAVB fOB FBBBUOLD AS FOLLOWS: -Leave ABbury Park—7.25, 8.45, 10.50 a, m ., 1.10, .,5.30p.m . *. " ; Lodve Long Branoh—7.40, 9.06, 11.10 a. m ,, 1.30, 4.45,5.50 p. ra. Leave Branchpor^—7.43,9 08,11.14 a. m.,d.83,4.33, ioavo L^ttleSllver—7.48,9.13, 11.10 a .m .,1.38,4.387 6.58 p .m . Leave Red B ank-7,63,9.18, 11.30a. m „ 1.43, 4.B7, 0 00 p .m .. Leave Mlddletown-r-8,00, 11.47 a. m.,‘ 1.50, 4.52, 0.14 p. in, . LEAVE MATAWAN ron PRBEHOI.O. 0.30,8.11, 9.83 a . m ., 12.10. 2.39; 5.80,0,30, 7.20 p. m . LEAVH FKBEUOLD TQB BBD BANK, CTO. . 7,10, 0.00,11.15 a. m ., 2.05, 4.30. 5.50 p. m. J, E. RALPH, Sup’f. Steamer “ Elberon.” . • NEW YORK. _ f LONG BRANCH.’ SEA BinGIIT, ^5. PLEASURE BAY And BRANCUPORT. Tho Now and Commodious Steamer Elboron, .. > Capt<Lauronco Price, .. — will commpnco running between Now York, foot of Franklin street, plor 35, North River, and Rranchport, Tuesday, Mayja-leavhlg Now York dally at 0 a. m.; loavln^B^anohport dally at 2.30 S , m. (Sundays excepted.) GOod acoommoda- on forpassopgera., , - FARE, 30 Conts. EXCURSION, 50 Cents. , Capt. Lawrenco Prlco commlssIoSPfefilSHjnan W •all kinds of fanriors’ produce. Good accommo- dation for horses and wagonB, Expressman on board. - . , ' , LADIES! :. Do Toiir Qtvn Dyeing, nt Home, with PEERLESS DYES Tlioy will dyo everything. Thoy aro bold every Whero. Price lOe. a package—4ft colors, (They equal fi)r .Stroijgthf-BrIrrhtnesarAmount In l’aokagcs or ffjr-Jrai)trio,HH of Color,,or non-fad- ,jtaK Qualltles^'^rhey do ndt crock or smut. For «al(Uiy4trTustlug, M. IL, Woolley & Itced, W. B. Chrlstlue,Dhlgglsts,Asbury l’ark,N. J, Sewer-.Notice. During tho past year a number of now connec- tions havo been mado with tho sewers.' This haa to some extent lessened the percentage of cost of maintaining the works. As theerootjonof tho Sower Works w as^ot a mattor of specula- tion, butbecamo a^ocsslty becauM of the sue- c'dasful andrapld growth of tho town,the ownor.’s desire to keep the ..annual rent tit tho lowest possible point. Notice Is hereby given that on all sowor rents foH888, which will he duo January 1st, 1889, for °p^epaynierit a deduction of 0710 percent, a month w llf’bo allowed. After the noxt January on v sower rents duo tho following January a dwluo- tlon of two per cont. a month will for prepay- tticnt bo alldwed. pp^tho third year, for pre-' paymont, throo per cent, a month will be1 allowed! and on"ChoTourth year, for pro-, payment, fouijVpor cent, a month will bo aUowed. This practically roduoea tho sowor rent about ono third. It is of course Impose Bible, to toll, at. tho present tlihe. lf a .sJUT further discount can bo aUowod on thp fifth or succeoding'yoars, on account of increased nrnn bor of connections, but tho owners of property which la connootod with the -sewer'inay rest assured that they wlU reap every advantagd pos- slblo. Owners of tho works only desire, afte£ working oxpenBcs aro paid, In moderato JuJo^est on the Investment. V O; T.TlAlLiY, •** J., ' ...• Poe’y Sowor ygo^kfl. Asbury Park, May23d, r .Thco. a ' iviun, ouvmi. Ocoan townahlp. 8:1,000. .. Thos. H, Leonard to Ella tlO Highlands, 8000. Wm. R. Maps—lands Leonard—lot Allan-. Atjdntic High.............. ........... L. Megill, to . Charles Tt. Mathows—8 1 . 83,800. B uilding C ontracts. FJLBD TO.AND INCI.UPINO & , ^ r » > t w : -■ '■■■ • • vi.-...;. ... .Ui 2370—Hall & Temborton"with Thbodoro West mason work, now honflo dt Long Branoh. $170. 2371— Lavlnlft E. Conklin with R. and A. W. Borden—now house at Mata wan. 81,060. 2372—Matilda Morrow with Joseph Roffsoll— now nouso at Ocean Orovo. 82,631. 2373—Tho Trustoes School District No. 00% with GoorgcM. Bcnn'olt—painting school houso. 9187.60. . ' . 2374—PhilIIppa narrison with D. W. Sexton— now houso at Asbury Park. $2,010. 2375—Matilda: MorroW witn Warrori llrown— honse nt Ocean Grovo. $2,700. I. B.,8nnkoy nt Oceau Qrovo. THE OKRAT SINOEIl AND 1|I3 SONG-rOhOWPS MSTEN AND TEAKS FALL—A"0I{ANI> ENDfNO OP THE WOMAN’S ENCOUItAfmMENT MEETING —8ANKEY TIIE LION TO-PAY—OHEAT TIMES A llEA b. ■■■■ 1 ’ • -Thero had beon rumors fioating around for a day or two that Mr. Yatman had a now at- traction to surprlso his great congregations with beforo tho closo of tho woek. It leaked otit that tho world-)vIdo famous Mr^ Sankey was coming, and expectation was equal to a tonlq^sca- breezo In this torrid: weather to sed and hear once moro tho' faith- ful coadjutor of tho popular Moody for tho first time In Ocean Grovo. Friday Sfternoon, fresh from that School of tho Prophets ’’ at Northfleld, Mr.- Saukoy arrived, and belonging to Mr. Yatman for tho tlmo boing, ho attended tho Templo Training Class without attracting much at- tention. m . '"* '*■ ' ^Aa soon as bis poworful baritone-Toico wan heard, however, for, of courgo hp had to sing, tho closed doors and windows wero besieged with curious crowds to sco tbo distinguished strangbr.- They had a better opportunity when \tho ovonlng sorvices wore opened in tho Audi- torium. Ilot as tho ovonlng was, tlio seats wero nearly all filled, and much tho largest part of, the audlonco woro ladles, In tholr lightest Bummor clothing, but evon tho fans ceased to flutter whon thla prlnco of gospel slugors touched tho organ, and gave a tender selection, such as he has ofton used tbcafi the wandering sinner hom*o to God. ; * After somo carnpst words from Mrs. Ipsktp, tho leader of tho “ Encouragemont Meet- ing,” and tf stirring address from Mrs. Ellis, Whoso elocution is equal £0 th> largest con- gregations, Mr. Sankoy yloldwl to tho requbst to sing his. celebrated .plcco. called Tho Ninoty and Nino,” Ho prorrtced tho singing with a history of hla finding tho words while traveling with Mr.-Moody In Scotland, and-somo incidents showing how tho song had. beep blbasfed In tha salvation of souls; * ; Those- who remember 1im^“ljo;;8ang this “ gospel of tho 15th chapter of Lukov as ho calls' It, at tho^gieat -dbpot^meeting In Phila - delphia many years ago, cau perceive very distinctly that his*magnlficont Voice!I*not “as foil and forcible as It was In thofio days. Yet thero is, a psithetlc sweetness in his tonos,' which moro than'countcr-balancos thp lack1 of vocal enorgy. /. * " HallelujahB ’'rgfc^tRlV tho elosp of tho song, whero tho strain rolled out-in majestlo powpp^ ' . ... “ Rejolco for fto LoM bringsbaok his own I** Up tljen ^cred a beautiful prayer for tho women.\vorkorfl, and..tho succcas of tholr labors in bringing soiils to Josus. P. II. It. Sum m er Ofllco. The Pennsylvania Itallroad had iv temporary ofllco in tho Association' building, Qcoan Grove, In chargo of Mr. Frank McConnell, whoro thoao In search of information In re- gard to routes of travel homewards, conneor ttona, prlco of tiuketa, steeping and patldr ,car bprths and'seats, &o., can secure all noPbs- ’sary polnts.' Mr, MeCbnnolI Is at Monmouth House, Spring Lako, bach morning, and afe-tho’ Grovo from 10 to 13 in tho evpnfng. llo wili call at hotols or cottagqs In Ashury Park or Ocoan Grovfl to obllgo those unablo to visit” him during business hours.* Travelers may savo half tho bothor by starting right, and Frank will map out their, itinerary; with-tho greatest onso and pleasure, besides sochrlng through tickots and gjVlhg instruction as to forwarding baggago^^ v , ’k 1 paper /lo voted, to yqii Ino subjects, pubr llahed iq Coatod, is cpudncted by a man napiod TVottor. . Saturdciy K^cnlnK Soirees. ^ Every houso in town wau-orowdod fiatui^ ’day ovonirig, and many^ of tho lato comers had to^put up with anything that could , bo improvised for.their accomodation over night; Still ail woro‘in a happy, mood and gladly took anything tlioy could get. The-usual crowd showed itself at tho different h'otola' whoro tho guests witfe ontertalnod- with hops, Thoao Saturday Ovonlng social, events are a great attraction to tho -young men in the cities who only havo that evening forplchsuro and many of thom comb for that alonp. Sat- urday" bvonlni: was delightfully,,cool: com- pared to tho recent hot wavo, and dancing jn consequencb was very: much moro enjoyable to tho multiplied assembly of people,, OCEAN' HOTEL.- ' ' Instead of the usual gorman, onoof tho'bota- blo hops of tho season was given. The largo nnmberof young peoplo who always put up at this houso hovOr fall 'in having- their even - ing pleasures, but Saturday evening, a better time than usual was had by all $10 guests. Tho floor was occupied from early until late by tip) richly costumed httilos and gentloincn in full dress, who presented a pan- orama .which attracted a crowd far. greater than thero was room to acepmodato. Fol- lowing aro a fow of thoso prostopt: Miss Jes- sie Rolin, attired In blackJface ovor pink satlh; MissLlda Ftost, black tullo, red velvet bodlbcjMlas Hogg, blue satin, diamond neck- less; MIbs Bertha Kohu, point laco over blue Batin; Miss Boll Loader, .Valencia loco skirt, bluo; brqeadod . bo<llce; M|3s . Rmma G am p,. lavondpr crbpo‘‘ and tulle;- Miss Atcfecsob, blue, satin, ducboss. lacc;- vMias Bertie Knight, black tullo; Miss .Alton, red vChlna silk nud block hot; Miss Hattie StevonB, ivory aaj,ln, fedora-laco trimmings; Miss Mabel. Ross,'pink surah} Mhm Cecil Snodeker, dotted, tullo ovor iayohdor surah; Mias’May Bloom, whito surah silk and tulle with diamonds; Mies Ida MoDougall, silver gray surah; Miss Small, black dotted tullo; Miss llalo,.black tullo, ollvo surah, gilt trim- mings, docolette;. Mias Joiio-'ilrowtt, .'pink suralj; gilt trimmings; Mra^ LIzz)p Knight,: cream China slllr, with diamonds;. M w Tur- npr, black tullo, jot-trimmings; Mrs. Van^ riper, crp^iji molro silk and laco;'Mrs. Luc^ Ross, bluo China silk, dccolctto; Mlsa JTlel, light blueluUo, pesifl nccklace; Mlas Soy bolt, Groam surah; Mfsa Klttlo Malonoy, cream China silk, natural flowers; IVliss Llz&lo''Ma- loney, soft foam surah, duchcaS; lace; Miss, MoChows, cream lace uud ^diamonds; Mrs; Madgo Frost, Nllo gcccti surah, diamonds; Miss’ Cora Lutz^ prealn-surah, lilies of tho valloy, Misa” Edlth Kowo, applo green surah; Mies West, cream China silk, aud Miss M. oggj pink dotted. tulip. Mcftflrgi^i^L Foster, Taylor, Hamlin, IIarC*¥1 ^ ^ ^ o w ^ Kelley, Browningf Kramor, llbverin. Franks, Tuttle, White, StevonB, Calvert, Flukey, Rivers, Dlauveltj Grelr, FreckJ- Uobinsou, Guorin,'Lawler, and Price. TIIE BRUNSWICK; Tho bop was. If possible,.,. largely at- tended than usual, notwithstanding but foyf other than guests wero present. Tho. cos- tumes wero especially .bright and attractive giving beauty to tho sceno. A fow at tho gathering wore: Aliases Boasle, Kate and Nellie Bower, Miss Fanny Mills, Miss Nugont, tho Mieses Richardson, Miss Daisy Evillo, Miss Stramchp, Nelllo Hull, the Misses Klth- ball, Joseph!no Lauman, Mrs Dodson, Miss Beecher, Miss Heckman, Mias White and Messrs James Smith, Honry W and Clayton W Pierson, William Butter worth, Loon Dod- son, Henry Nugont, P II Nugent, Brower, J j Keating, M Armstrong^, C '.M Horton,~Albbrt. Smith, Cj V Stratton, Joe Ylncont, Georgo W H^ndrick$i Jr, and Chas E Peterson. 1 - WB9T END. The largo balf room and adjoining, parlors woro again requirod to accommodate thp In- creasing number of guests. As aro all the hops at this houso, so was tho Saturday even- ing solrMfa Biiccess in every particular. Prof. Daro acted as master of ceremonies ln his able manner, and all Were delighted with tho entertainment. Among the participants wore: Mr A C Twining and wifOr-Misscs Anfla Thompson, ■Florence VanAntworp, Lulu Barnes, Ell(i Donn, Lillio M Brown, Marclo Henson, Tilllb Nagle, tho Mieses Neektf, Grace Negley, JosopftJno Kingsley, Misses K Hardy, M. Ilardy, E Cox, Sadie Yates, Mieses Dolbear, Blakeley, W atson, ‘ Vilot, Mamio Romlngton, Barnum, Colo, Mary Noe, Florio Watson, Alice Matthews, Miss Ramacctottf, Miss Avory, Prof S W Gibbs, Taulman Miller, Walter Davis, Goo II Bowloy, L do L Cam- mann, . ' ■ - •» SUNSET HALL, Tho amusomont room was filled with tho usual lively Saturday ovonlng company, al- though It was not a rogular full-dress hop. Moat of tho guests like the social informal dapcos better-than the formal affairs, a^was thff case at this hop. Whilo only a fow of thogentlemon werp attired ln full-dress suits, tho costumes of tho ladlea woro as bright arid handaomoas over. Much of tho pleasure at tho gathorings given at this house Is duo to thp efforts of Messrs. narry and John Itooka- follor, tho sons of thp proprietor. COLEMAN, HOUBE. Tilt's iiop was more select than t|^e oth»i ouly those having tlckote could either tako p&rt or look on, but tho 1guests of "'tho houso oojoyed thp occasion all tho moro on this. accbiJht. Tho floor was in flno condition, aud with the enlivening music of the orchea- tra the merry Rancors seemed to glide around the ballroom without an effort. Somo of thoso presont;wbro i ' M1h » Burnham, Mrs Jt E Italph, Mr 'S B Short and wife, Mr Griflln and wlfo, Mr IlOgan and wlfo, Miss Moklbbln, Miss Do Lacy, Miss Nelllo Wqlsh^Mrs Prof A R Walsh, Miss A Mayno, Mr Stearns and wife, Miss L M6Kibbln,:Mr IIB Mllloc, Mr A J .Farman, Mr A J Hardonborgb, Mias J A Biggs,. Miss Colo, M#«.8tevofia and wlfo, Mias 8 Bowman, "^lr C S Gardner. . j.’ rt . • - OltlENTAL. . Tho concort;hpp_at tbo Orlontal for tho benefit of tho \yaitor&fwas a great success, Tho room, was filled with tho guesta of tho hotol at quarter of nlno when tho entertain ment, oonalstliig of a niipstrcl concert given by tho^waiters, commenced. Tho jobos aud songs of tho entertainers wore wPU received by tlio largo audlondo, many of thom being loudly applaudcdf^llio hop was, as usual, bnjoyablp and was mado so largely through the effprts^ of Mr. Harry Folwolli the floor manager. A few of tho guests notlcod woro Mrs. Loyt, ’Mlag Andorfloh, Mlsa .II6ffraan, Miss Francis Myers, Miss Braunan.Miss L 0 W 4 enstPin, Mrsi " Darbyt Miss Franks, Miss prowgpW, Mrs Grot ff/M rs Lep^er, Mias Myor- son, Mrs -Ifiidson, Miss McColgan, Mrs Franks, .Miss Jacobson, andMoesra. Hoffman, Eolwell* Woll, IlonBOhol, Mackoy, Gibson, Mendenhall, Plaut and BrownoUl. AUUON.' ? ^ Tho guests woro trcatod to oho’of tho bost hopa hold at that liiotol this 8011, 800 . Llko the others it was well attended, but alien joyed themselves notwithstanding tlio crowd. ~>The mpslo was imp and the nporgSbdJ' twopf tho nqcopsaries for a ploaBurablodahcp. ; At the Colonnijdo,. Metropolitan, St. James and Grflbd- AvenuPj informal hops woro tho oyonlng’a entertain ment, Thoao guests wlio pnrilcipatod enjoyed tlmmaelvea equally aa.''ihoso at tho fall dress affairs. The Presidential Election. . Tq the Editor <if the jmirnal: . , i It must bo conceded by all thonghtiul pbr- aons that tho noxt Notional plectlon. will bo ono of the moat Important over held In this country.[^'Tho Isshes which aro to bo sottled by It will vory greatly affcct all olaasea.of our peoplo. Not only those who own and coiitrol pur largo manufactories, but thb employes therasolvcB'havp largo interests at stukS-W.Mch aro vital to tholr prbsporlty and thoreforo to thoir iiapplnoss. Wo will bo a sad day to tho vast multitudes of our industrial classes lf,;not porcolvlng that tho necessary effect of free trade Will bo to lowor their wa^es to thb lovol of those,.EHropoan Jahorors,. thoy do not hofcrttly suppprt tho p.a^ty which has secured -tp- them tholr present-cpmfotts and prosperity. Let thom mark well tho dis- astrous effects which free trade Inevitably brings upon thom. Ilavo thoy not prospered boyond all precedent upder tho- bpnoflcent. principles of tho Republican party t Whai othor pooplo under tho 'whole hoayone haveso many reasons Tor gratltudo for abundant Jiary vosts, for comfortable hpmea, and Tor all tho appliances and. moans to. make lif6 happy ?, And to whom bpt to tbo Republican party docs tho country owo Its perpoUiity a3 a na- tion, its deliverance from tho evils \)t seces- sion,, and its delivdranco from tho curse of slavery ?# All honor to those bravo .toon in tho. Deinocratto party, w^o so grand- ly stood op, , and even fought for, tbo preservation of tho Union; yet it Is a matter of history that it was through tho tpy&lty and unwavering devotion of;l*roaldoilfc Lincoln and tlioso who tionored him wiiti tho position he so lllustrlo,ti8ly illl^d^ftt.tho nation came off .victorious In thp uerco struggle for tho/ pr^crvitlon ofIts'very’1115^“ ^ ”^ Nolthqr can it be qncstloned thatto {Semis ^ue tho mfirveloua dovolopment of thoSputh ln all 5h» 'fiiaterial -IntercatB, and indeed tho high and matchless posjtion which America now holds among tho pcaplos of tho earth. AU honor to tho Republican party for its grand record:; for jTatrloriam; for Its unflag- ging devotion to the flag' in tho hour of the country’s need, and for its success In promot- ing ovcry interest which elevates nnd enriches mankind. And in Gon. Harrison tho country ia presented with a candidate for tho P ^ (-v dency who will honor thoao who vote for him by reason of his noble character, his genuine sympathy with all classcs of pooplo, and tils comprehen8ivo grasp of the needs of his .countity. '*...= - ' , w Butjwlmt of tho Prohibitionists ? It is ad- mitted by themselves that thoy aro fhlefly drawnj from tho Ropubllcan' party. -They freely confess that they receive pet ono parti- cle of Sympathy and help from tbo Democratic party,) and thoy know that that party and tbe • whlskoy men are jubilant over tho withdrawal by thom of so manyrfrom the Republican ranks. Thoy aro not Ignorant of tho fatjt that they cannot possibly elect their-; own candidate^ qnd ttiat ovor.y-Cvoto cast-for him la really a' voto to keep in power tho party they freely coudemn. Thoy m ust know that If, by runtUng,a third, candidate thoy thus pbrpetnate^n administration for which thoy can hope frir no help, to thoir cause, it wftl bo very much ftunfer at tho ond of tho noxt four years to offect a change in tho ad- ministration. The writer is in deepest sympathy with the purposes of Prohibition, and/or that very red- tfon la all tho moro soltcltlous tho Prohibi- tionists Bhoillft^learty porcclvo that thoy aro in Imminent danger of keep!ug in power and strengthening tho party which , they consist- ently condemn. They can expcct nothing but opposition from the Democratic^ Party. They cannot olect thoir own capdidato, and pan only defeat tho party which could aid thom in aPcompllshing thoir ends. Does it not thorofore sbem to be tho, dictato of truo wisdom to remain with thoir friends In tho Republican Party, and' exert' all tbblr- influoncp to bring it. to Prohibition ground? Tho Republicans, as a 'mass, aro In favor of "tomporanco, and multitudes of thorn aro a t heart Prohibitionists, so that it woutd certainly seem, that tho way to ultlmato and early buccoss lies in an adheranco to thoir ranks;By so doing they jvould find sympathy and help, and it Is to bo greatly regretted thoy do not tako this course. They tako a serious responsibility upon thomsolves If by not voting tlio Ropubllcan. tlckot noxt jall jthoy only help to perpetuate the- ovil thoy arid wo cohdomn. f Permit another word. Tho multitudes of peoplo who aro coming to Asbnry P art T?aW every reason to bo grateful for tho manly course takon by Mr. Bradloy, In everything relating to this beautiful seaside rcsortv Ho l?lll doubtless meet with opposition Iirhis on- diiavor .to make it what ho would llko it to bo, bpt ho may rost nssured tliat hla pralaoworthy .efforts are fully .appreciated bv^tliose (and thoy are legipn). whoso good ouflbn is \vorth Buying. Fur distant be the ] ^ K f his do- parturo to •' thobPttot land,,f thoro shall be uo moro sea I” May-lio^lo long-to perpetuato tlfyg5od--U}[I^ncoaJicJias-estnb; llBhed i ...... . ■*’ T axpaybu. Musjcale in Aid of the )Lil>rftry. .nurlng tlio winter realdcucQ herp'of Mr, J« E. Morgan, of tho Hotel Brunswick, and his family, thoy have bccomo much Interested Iti tho Buccesstiil -rirogroes of tho Library Associ- ation. Thoy wero usually in attondanco at thp mcotlng, and gavo substantial atd. I t was due to this intoroat1 t|iat Mr. Mor- gan, assiated by tils daughter and a number of guosts; voiuhtcorod to give tho flno enter- tainment In tho Hotol Brunswick rocoptioU room.Friday nlghf, ln.ald of tho Library pund. Tho rendering of thb various parts In tho . program disclosed talent equal to tho boat. In fact, some of tho vocalizing waaTof tho highest order. Tho Misses Richardson^ especially, gave cvldenco of woll-cultlvated volccs. Misses lice, Mannix and tho othors who took part, mot with iearty applauso. 1 T.ho largo iinmbor of guests who Hatonod to tho excellent soiecfions expressed tholr ap- proval by a generous roaponao whon tho col- loctors passed around/ Tho amount ^as not mado known, ns sovoral desired to contribute who could not bo prosont. . • Botween thb first and aocohd parts, Mr. W, ' F. LoRoy, of thp Board of ’trustees, read the following brief afeoount of .‘‘The library As* aoclatlon: Its Organization, ObjeciB, Needs and..Benofits” : * About ton^'years ago, at a meeting of tho Ocean Grovo Literary Soclotyi-hold-at-LaJco VIOW. Hotel, the first Idea waa brbached of a Library Association'that should unite both places Tn its work. Thero were present at that . mooting Mrs. IT. M. Bradley, Mrs. Dr. Kin- morith, Mlsa Einma M. Johnston, Mies Emily At Itlco, Mrs. Mary I*. Beeglp, Mrs. L. F. Le- Choyalier, Mrs. A It. Toland, Mrs. E. A. Martin aud othors, most ot whom aro stliL connected with the organization'. From this little social gathering ^tho Ocoan Grovo ftnd Asbury Park Library Association was atartod, which has grown to bo(,an: insti- tution of about',200 charter moinbers and has .000 ossoclato membors.-. It is organized undor tho laws of tho Stato for tho Encouragemont of iiclucatioti. ••Tho present ofilcora aro Mr. W. I). Penhypackcr, president; .Mr. James A. Bradloy, trcaauror ; Mr. Wm. II. Miles,, sec- rotary,'who, with Meesro. p . II. Wyckoff, Wm. F. LoRoy, Dr, Henry Mjtcholl nnd Mrs, .p . M. Bradley form tho Bo^rd of Directors ipd Trustees. Mrs. II. M. Bradloy until tho prcson^ycar has beon thb adtivo and ofilclent president.. .. . • . . * - * ... Tho objects of tho organization aro to ad- vance education, to foster literary wortj'and to provldo cntertaipmepts that shall Vvo pure and elevating as well as aid in carrying for- ward tho purposos of tho Association. An oxr-. j ccutlvo coqimittoe from tho associate mem- - bers. ia a^ ^eozpporato. with tho trustees in getting up these weokty jncetiugs, whjch aro how held jn Library Ilall. ___ 1 .Tho earlier meetings woro hold In Schopl - Ilatl, and subsequently In Central Hall,which was filled every, Monday evening"with tho permanent residents, from, October to May, ■ftnd.sometlracs was found too small. This, • with tho fact that tho Halt had changcd hands, hastened tho project for orecttng thb now building on tho fino lots at First’and Grand avenues, which Mr. Bradley had boforo donated for that purpose. Four years since the now building was be- gun. Somo money had beon accumulated through tho efforts of tho Association, and,^ _ with somo donations which- had boon .cafi> fully placcd at jntereat, the trustees folt war- ranted ingoing forwan^W d at least complete the outer walls. Tho building,' Ovon as it stands, Is a credit to ao young aftown, and is valued at $12,000 over tlio indebtedness. Among tho liberal (Jpnations mayJoe noticed tho following:. Mrs. U. M.. Bradloy, $050; Mra. E. 8. Itogors, $500; Mrs. Judge Dal- rymplo, $500; Mr. William Mills, $50, with a beautiful memorial window tpGenpralGrapj, by his friend, Mr. Georgo W..Childs. Tho Ladies’ Literary of Ocean Grovo has in hand nearly;, money ^poilgh to put in other win- dows. mpmorial of the poet Longfollow. Tho greatly lu need of'funds to complete the intorlor, both to make it moro comfortablo and to mako it moro pre- sentable to tho hnndrods of strangers who attend tho popular meetings. Thorn is also noedod more books, which may bo donated; or tho money for tho purchase of dosirablo works will be greatly appreciated, and ac- knowledged. . - The.benefits derived are plainly scon in the higher tono of* our peoplo who weekly mingle in their elevating and reflned circle. Literary • attainment pnd culture have greatly increased through their influence, and the moral stand- . Ing ls alSo much advanced, 03 tho greatest care fa exorcised'that onl j tho best and purest literature Is allowed, and- tho lectures and - original- papers arp always by those well - known. , Brlefiy thus have I glvon an outline of this pralsoworthy association, which has .'grown to such largo;proportiona and has proven to bb one of the most valuable adjuncts In uni- fying tho best clemonts of Ocean Grovo and -AshgrYJ’ark society. * Straws. • The»N6wark Etiming a prett^rong- Democratlc nowspapori .novertholoss this Is what it says editorially of. Wednesday’s con-- jvention: . ‘ ■ "/■' ; 1 - : Tho prococdings' df the convention of Re- publican campaign clubs at Aabury Park yesterday was marked with a spirit and on* thnsia8ih that give proralso of’’important rb- suits in tho next three months. Tho fact ia palpablo that the Republicans are organizing thoroughly and aro gotting into Bh^po good aorytCQ for th3 party candidates. T*hat ardent yotjng Eesox man, Henry Mi Doro- mus, wantod-to bo cooksurb that tbo colored brother was to bo' prpporly recognized in tho olub’s organization, and in* his Interest in tholr bohalC,caosbtTa ,stt^v M r/ Dorcmus1 •heartls^jn the.right spot, but the rulos woro against him, and hla Idea gayp eome of the young mon a chanco to talk. Buirtbo result sought was attained. Tho colored btothbr-^” who is so frequently loft out In tho cold- will bony7oll reprcsqtilcd in the councils of tho leaguo. In tho evening thero wore paraifep aud mpetings; Tho Teaneck granger,~Phe|ps, talked .graphically and pointedly land. mad.P tho boys shout. Mr. Cleveland was raked down tho back qnlto vigorously, and Brother Blaiuo hold yp^iy* ,au example of best and ^ghost ^ 1681080^). Aud tho' young man.; Gala NiRlit at Sunset Ilall* Among tho many pleasant entertainments lat Sunset Hall thjg season, provided espeoiat- ly for tho enjoymont of its guests, was the novelty of a Now Jorsoy cake walk, concert and fancy danciji^, glyon :Thursdj»y ovonlng by tho wHftocsof tho Iioaao.* ... ■' A iargo aniF fashiohahlo. audlonco of tho' guests hnd neighboring cottagers was present to witness tho blfthly^ontortatnlng" program. Tho contest tor the cake was; b y '12 couplos,* who ontored heartily into tho8pir|t"of tho oo-t casloU, as with gfacolut. walk aiul gliding step tboy sought to carry^aff the prizo. Tho judges woro Hon. E, A. Mnheiy T?. J. Cowoll, John J. Casa\day and Thomas Goi(fpn,aU reaUlonts of. ^Ibany. • ,Tho succos^f.ui conplo wero Robort Thorn,and Williams. Another cako was presented to the-fcost dancom ^ lni aud liked" i f There was an^ Among thp largo num |jot^of' y isrTora' were Hon, Martin Dolehanty, Mayor Mahar, Thoa. Maguire and Chas. A. ttllls, wltl^ their fapit-, lies. . ' r - ' :V Mr. J.; Tr-'Gaasaway, tho head-waltor aided nmch..ln making the affair pleasant and successful. Tho novel and’ agreeable manner in which tho Mossrs. Rookafoller entertain thoir guests will causo many'ploasant memories whon U10 quests shall havo dopartcd for their hom*os, and thoy all unite ip wishing for them a suc- cessful caroor. * other Bpoboh, by'Sonator, Evarts, and- Senator Mason, ;Of ijHbolfl, wavedJ tho bloody, slilrt. This is-jilt good-enough in its way ; it alt * holps; bht tbe important \j;brk acoonipllshed waa the organization of the clubs into an army bent Upon ft purpoao. ■Tho Domocrats of Now Jersey will, bo bound to do something spoodlly if thoy expect to mebt tho onslaught of theso young men.. You ofton hear of a doctor giving*a maiL up, but it^is not until ho la too weak to roabb 7blB poc*kcthook.( « . .

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MERCHANT TAILOR, - [PDF Document] (3)

Vol. X H I A S B U R Y P A R K , N E W J E R S E Y , A U G U S T 25, 1 8 8 8 . No:* 84.

S f w f M js ld u a l (S a r a ? .

J . A.^V-JIETltICK; M.D. ; - • <H°®o^l>athlo Physician, ami Snrpoon.

• Cor. CpokmariY& Gangs avH.,Anl>ury Park, N. J .• H ours: until 10 a. in., and aftor 4 p. tn ." / .

S. K lN^ON TIl, M -D *. ’■ Corner Grand and Asbnry Avenues, . .

Office Hoars—7 to 0 a.m.,-1 to S pVffi.> fl to 8 p.TO.

T^K. BRUCE 8 . KEATOR', •„ . Ilorooeopathln Physlnlnn arid Surgoop. Graduate of both a c h n o l a . - '

i" .•* C'or. Afibupy avenno and Borgh.stroOt. Houre—Until 9 ai m.j 7 to 9 p. ra. ,, , / , Telephone connections. _ ; —~ r

m . i . a i t t ; , a . m ., p. p . , :

Pnqum atbpathlst, o rM e n la ln c n lo r,; =- 400 BiJWiUl nvoiiHO, Opr. Hook street.

Onito hours 7. to .10, 12 to 3 ,0 to 9. _

p. p a w l e ^ ~ ™ ~ ~ Vj ' • D E H T I G T , • ■ \ |tH6 Things. avo.t[ Anbury ParfyN ,

j j l i . 8 . T. SLOCUM,

h • D1CN I JST, jOffice—2(M Main 8 t.’., opiiosllo Railroad Station,

Gas administered. Aabury I’a rk .N , J ,

■ • A^8. nURTpNrJ). IK S;- (J. HOHTON,- t im : 8.T>URTON BilOTIIERR, . --L> . HoMlitant HonllHl*.COO Cook man avonuo, eom cr Emory St.; Asbury

Park, N. .T. Office H ours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. ira Gas adminlKteml.'-Appolnf,ments mado fry telo-* phono o r by maii ' j

M Trs of “ 80550”—tho new preparation for cleansing and preserving tho Tcoth.

v D E H T X S T ,O.mco r, Cookman avenue, near EirtOfy s tre e t

Mechanical work a specialty. .Difficult oporatfons so licited.-



Attomnya-at-Law, Solicitors «fc Mastors In Chan­cery, Mikado Build Inc, Cookman Av.,

. Asbury Park, N. J .


A ttom ey-atLaw ;' Solicitor, Master In Chancery and Notary Publlo. * '

Special attention given to examination of. Titles, ' ifcc. '• -

. Office tn "Cook’s B uild ing ,' -■ . e- Asbury Park , Now Jersey-

A LFRED D.--BA1LEY, - ' ’Attomoy-ut-Law, Solicitor an d M aster tn

. : . ..U. C hancery 'am l'N otatr P ub llo i--- .*. Spcclal attention g lv o n to collection o f olalnts.

Office in Mikado Building; Asbury Park,


Attomoy-afc-Law, Solicitor, M asterand Exarulnor In Chancery, Notary Public.;

» ■/ Asbnry P ark, N. J .


Attornoy-at-Law and’ Solicitor In Chancery, Address P. O. Box 100-J, Asbury Park , N, jL

Benjiy M. Nbvuis, EnM um i'W iww,Counsel lot*. a,t Law. V Attorney a t Law.,

ftfE V llJS A WII.HON,\ Law Offices,

_________ •'ItKD HANK, N .J .

^ L IC E K. HARRISON, ' - " 7 7

» 303 Third avenue, Asbury Park. TEACHER OF MUSIC— Plano,’Organ and Theory

i jlflA N K V. n O D IN ft' ’ ~ - ”

___ A R C H I T E C T ,’ . . . . MIKADO .BUHJMWl. , ___ ____

P. O. Box 855. ASIIUItYPARK. N ..!,

3 \ I K 3 ' ^ O S A Ia N :E V . l U r i i F ,Y , ■

TEACHER OF PIANO, ASSAM AND THEORY.Foreign and Arnqtlfigin-flngerfngr^ Terms—515 for

30 lessons, payable a t 10th lesson.


O R E S S - iV lA K f E RCIITTIN fl A H W F JT T illr t j r .B r E C I A lf V . .

The a r t of outUng and fittina tanght.COR. BOND STREET ANQ BANGS AVENUE,

. ’ Asbury Park, N. J . '

^ B / J O H N S O N ,

' • p r a c t i c a l W a tc h m a k e r , "Deader tn Fine Watches, Jewelry, SpeotacTos Ac. , W atches and Jowolry ropalred a t City Prices.

Main street, near Oookmnn avenue,• ' ASBURY PARK, N. J .

'GEO. M. BENNETT,HOUSE FAINTINGIn a ll Its brauchefl. Hardwood finishing, Grain­

ing, Calcimlnlng, &e. • - ' Estim ates fumisljed on application.

^ - L. Box ai&J, Ocean Grover,

COOK HOWLAND, Architect & Builder.

Building plans cxccutodand all w orkpromptJy. d o n o : " ■ • .

Offloo in Cook's Building, Main stroet and1 Cookman avenue, Asbury Park.

J O H N W c - 6 ! j T P H E N ;

llacksmith and Hofsesho*r.. Carrlago work In all Its branches.

CARRIAGE PAINTING' AND TRIMMINGr In the finest' stylo o f decorative a rt.

Main street and First avenue,ASBDBY PABK. ’ ' •»,- • •

ADON L1PPINCOTT,.Carpenter & Buildei

• Jobbing In a ll branches promptly, and carofully attendod to. ■

Rosldence^-iOOa F irst aVennet •P. O. Box 283. - ASBURY PARK, N. J.


C O W D Y & P ITC H ER ,C a r r i a g e s , a n d M a n u f a c t u ;

r o r s o f H a r n e s s .ilM>osltorIes—AHlmry Park, Rfi«l Bank

and T<miM Itlvcr. .

DANIEL C. COVERT,No. a7 Pilgrim 1 Pathway, Ocean Grovo, N. J .,

G E N E B A t A G E B T T-----FOIl TUB—**— ^

P o rs h a s a , S a la and Renting o l Real E s ta te .Also Proporty Insu'red. ln flrst-cln#n companies. Impi'Qveioonts raado for non-refildents. Proper­ty eared for, I^oans ncgotlat6<l and Collections mado. Correspondence solleited. P. O. BoxSia6/»

Tents, Awnings, Flags., • Felting 'for boilers ahd steam pipes. -

S. HEM MEN WAV,6 15 Bookman A v e .. Asbury P o rk , H . j .

Sail lofts, GO South S t.. New York City, , / ' /

frv. F S U I T S ,C O N K K E T J O N E H Y , -

W i i t i o f u j l i d n i i f t , F io r ld i* O rn n jfc n , Cn- . tn y v b a n n d M i i Ih ku f l r n p o s , * ! V.

' andxlnxurles oC-raany descriptions, can be found tho new storo o f


• p i j s l t t e s i s i ( S u r d s . .

R O B E R T T.. G R A V A T 'rpKAtKnr* ‘ ' ?

Stovea, Heaters', Ranges,T I N W A R E , * c ? ' . ; '

Cookinaik ay.,.near Bond St., A S B U B X .P A I I K , N . J .



y , ri ^P ^F lrs to laas work a tlo w ratos.^iE l


727 Cookinan Av«< G e n t s ’ . F t i r m s l i m g s .


I^adlos’ dresses dyed In a ll the new est shades. Feathers dyod to all colors. Gentlemen’s cloth­ing cleaned, dyed and prossBd chpial to now.

“ Agent fo r Asbury Park.

. HENRY; DOREN,■’ ‘ " ’{Successor tb G. Wf-Read,)


Suits mado to order gnarahtcod to fit. Cleaning . and Repairing.

- C EO R C E W . LEE , J O B B I N G H O U S E C A R P E N T E R

Hardwood work a specialty: orders promptly attended to and work done In ilrat^class mannor.- , M anufacturer of Btorm' Doora, Window and Door Hcrecns, Orders left a t 1). II. WyokofTs paint storo, o r received by mall, will bo promptly

.attended to.Rcardonco—N, E/Cor. Anbury avonuo and Main

Street: P. OfBox 005, ASUURY PARK, N. J .

A . A T A Y L O R Mason and Builder,

Brlcklaylrig and Plastering In a ll brancheso ' Masonry work.

Jobbing prom ptly attended to.P. O. Box 097. Offleo, 733 Mattison avonuo


Carpenter & Builder.Plans and specifications furnished. Jobbing

promptly attended to . Best of reference given. Residence—First avo., bot Bond and Emory sts.

Shopand Ofilce—Flrst ave. and Main st.P. O. Box 743. ASBURY PARK.

The Old and Reliable Brandr—

Vane, Calvert t Co.Ati Inm enso S t o c i o s H r i i i i ' ’

A ll DesiraMe Shades of Color;N.E; Biieliano|i& Co.

Solo Agents, for State of New Jersey.fl?"p rices low to painters and Consumers,

Liberal arrangem ents m ado with dealers.


G R O C E R I E S ,

WILLIAM BEAMES,Successor to J . Honry Applegate, ■"

full LineofCholce Eioceiies,FliOUK AND FEED. ‘

f a f t s o n A venue,near Bond S tree t,! “ " " A 8 B D O T X » A I4 JS _ ■

M . M. C R O SB IE ,* Suecossor to David.Cartwright,

SE ofeT ar Pap or; Sheathing Papor, Two and

s Throe-ply ItooQng Paper.'j-/.jp. a , i i o k 8 0 2 . A s b n r y P a r k , N . J .

S ANITARYPLIi Wi BIN Gb . c e o w E L L & e a .

Now occupy the new brick building o f J. Hcniy . Applegate, on

M attison .Avenue, neaf B o n d ^ tre e t,

wher^tt}ey_are prepared to estlmato on'all kinds

o f« s m 'iA u lD m » n mTltey do noner other than first-class work, and

all plumbing will be done after tho mpet approved snnltary mothods. 7 ' ,

H o p a lrin o * p r o m p t l y n t t c n d ^ I t o .

H . .^ M A R R Y O T T , 5Contractor and Builder,Estimates fumlshod" for ovon^deflorlptlon of

w ork. Jobbing attpndod to promptly.- Rtikldenue— '

.Cor,-Sewall Ave.. and Emory St. 'Ix>ck Box 710 , A l f t f f f i v P A B K , j f r J „

JO HN IU BBA RD ,P r a c t i c a l H o u s e P a i n t e r ,

AND PA P E R H A N G Elt. '-* '

Rcstdonco.Cor. F ifth avonue and Bond straot,

Look Box 075. ' ASBURY PARK, N .J .

JOSi L. DURRAH,v D P 3 . a < © t e 3 : © r ,

505 T i|jR frA V E N U E .“ 7 ’ Jobbing Proriiptly a ttended to , •


A S B U R Y P A R K , N . JT.-JEfltabllshod 1873. Jobbing promptly atte^ded-

to. ,’Beat o f r o f e r o n Q t } rLi . - - . .d r a c o a n d R o s id e n c t i ,^ •'


g f a l ( B s t n t * ^ f l « n f l « .

F .C . BRAEUTjOiM ,Real Estate and Insurance,

Hotols, Boarding HCusos and C ottagoslo -I^ot, fo r Salo and E x p a n se . Siieoial a tten tion given to draw ing mortgages,'loaaea a n d deeds a t short notice. Ofllco


P. O. Box 17. . N ear Main st., Asbury Park, N. J .

H. B. - BEE OLE,{linto IL^fi. BCeglo&Son) - ■


I K&ia Avenus, Ocean Grovo, K, J ,JDoaris N e g o tia te d a n d L e g a l P a p e ^ D ra w n

II; B. BEEGLE, Notary fablloandCommlBflloner of Dcods for New JefsoyvPonnsylvanlaannd tho Dlstriot of Columbia. -. 1

B argains In Real E sta teLOTS AKD IM PROVED' PfiO Er -

ERTY AT NORTH SPR IN G t AK.M.. Improved property and Lots a t Point Pleasant cheapfor c a sh ., ' . .

LotsatM anhflsaet for •Salo 6 r Exchange. 800. fcot o f Bay front, suitable fo r a wharf. Tho only Bay front ln the m arket fo r salo In th a t vicinity. . Will bo sold cheap.

Lot £5x125 foot on Sixth avenne, noartheocoan,, Asbury park . . “ , ..

If you w ant to biry or renttl any proporty any­where along the coast •. .*

. ^ ’Apply to > R M. WORTHINGTON,Cor. Sewall av. and Emory St., Asbnry Park.

Or W. T. Stobet, Point Pleasant, N. J .W; H. PittTisn, Spring Lake, N. J .

. Real Estate ui Insnrance atASBURY PARK, OCEAN BEAGHt SPRING

LAKE AND NORTH SPRING LAKE. >Persons wishing to 'R on t, Purohaso" Cr Sell a t

tho above places, o r owners having cottagds to ren t for season of 1K8G, and desiring to placo them in my hands, wilt rocolvospecial atten tion . For further particulars or maps, address

E. WltlGIIT, Box 108, Asbury Park.J Cor.Cookman apdSowall Avs.,A. Park,

unices. Q n j{rown'a8tore, North Spring Lako, N. B .—I havo Borne cottages and lots .for Salo

cheap, easy term s; also a num ber o f cottages for ren t. ■ . .


Great, Dyspepsia Cure.i I X I S & 8 T I H K s i x i R K . ,Ajn. Bissett, Doar Slri-^i was afflicted very

mUeh with dyspepsia, bu t sincc I have uRcd yoiir G&stroilyno I experlenoo no ill cffect from a m ost hearty meal, and I t>eltevo I am cured. - • i.

/P. H. WYCKOFF, Now lirunawlck. N . JI

HAKKY Ii^p G D E N , A gen t,21 jfMAliTsTM-


K 5 W E B O O .

Railroad, near 'First' avenue,

Furnishes- Electric Arc and Incandcscont lights a fn n y location.

OFFICER^ iPresident—MYRON S. GOUtD.Vloo Prt^ t-E D M U N D O. HAltRISON, Troastircr-JO UN ROCKAFEld.KR, Seo.’y and Sup’t^G EO . M. LANE.



Myron s rd m ilC C5eo,F.J?roohl, UdmundG. Harrison, “ Joint C, MueMurray, John Rockafollor,-. . (. • Gety, A. Hmook,

Geo, Mi JlianOi .

' When i t Isa woll-kno*frn faot th a t


D yspepsia Pilfewill not only give case, bu t perm anently quro Indigestion.Dyspepsia, or any gastric troub le .1

For Sale by all Druggists,

W E S L E Y HUGGINS,Contfa*gtori Carpenter & Builder

Plana and specifications furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Best of rbferonee given.ltesldonco--1.00, M t pannel Wayi>Ocean Grovo.;:

P. O. Box 70, Aflbury park;, N lJ . ^


' : (Xfi^and aftor Ju ly 1, ‘ 1000, -THA IMS UUY1 ASBVBT PABK . >

F or Now York, Nowark, Elizabeth. Rahway Red. Bank, Long Branoh and Intermedlato sta tions, a t -0,50, 0.10 a. m.t Llo, 5.80, 0.40- p. m. ' . -

Exprosafor Now York, Now ark, Elizabeth and Long Branch, a t 7.45 a. m ,, 2.46,425 p. m.

Limited Express for Elboron, Hollywood, West End, Long Branch and Now York, 830 a . Tn.

For Mat&wan,, 8.45, 0.10 a .m ., 1.10, S.4S,4.25,5.30,0.40 p .m .

For Lonfc Branch, G.50i 7.45, 8.20 (Limited), 8.45, 0.10 a. m ., 1.10/ 2,45,4.25, 5.80, 0.40 p. m.

F or Philadelphia, (Broad St.,)TrentoniPrInccton,' Monmouth Junction,Freehold and Sea Girt,

™ • 7.43,0.41 a. m ., 12.87, 4.00. 5.83 p. m /F o r rhwadolphla, Through Kxprosa, a t 7.20 a . m. For Camden, Burlington, Bordontown and points , on tho Amboy Division, via. Berkeley and

. Toms IUvor, woek days, a t 0.41 a. m.f. 4-40 p. m. , •• ;-

For Cam den,Burlington, and Bordentown, (via. Trenton,) 7.20 a. m ., 12.87, 4.00 p. m. Via. Jdtoesbnrg, 0.41 a . m ., 5.33 p. m.

F or TomB River, Island Heights, an<J Intermedi­ate sta tions, a t 0.41, 0.15, 11,05 a. m ., 4.85,

IC eal I3 s ta t^ C o n v e y a n c e s .I i |a t of conveyuUocs, M oiiniouth County

Clork’o o/Doc?i fo r tho wco*k end ing A ug. 18, " 3 8 8 :; ‘ ■' . ' t 1 ' ■ ‘ "

; . asdurt PAnK. .-.Wm.^H. T u tt to Justus E, Ralph—lots 848 and:

810. $7,500. ; '^Theodore Fields, SherlfT, to R. E<; Drummond,

et al.~ lo t a t Aebury Park. 81,000.! NEPTUNE TOWNBHIP. . • ..Conovor Lefferson to Myron S. Gould—lot a t

West Park. 9700,. - "MIBCBLLANEODb.

David M. C. Pcrrlne to Wm) Burrows—truc t o f land Manalapan township, 8300( - * .

Sarah Newman, by heirs, to Sarah Ana New­man— lot Wall township, $L‘

.^Lew ls H. Brown to Jane A‘, Cook—lot Occan Township, Jioo.

“ ■ ,.Vl ' "

For Point Pleasant, andjnterm ed latesta llons, at'6.55, 0.41, 9.15, 11.05 a. m ., 3.0L 4.35. 4.55, 0.0G,7.00,8.Wp. m. ^ . .

rBAiHs lxavb kbw yobk (via. Doshrossofl ana Cortlandt Sts. ferries) r a n ahboh t tkjxk

A t 8.90, 7.10. *0,10 a. m .,' 12.00 noon, 2,80, *3.10 3.40 (Llmltod), 4.20, 5.00, '7.00 p . m.

TBAifts leavb rniLAnsLPnrA (Broad St.) rp a Asnuav park 1

A t 0.50, a . m.,2.40,8.80, 4.00p. m. Batur-j.uu , O.W . i i . im c l .___, -----w — — t —- —> s - — — - •-days only, 5,00 p. m. Markot St., via,Camden and Trenton—0.20,7.20, 10.80j». mV, 2.30 p. m, Salnrdaya only, 4.80 p . m . * Via.- Jamesbuyg.

■*r .20 a. m-, 4.00 p. m. Via. Toms River and

Mlllstono,township; $2,400.• Barnuol R.,Foruinn cl at: to M artha Parker—20' 42^00 acrcs Mlllstono township. 8100. ■\T n is to esReformed Church, Colts Ncck, to A. C. Snodeker—cemetery plot. 815..

M criljainv. Vatiwlnklo to Lawrence, & Minton -lot,Red Bank. 8 m •Jeremiah E. Sayro to Aaron Morchouso—lot

..tiantio H ighlands.-------j Thomas

Berkeley, 8.80 a.- m ., 4.00 p. t».* J . R. WOOD, aen'lPat*. A gt.

CHAS. E. PUGH. Gen'l Manager. .

tra c ts land, Howell township, $200, c Wm. J . Bailey^ to_Wm. U. llre lira -lo t, Shrows-

Ilcyman—lot near Long


• Time Table,Inoffoot July 1,1888.

Stations In New York—Cogtral-R. R, o f Now JerV sey, foot of Liberty S tre e t; P. R. R., foot of Cortlandt and Desbrosses Streets; N. J . South­ern Railway, foot o f Iteetor S t. v - .

UU.VM H*W TORK »OR ASBUUT PABK, * 0 .Contral R. R. of N. J.-4.0P, 8.1R, 9.80, *11.15 ii. m.,

I.30, *2 80, *3.80,4.00. *4.30, *5.30,0.15 p. in. Pennsylvania—8.80, 7.10, *0.10 a. m., 12.00 m.,

2:80, *3.10, 8.40 (Limited), *4-20, G.00.7.00 p. m, N. J. Southern RAllway-l.OO, *3.45,4.80,5.80p. m: Leave Newark, Broad St. Station, for Asbury

Park, A a —8.25, 0.85, 11.20 a. m., 1.35, 2.40, ^00,4.35, 5,85,4.20 p .m . M arket St. S tation- 8.50, 7,38, 8,38 a t m;, 18.20, 2,57, 8.35,4.44,5.20,7.28 p .m .

„ liavx ASBtrnr pabx ron wxw tobk. Ao.Contral R. R. o f N. J .-0 .15, *7.00,7.25, *8.00, 0.40, r 10.50 a. m., 12.15, 2 00, 4.10,7.15,8.80 p. m. Pennsylvania—0.50, *7.45, 8.20 (Limited),-8.45,9.10

а. m ., 1.10, *2.45, *4iS», 5.80, 0.40 p. ra.N .J . Soulhorn—0.10, *7.55,8.55a. m., 5.25p .m . > For Phlladdlphla and T renton, via. Bound Brook

Route—0.15,7.25,9,10 a.m., 12.15,^.00,4.10 p.m. For Ocean Beach, -Spring Lako and Sea G irt—.

5 55, 0.14, 0.41, 7.20, 7.42. 9.15, 9.41, 10,SOT 11.05,II.20 a. m„ 12.37; 1.00. 2.01j 2.55,3.80, 4.00,4.15,

fTrf;35, 4.40, 4.55, 5.02. 5.20, 5.33, 5.55, 6.00, 0.11, •Wj.M, 7.00,,8.10,8.58, (Saturdays only

'11.10) p. m. ’ y V .For Manasquan and Point Ploasant—5.55, 0.11,* 0.41,; 9.15, 10.2f), 11.05, 11.20 a. m., 1 00, 2.01,

2.55, 8.80, 4.15, 4.35, 4,40, 4.55, 5.02,5,20,5.55jб,00. O.lirO.23, 7.0(i;'7.10, 7.25, 810. 8.58p.m.

For Philadelphia, via. Sea G irt—*7.20, 7.42, 9,41a .m ., 12.87,4.00, *5.S:i p.m .- .

For stations on P. It. lL to Camden and Interme­diate points, 0.4X a .m ., 4.40p. m. F or Toms Itlvcr, 0.41,9.15,11.05 a. in., 4.40, 4.55, 7M p. m.

• -E x p ress. > RUFUS BLODGETT, Supt,II, P. BALDWIN, O. P. A . C. It. Ii. 0/ N . J.

J. IL WOOD;/?#ft*Z P<u. A ot.,? . R.JI.

■ I, 111. IJ. UUIIl.7 , IU « 111bury township, 81,250.. f. S. T. Meyer, to Jno.’Branch, 81,G00/- V . . . . i/Sam o to ‘Edmund Dodge-— lot near Long .Branch, 81,500, •; Heirs of Samuel Cooper, to Tiioa. H, Mount— landv Middletown township, $1.

Thomas H. ilo u n t to the township of MlddTe- towit—same property, R40. * . ’ .■ Eliza- W ells• to Nettlo j . -Wells—lo t a t Free­hold, 82,002. , ' . . • .I' Georgo W. Fa ltirson . J r . to Mary P . Cottrell—2 aorcs. Howell township, 81.CS0.

Frank p. McDermott, Special Master, to Joslah W alker—lot n t Keyport, f 1,000.- Thomas S. Flold to Graco M. E, Church—lo t a t Red Bank, 83,iKK).

Dowltt Farry to Ellya Gale— lot near Long Branch, 8 2 .m •

Thos. Art Cooper to~ M argaret Carlcy—lo t a t Long Branch, gSOO,i Lawrenco B. Lyncti to Rv Percy Bobbins—lo t a t Long Branch. 80,500.

The Highland Beach Association to Augustus W. Crookshank—lot a t IIlKhland Roach. 81,250,

Samo to same—riparian right. 810.Joseph Parrish, M.D., to Wm. Anderson—lots

119,120, Atlantic Highlands. 81,000. .: Ellfts W. ex’s, to Eracilue 8. Taylor

—lo t Middletown township. $3,100.vRulus Ogden to Annlo Conklin—lot a t Keyport.

■ •’ * 'Bennett A. Harvoy to Theodore Aumack—1 60-

.100 aerus, Rarllau township. 8250.Charles A. Bennett, special mnstcr, to Sarah

Simmons et «J.~lot a t Keyport. 8730. v ~■ Elizabeth Britton to Sarah Simmons—undivided. H of lot at Keyport.18:!G5. . - 1

Edgar Ii. Stafford to .Susan A Mbrris—6 42-100 acres, Raritan township, 8160.

Wm. M. Youiig to The 2d Keyport Loan Associa­tion— lot a t Keyport. 8200. v.

Emma Bryno to Bamc->-lol a t ’Koyport 8600. Amlel 1’im per to Wm.. M. Young—lot nt Key-

port. 8110,

- | | r i » T S H O R E B A H iB O A P .

For Saratoga. Lako Georgo, Catsk 111 Mountains and Hudson Itlvcr, Only all-rail Hue. Draw­ing-room cars through w ithout change.

Leave Aslihry Purk o r Ocean Grovo, a t9 .l0d.rn.,1.10 p .m . *

I^javo Long Branch, P- It- K.» a t 0,30 a', m., 1.30 p, ra.- ** ..!

iieavo .New'York, foot o f Jay Stroet, N. R ., a t• 9.40,11.15 a. tn.V 8.25, B.40 p. lhi Leavo Now York, footrWest 42d St.* a t 9.55, 11,80

a.m .,3 .45 , o.oop.pL . ..* ■ ( LLoayo'Jorsoy City, Pen n. R. IL Station, 11^*^-

a. m-, 8.30 p. m.Arrive Kingston (Cataklll Mountains) a t 12.50,

^ 2.20.025,8.83p.m. ; tArrive PWbhecla, 3.50,7.51 p. m. -■**'Arrive Grand Hotel, n t 4.25,8.45 p. m.Arrive CatsklU, a t 1.40, 3.14, 7.08, 0.15 p. m.Arrive Cairo, a t 4.35, 8.00 p. m.Arrivo Mountain House station, a t 4.16,8.00 p. nu Arrive Pnlonvillo, a t 4.20,8.05 p. m.Arrivo Albany, 3.00, 4.40,8.10,10.25 p. m,Arrivo Saratoga, I). & II. Co’s R. I t , a t 4.20, 0.20,:

0.% p. m ., i .10 a. m, -Arrive^’aidwell (Lake George)-D. &4L Go’s R.R.,

at-8.10ip-m. .Arrivo Utica, a t 5.29,7.20 p, m ., 12.45 p. ,nl.

Through ticket^ sold from all stations on N. Y.& L. B. I t * Ur Baggage cheeked through to des­tination. . i

Magnlficont drawing-room ca rs for Saratoga,' Caldwell (Lako George) and CatsklU Mountains, and from Jersey City for Phamecla (IIotel'Kaat- crsklll and Mountain Hquso), and L6ng Branoh to Saratoga. Drawing-room car on 0.10 a. m. train from Asbury Park to Saratoga w ithout change. Dally except Sunday.

Saratoga specials run to anil from Jersey City station of Penn. IL- R .- Saratoga and lAko George specials run via. Albany..

., C. K ’ LAMHKRT, Gen'l r a ft . Agt.5 Vandcrbolt avo., New York.

j p n E E H O L D A N D N E W Y O B K I t* I t*

, . I n e f f e c t J n l y 2 ,1 8 8 8 .

•TRAINS W itt I.SAVB fOB FBBBUOLD AS FOLLOWS: -L e a v e A B b u ry P a r k —7.25, 8.45, 10.50 a , m . , 1.10,

. 4. i s , 5 .3 0 p . m . *. " ■ ;L o d v e L o n g B ra n o h —7.40, 9.06, 11.10 a . m , , 1.30,

4 .45 ,5 .50 p . ra .L e a v e B ra n c h p o r^ —7 .4 3 ,9 08,11.14 a . m . ,d .8 3 ,4.33,

i o a v o L ^ t t le S l lv e r —7 .4 8 ,9 .1 3 ,1 1 . 1 0 a . m . , 1.38,4.387• 6 .58 p . m .

L e a v e R e d B a n k - 7 ,6 3 , 9.18, 1 1 .3 0 a . m „ 1.43, 4.B7, 0 00 p . m . .

L e a v e M ld d le to w n -r-8 ,0 0 , 11.47 a . m .,‘ 1.50, 4.52, 0.14 p . in , . •

LEAVE MATA WAN r o n PRBEHOI.O.0.30,8.11, 9.83 a . m ., 12.10. 2.39; 5 .80,0,30, 7.20 p . m .

LEAVH FKBEUOLD TQB BBD BANK, CTO. .7,10, 0 .00 ,11 .15 a. m ., 2.05, 4.30. 5.50 p . m .

J , E. R A L P H , S u p ’f .

Steamer “ Elberon.”. • NEW YORK. _ f LONG BRANCH.’


Tho Now and Commodious Steam er Elboron,

.. > C a p t < L a u r o n c o Price, . . —will commpnco running between Now York, foot of Franklin street, plor 35, North River, and Rranchport, Tuesday, M ayja-leavhlg Now York dally a t 0 a. m.; loavln^B^anohport dally a t 2.30S, m. (Sundays excepted.) GOod acoommoda-

on forpassopgera., , -FARE, 30 Conts. EXCURSION, 50 Cents. ,

Capt. Lawrenco Prlco commlssIoSPfefilSHjnan W •all kinds of fanriors’ produce. Good accommo­dation for horses and wagonB, Expressman on board. - . , '

, LA D IE S ! :.Do Toiir Qtvn Dyeing, n t Home, w ith

PEER LESS DYESTlioy will dyo everything. Thoy aro bold every Whero. Price lOe. a package—4ft colors, (They equal fi)r .Stroijgthf-BrIrrhtnesarAmount In l ’aokagcs or ffjr-Jrai)trio,HH of Color,,or non-fad- ,jtaK Qualltles^'^rhey do ndt crock o r smut. For «al(Uiy4trTustlug, M. IL, Woolley & Itced, W. B. Chrlstlue,Dhlgglsts,Asbury l’ark ,N . J,


During tho past year a num ber of now connec­tions havo been mado w ith tho sewers.' This haa to some extent lessened the percentage o f cost of maintaining the works. As th e e ro o tjo n o f tho Sower Works w a s ^ o t a m attor of specula­tion, butbecam o a ^ o c s s l ty becauM of the sue- c'dasful andrapld growth of tho tow n,the ownor.’s desire to keep th e ..annual ren t t it tho lowest possible point.

Notice Is hereby given th a t on a ll sowor rents foH888, which will he duo January 1st, 1889, for °p^epaynierit a deduction of 0710 percent, a month w llf ’bo allowed. After the noxt January on

v sower rents duo tho following January a dwluo- tlon of tw o per cont. a m onth will for prepay- tticnt bo alldwed. pp^tho th ird year, for pre-' paymont, throo per cent, a month w ill be1 allowed! and on"C hoT ourth year, for pro-, payment, fouijVpor cent, a month w ill bo aUowed. This practically roduoea tho sowor rent about ono third. I t is of course Impose Bible, to toll, a t . tho present tlihe. lf a .sJUT further discount can bo aUowod on thp fifth or succeoding'yoars, on account of increased nrnn bor of connections, b u t tho owners o f p roperty which la connootod with the -sewer'inay rest assured th a t they wlU reap every advantagd pos-

■ slblo. Owners of tho works only desire, afte£ working oxpenBcs aro paid, In m oderato JuJo^est on the Investment. V O; T.TlA lLiY , •**

J., ' ...• Poe’y Sowor ygo^kfl.Asbury Park, May23d,

r .Thco. a' iviun, ouvmi. Ocoan townahlp. 8:1,000. ..

Thos. H, Leonard to Ella tlO Highlands, 8000.

Wm. R. Maps—lands

Leonard—lot Allan-.

Atjdntic High.............. ...........L. Megill, to . Charles Tt. Mathows—8

1. 83,800.

B u i l d i n g C o n t r a c t s .

FJLBD TO.AND INCI.UPINO & , ^ r» > tw : -■ '■■■ • • vi.-...;. ‘ ... .Ui2370—Hall & Temborton"with Thbodoro West mason work, now honflo d t Long Branoh. $170.2371— Lavlnlft E. Conklin w ith R. and A. W.

Borden—now house a t Mata wan. 81,060.2372—Matilda Morrow with Joseph Roffsoll—

now nouso a t Ocean Orovo. 82,631.2373—Tho Trustoes School District No. 00%

with GoorgcM. Bcnn'olt—painting school houso.9187.60. . ' .

2374—PhilIIppa narrison with D. W. Sexton— now houso a t Asbury Park. $2,010.

2375—Matilda: MorroW witn Warrori llrow n—honse n t Ocean Grovo. $2,700.

I . B . , 8 n n k o y n t O c e a u Q r o v o .

T H E O K R A T S IN O E Il A N D 1 |I 3 S O N G -rO h O W P S M S T E N A N D T E A K S F A L L — A "0I{A N I> E N D fN O O P T H E W O M A N ’S E N C O U ItA fm M E N T M E E T IN G — 8A N K E Y T I IE L IO N T O -P A Y — O H E A T T IM E S A l lE A b . ■■■■ ‘ 1 ’ • '»

-Thero had beon rum ors fioating a round for a day or two th at Mr. Y atm an had a now a t­trac tion to surprlso his g re a t congregations with beforo tho closo o f tho woek.

I t leaked otit th a t tho world-)vIdo fam ous Mr^ Sankey w as coming, an d expectation was equal to a tonlq^sca- breezo In th is torrid: w eather to sed an d h ea r o n c e m oro tho' faith­ful co ad ju to r of tho p opu lar M oody for tho first tim e In Ocean Grovo.

Friday Sfternoon, fresh from th a t School of tho P rophets ’’ a t Northfleld, Mr.-

Saukoy arrived , and belonging to Mr. Y atm an fo r tho tlm o boing, ho atten d ed tho Tem plo T rain ing Class w ithout a ttrac tin g m uch a t­tention. m. '"*'*■ '^Aa soon as bis poworful baritone-Toico wan

heard, however, for, o f courgo hp h ad to sing, tho closed doors and windows wero besieged w ith curious crow ds to sco tbo distinguished strangbr.-

T hey had a be tte r op p o rtu n ity when \tho ovonlng sorvices wore opened in tho A udi­torium . I lo t a s tho ovonlng was, tlio seats wero nearly all filled, and m uch tho largest p a rt o f, the audlonco woro ladles, In tholr ligh test Bummor clothing, b u t evon tho fans ceased to flu tter whon thla prlnco o f gospel slugors touched tho organ, and gave a tender selection, such as he has ofton used tb ca f i the w andering sinner hom*o to G od. ; *

A fter somo carnpst w ords from M rs. Ipsk tp , tho leader o f tho “ Encouragem ont Meet­ing ,” an d tf s tirrin g address from M rs. Ellis, Whoso elocution is equal £ 0 th> largest con­gregations, Mr. Sankoy yloldwl to tho requbst to sing h is. celebrated .plcco. called Tho Ninoty and N ino,”

Ho prorrtced tho singing with a h istory of hla finding tho words while traveling with M r.-M oody In Scotland, and-som o incidents showing how tho song had. beep blbasfed In th a salvation o f souls; * ;

Those- who rem em ber 1im ^“ljo;;8ang this “ gospel of tho 15th chap ter o f L u k o v a s ho calls' It, a t th o^g ieat -dbpot^meeting In Phila­delphia m any years ago, cau perceive very d istinctly th a t his*magnlficont Voice!I*not “as foil an d forcible a s It was In thofio days. Yet thero is, a psithetlc sw eetness in his tonos,' which moro than 'countcr-balancos thp lack1 of vocal enorgy. / . • *

" HallelujahB ’'rgfc^tR lV tho elosp of tho song, whero tho stra in ro lled o u t-in m ajestlo powpp^ ' . . . .

“ Rejolco for f to LoM bringsbaok his own I** U p tljen ^ c r e d a beau tifu l p ray e r fo r tho

women.\vorkorfl, and ..tho succcas o f tholr labors in b ringing soiils to Josus.

P . I I . I t . S u m m e r O fllco .The Pennsylvania Itallroad had iv tem porary

ofllco in tho A ssociation ' building, Qcoan Grove, In chargo o f Mr. F ran k M cConnell, whoro thoao In search o f inform ation In re­g a rd to rou tes o f travel hom ewards, conneor ttona, prlco of tiuketa, s teeping a n d p a tld r ,car bprths and 'seats, &o., can secure all noPbs- ’sa ry polnts.' Mr, MeCbnnolI Is a t M onm outh House, Spring Lako, bach m orning, and afe-tho’ Grovo from 10 to 13 in tho evpnfng. llo wili call a t hotols o r cottagqs In A shury P a rk o r Ocoan Grovfl to obllgo those unablo to v isit” him during b u s in e ss hours.* T ravelers m ay savo half tho bothor by s ta rtin g r igh t, and F ra n k will m ap out their, itinerary; w ith -th o g rea test onso and p leasure, besides sochrlng through tickots and gjVlhg instruction a s to forw arding b a g g a g o ^ ^ v ,

’k 1 paper /lo voted, to y qii I no subjects, pubr llahed iq Coatod, is cpudncted by a m an napiod TVottor. .

S a tu rd c iy K ^ c n ln K S o ir e e s .^ E very houso in town wau-orowdod fiatui^ ’day ovonirig, and m any^ o f tho lato com ers had to ^p u t u p with any th in g th a t could , bo improvised for.their accom odation o v er night; Still ail w o ro ‘in a happy, mood an d g ladly took any th in g tlioy could get. T he-usual crow d showed itse lf a t tho d ifferent h'otola' whoro tho guests witfe ontertalnod- with hops, Thoao Satu rday Ovonlng social, even ts a re a g rea t a ttrac tion to tho -young m en in the c ities who only havo th a t evening forp lchsu ro and m any of thom comb fo r th a t alonp. S a t­urday" bvonlni: w as d e lig h tfu lly ,,c o o l : com ­pared to tho recent hot wavo, and dan c in g jn consequencb was very: much m oro enjoyable to tho m ultiplied assem bly of people,,

OCEAN' HOTEL.- ' 'Instead of the usual gorm an, o n o o f tho 'bota-

blo hops of tho season was given. T he largo n n m b ero f young peoplo w ho alw ays p u t u p a t this houso hovOr fall 'in having- th e ir even­ing pleasures, b u t S a tu rday evening, a better tim e th an usua l was had by all $10 guests. Tho floor was occupied from early until late by tip) rich ly costum ed httilos an d gentloincn in full d ress, who presented a p a n ­o ram a .which a ttrac te d a crow d far. g rea te r than thero was room to acepm odato. Fol­lowing aro a fow o f thoso prostopt: Miss J e s ­sie Rolin, a ttired In b lackJface ovor p ink satlh; M issL lda F to st, b lack tullo, red velvet bodlbcjM las Hogg, blue sa tin , diam ond neck- less; MIbs B ertha Kohu, p o in t laco over blue Batin; Miss Boll L oader, .V alencia loco sk irt, b luo; brqeadod . bo<llce; M|3s . Rm m a G a m p ,. lavondpr crbpo‘‘ and tulle;- Miss Atcfecsob, b lu e, sa tin , ducboss. lacc;- vMias Bertie Knight, black tullo; M iss .A lton , red vChlna s ilk nud block hot; Miss H attie StevonB, ivory aaj,ln, fed o ra-laco trim m ings; Miss Mabel. R o ss ,'p in k surah} Mhm Cecil Snodeker, do tted , tullo ovor iayohdor su rah ; Mias’May Bloom, whito su rah silk and tulle with diam onds; Mies Id a M oDougall, s ilver g ray surah; Miss Sm all, b lack do tted tullo; Miss lla lo ,.b lack tullo, ollvo su rah , g ilt trim ­m ings, docolette ;. Mias Jo iio - 'ilro w tt, .'pink suralj; g ilt trim m ings; Mra^ LIzz)p K night,: cream China slllr, with diam onds;. M w Tur- npr, black tullo, jo t- tr im m in g s ; M rs. V an^ riper, crp^iji m olro silk and laco;'M rs. L u c ^ Ross, bluo C hina silk, dccolctto; Mlsa JTlel, l ig h t blueluUo, pesifl nccklace; Mlas Soy bolt, Groam su rah ; Mfsa K lttlo Malonoy, cream China silk, na tu ra l flowers; IVliss Llz&lo''Ma- loney, soft foam surah , duchcaS; lace; M iss, MoChows, cream la c e uud ^diam onds; M rs; Madgo F rost, Nllo gcccti su rah , d iam onds; Miss’ Cora L u tz^ p rea ln -su rah , lilies o f tho valloy, Misa” Edlth Kowo, applo green su rah ; Mies W est, cream China silk, aud Miss M.

o gg j p ink d o t te d . tulip. M cftflrg i^ i^ L Foster, Taylor, H am lin, IIarC *¥1 ^ ^ ^ o w ^ Kelley, B row ningf Kramor, llbverin . F ranks, T uttle , W hite, StevonB, Calvert, Flukey, Rivers, Dlauveltj Grelr, FreckJ- Uobinsou, Guorin,'Lawler, and Price.

TIIE BRUNSWICK;Tho bop was. If possible,.,. largely a t ­

tended than usual, no tw ithstand ing b u t foyf o th er than guests wero present. T h o . cos­tum es wero especially .bright an d a ttrac tiv e giv ing beau ty to tho sceno. A fow a t tho ga thering w o re : Aliases Boasle, K ate and Nellie Bower, Miss F an n y Mills, M iss Nugont, tho Mieses Richardson, M iss D aisy Evillo, Miss Stram chp, Nelllo Hull, the M isses Klth- ball, Joseph!no L aum an, Mrs Dodson, M iss Beecher, Miss H eckm an, Mias W hite and M essrs Jam es Sm ith, H onry W and C layton W Pierson, W illiam B utte r worth, Loon D od­son, H enry Nugont, P I I N ugent, Brower, J j Keating, M Armstrong^, C '.M H orton,~A lbbrt. Sm ith, Cj V S tra tto n , Jo e Y lncont, Georgo W

H ^ndrick$i J r , a n d Chas E Peterson.1 ’ - WB9T END.

The largo b a lf room an d ad jo in ing , parlors woro again requirod to accom m odate th p In­creasing num ber of guests. As a ro a ll the hops a t th is houso, so w as tho S a tu rday even­ing solrM fa Biiccess in every p articu la r. P rof. Daro acted as m aste r of cerem onies ln his able m anner, and all Were delighted with tho en terta inm ent. Am ong the p a rtic ip an ts wore:

M r A C Tw ining an d wifOr-Misscs Anfla Thom pson, ■ Florence V anA ntw orp, L ulu Barnes, Ell(i D onn, Lillio M Brown, M arclo Henson, Tilllb N agle, tho Mieses Neektf, G race Negley, JosopftJno Kingsley, M isses K H ardy, M. Ila rdy , E Cox, Sadie Y ates, Mieses Dolbear, B lakeley, W atson , ‘ V ilot, M amio Rom lngton, B arnum , Colo, M ary Noe, F lorio W atson, Alice M atthew s, M iss Ram acctottf, Miss Avory, P ro f S W G ibbs, T aulm an M iller, W alter D avis, Goo II Bowloy, L do L Cam- m ann , . ' ■ - • »

SUNSET HALL,Tho am usom ont room was filled w ith tho

usual lively S a tu rday ovonlng com pany, a l­though It was n o t a rogular full-dress hop. Moat of tho guests like the social inform al dapcos better-than the form al affairs, a ^ w a s thff case a t th is hop. Whilo only a fow o f thogen tlem on werp a ttire d ln full-dress suits, th o costum es o f tho ladlea woro as b rig h t arid h andaom oas over. M uch of tho p leasu re a t tho gathorings given a t th is house Is duo to thp efforts o f M essrs. n a r r y and J o h n Itooka- follor, tho sons o f thp proprietor.

COLEMAN, HOUBE.Tilt's iiop was m ore select than t|^e oth»i

ouly those having tlckote could e ith e r tako p&rt o r look on, b u t tho 1 guests of "'tho houso oojoyed thp occasion a ll tho moro on this. accbiJht. Tho floor w as in flno condition, aud with the enlivening m usic of the orchea- t ra the m erry Rancors seem ed to g lide a ro u n d th e ballroom w ithou t a n effort. Somo o f thoso presont;w bro i '

M1h» Burnham , M rs J t E Italph, M r 'S B S h o rt and wife, M r Griflln an d wlfo, M r IlOgan and wlfo, M iss M oklbb ln , Miss Do Lacy, Miss Nelllo W qlsh^M rs Prof A R W alsh, M iss A Mayno, M r S tearns and wife, M iss L M 6Kibbln,:M r I I B Mllloc, Mr A J .Farm an, M r A J H ardonborgb, Mias J A Biggs,. Miss Colo, M#«.8tevofia and wlfo, Mias 8 Bowman,

"^ lr C S G ardner. . j.’ rt . ■• - OltlENTAL.

. Tho concort;hpp_at tbo O rlontal fo r tho benefit of tho \yaitor&fwas a great success, T ho ro o m , was filled w ith tho guesta o f tho hotol a t q u a rte r of nlno when tho en terta in m ent, oonalstliig of a n iipstrc l concert given by tho^waiters, com m enced. Tho jobos aud songs o f tho e n te rta in e rs wore wPU received b y tlio largo audlondo, m any o f thom being loudly a p p la u d c d f^ llio hop was, a s usual, bnjoyablp and was m ado so largely through the effprts^ o f M r. H arry Folwolli the floor m anager. A few of tho g uests notlcod woro M rs. Loyt, ’Mlag Andorfloh, Mlsa .II6ffraan, M iss F rancis M yers, Miss Braunan.M iss L 0W4 enstPin, Mrsi " D arbyt Miss F ranks, M iss prowgpW , M rs Grot ff/M rs Lep^er, Mias Myor- son , M rs -Ifiidson, Miss M cColgan, Mrs Franks, .Miss Jaco b so n , andM oesra. Hoffman, Eolwell* Woll, IlonBOhol, Mackoy, Gibson, M endenhall, P lau t an d BrownoUl.

AUUON.' ? ^Tho guests woro trcatod to oho’ o f tho bost

hopa hold a t th a t liiotol th is 8011,800 . Llko the

others it was well a ttended, b u t a lie n joyed them selves no tw ithstanding tlio crow d. ~>The mpslo w as imp and th e nporgSbdJ' tw o p f tho nqcopsaries for a ploaBurablodahcp. ;

At the Colonnijdo,. Metropolitan, St. James and Grflbd- AvenuPj informal hops woro tho oyonlng’a entertain ment, Thoao guests wlio pnrilcipatod enjoyed tlmmaelvea equally aa.''ihoso at tho fall dress affairs.

T h e P r e s i d e n t i a l E l e c t io n . .Tq the E d itor <if the jm irn a l: . , i

I t m ust bo conceded by all tho n g h tiu l pbr- aons th a t tho noxt N otional plectlon. will bo ono of the m oat Im portan t o v er held In th is country .[ 'Tho Isshes which aro to bo so ttled by It will vory greatly affcct a ll olaasea.of o u r peoplo. N ot only those who own and coiitrol p u r largo m anufactories, b u t thb em ployes therasolvcB'havp largo in terests a t stukS-W.Mch aro vital to tholr p rbsporlty and thoreforo to thoir iiapplnoss. Wo will bo a sad day to tho v ast m ultitudes of o u r industria l classes lf,;not porcolvlng th a t tho necessary effect of free trade Will bo to lowor th e ir wa^es to thb lovol of those,.EHropoan Jahorors,. thoy do not hofcrttly su p p p r t th o p.a^ty which has secu red - tp - them tholr p resen t-cpm fo tts and prosperity . L e t thom m ark well tho d is­astrous effects which f re e tra d e Inevitably brings upon thom . I lav o thoy not prospered boyond all precedent u pder tho- bpnoflcent. principles of tho R epublican party t W hai othor pooplo under tho 'whole hoayone h aveso many reasons Tor g ratltudo fo r a b u n d an t Jiary vosts, for com fortable hpmea, and Tor all tho appliances and. m oans to. m ake lif6 happy ?, A nd to whom b p t to tbo R epublican p a rty docs tho co u n try owo Its perpoUiity a3 a n a­tion, its deliverance from tho evils \ ) t seces­sion,, and its delivdranco from tho cu rse of slavery ?# A ll honor to those bravo .toon in tho . D einocratto p a rty , w ^o so g ran d ­ly stood op , , and even fought for, tbo preservation of tho U n io n ; yet i t Is a m atte r o f h istory th a t i t was through tho tpy&lty and unw avering devotion of;l*roaldoilfc Lincoln and tlioso who tionored him wiiti tho position he so lllustrlo,ti8ly i l l l^ d ^ f t t . th o n a tion cam e off .victorious In th p uerco strugg le for tho/ p r ^ c r v it lo n o f Its 'very’ 1115^“ ^ ” ^

Nolthqr can it be qncstloned t h a t to {Semis ^ u e tho m firveloua dovolopm ent o f th o S p u th ln all 5h» 'fiiaterial -IntercatB, and indeed tho high and m atchless posjtion which A m erica now h olds am ong tho pcaplos of tho earth . AU h o n o r to tho Republican p a rty fo r its g ran d record:; fo r jTatrloriam; for Its unflag­ging devotion to the flag' in th o hour o f the country’s need, and for its success In prom ot­ing ovcry in te rest which elevates nnd enriches m ankind. A nd in Gon. H arrison tho coun try ia presented w ith a can d id a te fo r tho P ^ ( - v dency who will honor thoao w ho vote fo r him by reason o f his noble charac te r, h is g enuine sym pathy w ith all classcs o f pooplo, and tils comprehen8ivo g rasp o f the needs o f his .countity. '*...= - ' , w •

B u tjw lm t of tho P rohib itionists ? I t is a d ­m itted by them selves th a t thoy a ro fhlefly drawnj from tho Ropubllcan ' p a rty . -They freely confess th a t they receive p e t ono p arti­cle of Sym pathy and help from tbo D em ocratic party ,) and thoy know th a t th a t p a rty and tbe • whlskoy m en a re ju b ila n t over tho w ithdraw al by thom of so manyr from the R epublican ranks. Thoy aro not Ignoran t of tho fatjt th a t they cannot possibly e lec t their-; own candidate^ qnd ttia t ovor.y-Cvoto cast-for him la really a ' voto to keep in pow er tho p arty they freely coudem n. Thoy m u st know th a t If, by run tU n g ,a third, cand ida te thoy thus p b rp e tn a te ^ n adm in istration for which thoy can hope frir no help, to thoir cause, it wftl bo very much ftunfer a t tho ond o f tho noxt four years to offect a change in tho a d ­m inistration.

The w riter is in deepest sym pathy w ith the purposes of Prohibition, a n d /o r that very red- tfon la all tho moro so ltcltlous tho P roh ib i­tionists B hoillft^ learty porcclvo th a t thoy aro in Im m inent d an g er o f keep!ug in power and streng then ing tho p arty w hich , they consist­en tly condem n. They can e x p cc t nothing b u t opposition from the Democratic^ Party. They canno t olect thoir ow n capdidato, and p an only d efeat tho p a r ty which could a id thom in aPcompllshing tho ir ends. Does it n o t thorofore sbem to be tho , d ic ta to o f truo wisdom to rem ain with thoir friends In tho Republican Party , a n d ' ex e rt ' a ll tbblr- influoncp to b ring it. to Prohib ition g ro u n d ? Tho Republicans, as a 'mass, aro In favor o f "tomporanco, an d m ultitudes of thorn aro a t heart P rohibitionists, so th a t it woutd certa in ly seem, th a t th o way to ultlm ato and early buccoss lies in an adheranco to thoir r a n k s ;B y so doing they jvould find sym pathy and help, an d it Is to bo g rea tly regretted thoy do n o t tako th is course. They tako a serious responsibility upon thomsolves If by not voting tlio Ropubllcan. tlcko t noxt j a l l jthoy o nly help to perp e tu a te the- ovil thoy arid wo cohdom n. f ■

P erm it ano ther word. Tho m ultitudes of peoplo w ho a ro com ing to Asbnry P a r t T?aW every reason to bo gratefu l for tho m anly course takon by Mr. Bradloy, In everything rela ting to this beautifu l seaside rcsortv Ho l? lll doubtless m eet with opposition I irh is on- diiavor .to m ake it w h a t ho w ould llko i t to bo, b p t ho m ay rost nssured tlia t hla pralaow orthy

.efforts are fully .appreciated bv^tliose (and thoy are legipn). whoso good o u f lb n is \vorth Buying. F u r d is ta n t be the ] ^ K f his do- partu ro to •' th o b P tto t lan d ,,f thoroshall be uo moro sea I” M a y -lio ^ lo long-to perpetuato tlfyg5od--U }[I^ncoaJicJias-estnb; llBhed i ...... . ’ ■*’ T axpaybu.

M u s jc a le in A id o f t h e )Lil>rftry..n u r ln g tlio w inter realdcucQ herp'of Mr, J «

E. M organ, of tho Hotel Brunswick, a n d his fam ily, thoy have bccomo much Interested Iti tho Buccesstiil -rirogroes of tho L ibrary Associ­ation. Thoy wero usually in a ttondanco a t thp mcotlng, and gavo su bstan tia l atd.

I t was due to th is intoroat1 t |ia t Mr. Mor­gan, assiated by tils d a u g h te r and a num ber of guosts; voiuhtcorod to give tho flno e n te r­tain m en t In tho Hotol B runsw ick rocoptioU room .Friday nlghf, ln.ald of tho L ibrary p u n d .

Tho rendering of thb various p a r ts In tho . program disclosed talen t equal to tho boat. In fact, some o f tho vocalizing waaTof tho highest order. Tho Misses Richardson^ especially, gave cvldenco o f woll-cultlvated volccs. Misses lic e , M annix and tho o thors who took p a rt, m ot with i e a r ty applauso. 1

T.ho largo iinm bor of guests who Hatonod to tho excellen t soiecfions expressed th o lr a p ­proval by a generous roaponao whon tho col- loctors passed a ro u n d / T ho a m o u n t ^ a s not m ado known, ns sovoral desired to co n trib u te who could n o t bo prosont.. • Botween thb first and aocohd parts , M r. W , 'F . LoRoy, o f thp Board o f ’tru s tee s , read the following brief afeoount o f .‘‘The l ib r a r y As* aoc la tlon : I ts O rganization , ObjeciB, Needs and..Benofits” : *

A bout ton^'years ago, a t a m eeting o f tho Ocean Grovo L ite ra ry S oclotyi-hold-at-LaJco VIOW. H otel, the first Idea waa b rbached o f a L ibrary A sso c ia tio n 'th a t should u n ite b o th p laces Tn its work. Thero were p resen t a t t h a t . m ooting Mrs. IT. M. Bradley, Mrs. Dr. Kin- m orith , Mlsa E inm a M. Johnston , Mies Em ily A t Itlco, M rs. M ary I*. Beeglp, Mrs. L. F . Le- Choyalier, Mrs. A It. Toland, M rs. E . A. M artin aud othors, m ost o t whom aro s tliL connected with the organization'.

From th is little social ga thering tho Ocoan Grovo ftnd A sbury Park L ibrary A ssociation was atartod, which has grown to bo(,an: insti­tu tio n of ab o u t',200 charte r m oinbers and has

.000 ossoclato m em bors.-. I t is organized undor tho laws of tho S tato for tho E ncouragem ont of iiclucatioti. •• Tho p resen t ofilcora a ro M r. W . I). Penhypackcr, p re s id e n t; .Mr. J a m e s A.Bradloy, trcaauror ; Mr. W m . II. Miles,, sec- ro ta ry ,'w h o , w ith Meesro. p . II. Wyckoff, Wm. F. LoRoy, Dr, H enry M jtcholl nnd Mrs,

. p . M. Bradley form tho Bo^rd of D irectors i p d T ru stees . M rs. II. M. Bradloy u n til tho p rcson^ycar has beon thb adtivo an d ofilclent president.. .. .• . . * - * ...

Tho o b jects o f tho organization aro to a d ­vance education, to foster lite ra ry w o r t j 'a n d to provldo cnterta ipm epts th a t shall Vvo p u re and elevating as well as aid in ca rry in g for­ward tho purposos of tho Association. A n oxr-. j ccutlvo coqim ittoe from tho associate mem - - bers. ia a^ eozpporato. w ith tho trustees in getting u p these weokty jn ce tiu g s ,whjch aro how held j n L ibrary Ila ll. ___1 .Tho earlier m eetings woro hold In Schopl - Ila tl, and subsequently In C entral Hall,w hich was filled every, M onday evening"w ith tho perm anen t residents, from, O ctober to May, ■ftnd.sometlracs was found too sm all. This, • with tho f a c t th a t tho Halt h ad changcd hands, hastened tho p ro jec t for orecttng thb now building on tho fino lo ts a t F i r s t ’and G rand avenues, which Mr. Bradley had boforo donated for th a t purpose. •

F o u r years since the now build ing was be­gun. Som o m oney had beon accum ulated through tho efforts of tho A ssociation, and,^ _ with somo donations which- had boon .cafi> fully placcd a t jn te rea t, t h e trustees folt w ar­ran ted in g o in g f o rw a n ^ W d a t least com plete th e o u ter walls. Tho building,' Ovon a s i t s tan d s , Is a c red it to ao young aftown, and is valued a t $12,000 over tlio indebtedness.

Am ong tho liberal (Jpnations m ay Joe noticed tho fo llow ing: . M rs. U . M.. Bradloy, $050; Mra. E . 8. Itogors, $500; Mrs. Ju d g e Dal- rymplo, $500; Mr. W illiam Mills, $50, w ith a beautifu l m em orial window tp G en p ra lG rap j, by his friend, Mr. Georgo W ..C hilds. Tho Ladies’ L iterary of Ocean Grovo has in hand nearly;, money ^p o ilg h to p u t in o th er w in­dows. m pmorial of the poe t Longfollow.

Tho A greatly lu need o f 'fu n d s to com plete the intorlor, both to m ake it moro com fortablo and to mako i t moro p re ­sen tab le to tho hnndrods o f s tran g e rs who a tten d tho p o p u lar m eetings. Thorn is also noedod more books, which may bo donated; or tho m oney fo r tho purchase of dosirablo works will be g reatly appreciated , a n d a c ­knowledged. . • • -

The.benefits derived are p lain ly scon in the higher tono of* o u r peoplo who weekly mingle in th eir elevating a n d reflned circle. L ite ra ry • a tta in m en t pnd cu ltu re have g reatly increased through their influence, and the m oral s tan d - . Ing ls alSo m uch advanced, 03 tho g reatest ca re fa exorcised 'that onl j tho b est a n d pu rest lite ra tu re Is allowed, and- tho lec tu res and - original- papers a rp alw ays b y those well - known. ,

Brlefiy thus have I glvon an outline o f th is pralsow orthy association, which has .'grown to such largo;proportiona and has proven to bb one of the m ost valuable ad ju n c ts In uni­fying tho best clem onts of Ocean Grovo and

-A shgrY J’a rk society. • ■

* S tr a w s . •The»N6wark E tim ing a p r e t t ^ r o n g -

D em ocratlc nowspapori .novertholoss th is Is w hat i t says ed itorially o f . W ednesday’s con--

jven tio n : . ‘ ■ ‘ "/■' ; 1 - :Tho prococdings' d f the convention o f Re­

publican cam paign clubs a t Aabury P a rk yesterday w as m arked w ith a sp ir i t a n d on* thnsia8ih th a t g ive proralso o f ’’im p o rtan t rb- su its in tho nex t three m onths. Tho fa c t ia palpablo th a t the R epublicans a re o rganizing thoroughly and aro g o ttin g in to Bh^po to .d o good aorytCQ for th3 party cand idates. T*hat a rd en t yotjng Eesox m an, H enry Mi Doro- m us, wantod-to bo cooksurb th a t tbo colored b ro th er w as to b o ' prpporly recognized in tho olub’s organization , and in* h is In te res t in tholr bohalC ,caosbtTa ,s t t^ v M r/ D orcm us1 •heartls^jn the.righ t sp o t, b u t the ru lo s woro ag a in st h im , an d hla Idea gayp eom e o f the young m on a chanco t o ta lk . Buirtbo resu lt sought was a tta ined . Tho colored b to th b r -^ ” who is so frequently loft o u t In tho c o ld - will b o ny7oll reprcsqtilcd in the councils o f tho leaguo. In tho evening thero wore paraifep au d m petings; Tho Teaneck granger,~Phe|ps, talked .graphically and pointedly la n d . mad.P tho boys shou t. Mr. Cleveland w as raked dow n tho back qn lto vigorously, and B ro ther Blaiuo hold yp^iy* ,a u exam ple o f b est and ^ g h o s t ^ 1681080^ ) . Aud tho' young man.;

G a la N iR lit a t S u n s e t I la ll*Am ong tho m any p leasan t en terta inm en ts

lat S unse t H all thjg season, provided espeoiat- ly fo r tho enjoym ont of its guests, w as the novelty o f a Now Jorsoy cake walk, concert and fancy danciji^ , glyon :Thursdj»y ovonlng by tho wHftocsof tho Iioaao.* ... •■ ' A iargo an iF fashiohahlo. audlonco o f tho' guests hnd neighboring co ttag ers w as present to w itness tho blfthly^ontortatnlng" program.Tho c o n te s t to r the cake w a s ; b y '12 couplos,* who ontored heartily in to tho8p ir |t"o f tho oo-t casloU, as w ith g facolut. walk aiul gliding step tboy sought to carry^aff the prizo. Tho judges woro Hon. E, A. Mnheiy T?. J . Cowoll, John J . Casa\day and Thom as Goi(fpn,aU reaUlonts of. ^ Ib an y . • ,Tho succos^f.ui conplo wero Robort T h o rn ,a n d W illiams. A nothercako was presented to the-fcost dancom ^ lni a ud liked" i f T here w as an^

A m ong thp largo n u m |jo t^o f ' y isrTora' were Hon, M artin Dolehanty, M ayor M ahar, Thoa. M aguire and Chas. A. ttllls , wltl^ th e ir fapit-, lies. . ' r - ' :V

M r. J.; T r-'G aasaw ay , tho head-w altor aided nmch..ln m aking the affair p leasant and successful.

Tho novel a n d ’ agreeable m anner in which tho Mossrs. Rookafoller en te rta in thoir guests will causo m any 'p loasan t m em ories whon U10 qu ests shall havo dopartcd for th e ir hom*os, and thoy all un ite ip w ishing fo r them a su c ­cessfu l caroor. *

o th er Bpoboh, by'Sonator, Evarts, and- S enato r M ason, ;Of ijHbolfl, w avedJ tho bloody, slilrt. T his is- jilt good-enough in i t s way ; i t alt * h o lp s; b h t tbe im p o rtan t \j;brk acoonipllshed waa the organization of the c lubs in to an arm y b en t Upon ft purpoao. ■ Tho D om ocrats of Now Jersey will, bo bound to d o som ething spoodlly if thoy expect to mebt tho onslaught of theso young men..

You ofton hear of a doctor giving*a maiL up, but it^is not until ho la too weak to roabb 7blB poc*kcthook.( « . .

MERCHANT TAILOR, - [PDF Document] (4)

* ............

~i ; V . I ' ■■-iiT.rv

„ . f ;J.i, . -/ ASBURY PARK JOtRKAL, SATURDAY, AUGUST- 25, 1888■ - i



i. K- WAtLAo*. ‘ . » • 4. y^corrm .A 718 MATTISON AVENUE, ’ •- 0R1IQU Dtbu ytuj ICDJtrV.

J ln iered w xecopd^lassm nttrrtftthe Asbury~P£irfc ' .Post Office, February 7,'iSSS.

TERM* OF SUBSCRIPJlOM.- 1 y e a r,In advanco ,................... ........ . . . . » 6 0

0 m onths, in .advance,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ 7«8 m o n th s ,in a d v a n c e . .. . . . ......... ................> 40

Singlecopies,,.y . 'a-.iii. ............ . 8

TO CORRESPONDENTS.JYe shall bo g lad to recelvb item s ofnew B and

oomnrivnleatlona on tjubjoato oM nterpat t o t.HW comm unity. ; * ■:

l a writing a rticles in tended fo r publication, o u r friends w ill please b e a r in m ind th a t a sheet w ritten on b o th sides has to boeopled beforo ko- in* to tho p rin ter—a labor w e can n o t unuortako.

All com m unications should bo aoconipaniod by the fu ll nam e and address o f th e w riter, notnecessarily fo r publication’b u t as a guarantee ofgood, faith.. ' ‘ -------- J” **“nottcpd,

ui |iuuiw auuu uuu »o’ Anonym ous le tte rs w ill n o t be

W e canno t re tu rn rejected communications, b u t will hold them fo r a lim ited tim e if requested to . •'

AU lotters Intended fo r th e editorial o r nows departm ent should be addressed to the

, E ditor o f T ub J oObnai. and R bpubuo^Hi * A sbnry P ark . Now Jersey. •*

. Republican Nominations.. —^ ----V’, .; - \ .

For President of the U hited States,

BENJAMIN H'ARRISO>T'' ^ j ; ' . • Qf In d ia n a . < »

F o r .V ic e -P re s id e n t,

L E V I P.- M ORTO'n ,t ^ b f ^ e w y o r k i .


S P E C I A L N O T IC E .

O n t i i e . l a b e l o f e a c h p a p e r w lU b e f o n n d i h e d a t e o f « * p ( r n t l o n o f f t h e j i r i b n c r lp t io n . I f t b t i d a t e i s w r o n g p l« M O n o t i f y , n u a t o n c e * i f y o u a r e i n n r r e a m p l e a s e r e m i t a t o n c e .

- W h a t tf t 'e I n f l u e n c e ?

I f . t h e im p o r ta n c e o f t h e m o v e m e n t t h a t o u im in a te d in t h e . g r e a t '1 m e e t in g h e re l a s t w e e k h a s a n y s ig n if ic fy ic e , th e r e is Jo b o a ; to im ig g o v e r o f p o l it ic a l e le­m e n ts i n N o w Je irse y s u c h b e e n .s in c e t h e m e m o ra b le c a m p a ig n o ! G on '.,,G ran t.

— W e believe the influences now ut work are even greater and more impor- tan t in the ir consequences than a t that timo,.whon the country was yet strug-

gling under its load of debt, and rehabil jtation was going on. Then, i t was who should bo suprem e in handling the reins of government, they who had tried to de­stroy it,* or they who had so dearly earned the rig h t to cranage our. national

• affairs, There was then litfcjto doubt as to the results, as ? the yteo^le "were no t in the hum or to yieltLjone Incji of their righ ts to the dictation of sou thorn fire- eaters.” . \

, To-day the queqfciqns a t issue are not t so palpable and easily understood by the

masses. T lie^ do not, look closely into causes and^ff^cts'; ^e jsrdanno i so clear­ly see that the free importation of for­eign products is death to home - produc-

'tion, and consequently falls on the labor _ e le m en to f 1 th is country, c ru sh in g ' i t

JB isliop T a y lo r a t O c e a u G ro v o .MISSION ART SUNDAY* A' GREAT SUCCESS—DJ8 -


qUElilNO GOBI'KL—-GUEAT BBBMON HY A EURA8IAN p.- D.—MONEf POURED OUT I.IKB WATER—8UHP AND, TWILIGHT SHUVIOBO— rOliiTJOB IN i .'Util# JUllltH ULABS—T1U8 M!8U0I,r Q'p APniCA rBKAt®£S ON nBATUBNl)0>J— (DAMP JJ0MMEN0B3 if tlS E V E N I N G . -Things have tu rn ed o u t p retty m uoh as S at­

u rd ay ’s JoOTNALjforccastcd^.in reg ard to the ■gabb'fitti'cnd its afarabilve^.servlcos a t Ocean Grove. Tho preparato ry work of tho W . F . M. Society kept u p a h igh degree o f In terest d u rin g tho previous day an d en d ed , w ith a densely crow ded M issionary lovo feas t on S atu rday evening, w hen sorae~ol th o sw arthy d augh ters of th d la .m in g led w ith, th e fa ir d o t v o tee so f C hristian zeal from A m erican Poml- narlos an d t ra in in g fechools in burnfng tostl*; m ony as to ih e lr horltago of h o n e ^a n d J o y in \ybfkiag fo r th o spre&d of tho goapol am oag tho i)6fitghto^ millions of tho Oriont. -

The hoped-for co ld wave, i f It d id n o t quite. . , ____01 urou»u»,-uycu povuiai ciiuiwreach tho ooftst, cams, noof , » a pany o f rcornlta for sorvloo Induco a sensible change in tbo atmoBph^ron

down to a level w ith foreign pauper la­bor. ' / ^ ^

The intricacy of the. question and the sophistry of the argum ent that free trade will lessen their expenses, while plausible in its face, yet is the m ore dan­gerous, bfioanse many__will be satisfied with' such statem ents and no t consider tho question in dll i ts ’bearings.

I t is this that makes the present cam- paigH'tnost im portant, n n d gives to .tho movements of the New Jersey League aud its club branches such unmistakable interest. The, concentration of all tho clubs in Asbnry Park was b u t tho be­ginning of a revolution tha t shall sweep over the State and rank New Jersey in the Republican column, where by her patriotism an d comnjprcial importance

'ITiQrigiit^uUyTbelonga. „

T h e F o l l y Q f I t . —W e confess to have had sqme-^yinpa-

thy with ou t /m erchants when tliey «(aa .. they often havo done) parted. with ,thoir

. goods w ithout an equivalent in monoy, and 'no p jospect of ever .rcGoyering the debt. , ’ . V • * >. •

On tlio otlier hand we are now free to confess , that our sym pathy-w as mis­placed. W o.db ^4^ so commisfer-^ ate w ith losers as we feel ashamod tlia^ on? business m en will allow a certain lot- o fd . b ’.sjbo come here year after year and swindle them of their, hard-eomed

. profits. ./ ■ I t i l l comes of an overweaning desire

to sell goods,rand make a big^ehow of business. I t is n wrOffg- pjinciplo and one that sooner o r later ^will'Work detri­m ent to th e trade of th e p laces F a r bet­te r the goods were on. th e ir shelves, and more preferable had they been 1 given in charities or dum ped in to the sea, tb&n„to alloTg rinprincipled persons th e privilege

. Of, m aking dupes of our merchants year . afteryetfr. :•., , ••• '. :*

J Such transactions are un just to those of their customers th a t do pay tho cash. They no t only suffer by an unequal con­test in catering to the publib in competi­tion w itlr irresponsible persons who do nd t pay, b u t i t is fair to presum e that

j .cash buyers m ust make u p the deficien­cies of :bad customers by paying larger m argins than if all pa id equality. So -the m erchant who reoklossly^ trusts

.' o u t hifl gooda damages himself as well as b is best customers.

arid m ake the S abbath tem peratu re ja & r igh t for general enjoym ent. The cloudy m orning was succeeded by a bright, b eau tifu l dajv w ith breeze enpugh-to ;8U m ulato tho.ehorglea of those who s ta rted o u t to a tten d every m oot­ing appo in ted for th e d a? . ’

. Firsts therb tvere ab o u t 9,000 packed In tho Y. P . Temple, ant* 500 outaido d u rin g devo- tlonaj hour th e re / T he retu rn ed m issionaries •.were gtyen op p o rtu n ity In '* jfrs . Palm er’s tneotlng to address th e people once more, ah d thoy all show ed them selves' to be w in­n ing speakers, even Mra. D r, O sborn, tv n a ­tive E a s t Indian , whoso pa thos ' ap d sim pllo- Ity, un ited with g rea t dignity , stirred all hear& T>Ttho story of h e r convorplon, w ith th a t of her e loauent hneband, 18 years ago, undor tho m inistry o f W m; Taylor, now b ish ­op,- who; .was present a t tbo m ootings, all day

.yesterday, ' _ r -: A t j h e A udliorlnm tho rush for soata ex­ceeded any th ing so far ' th is Reason. The pub* llo services V eto commonoed fifteen m inutes boforo tlio appoin ted hour ho as to u tilize tim e. . M issionary hym ns w ere g rand ly iteng , an d tho opening p ray e r o f Bishop T ay lo r was one o f , tho m ost un ique th in g s of tho k in d preachers o r p e o p lch ad ever partic ip a ted in. I t was a runn ing paraphraso of- tb ^ t sublim e .ep ltom oof dov.otlon k n o w n 1 as the ‘‘ L ord’s Prayer. _ ' ^

F rom thQ3flrst sentence, F a th er,” hoamplified each ascrip tion and p e titio n w ith d irec t reference to the^elrcum stancos ol the congregation and o f the g rea t “ M issionary day*’ with its ap p ro p ria te sen tim en ts o f Talth ahd supplication , com prehending tho wldo world In ita sweep of sympathy.

8 0 in .reading tho S crip tu re losson. N ot once d id W glance;at...tbo pago of tho open lilblo.beforo him", b u t'rec lted ,'a Psalm ah d a cbaptor o f th 6 Now T estam ont w ith such freo-" do m 'o f ac tio n , n 'aturainesa of Vo|co an d gest- tu rc , and cdriitftents Vnteijected boro au 4 - thero, a s to m ake tbo w ords leap o u t ig to liv ing p ictures, a n d the people to rosp o n d with a surprised satisfaction a s If tb§ ol£ fam iliar s to ry was a n entirely new revelation .

T he serm on by D r. D en n la O sburn was from tbo th ird verso of tho 118th Psalm : “ T h y 'p e o p le shall bo w illing In tbo day of thy pow er."

Ho characterized th e psalm as M essiah’s co ronation song, a u d d w elt on tw o po in ts de- duolblo from his tex t— 14 The day and tho d t^y i’.’ o r the opportun ity and responsib ility Of the CburCh^to ex ten d tho know ledge of God I In every n a tio n , 'u n ti l the globe Itself should bo girdled w ith salvation , a n d / tb o s tan d a rd of-tho cross should wave trlumph- an tly i^ 'overy cUmo u nder heaven. • V : j_• ThtT bask et co llec tio n 1 .w hich ; followed am oun ted to $580, Increased by co n tribu tions du rin g the. a fternoon a t the Bible c lass and A uditorium m eeting to lietwcen $1,000 and $1,200

This, tho ladies’ aux iliary b ranch a t Ocean G rove, coniVder 'a Buccess, an d - are

-"consequently^^juBilant^over th e re su lt.T h e afternoon speakers wero Dr. Osborho,

Bishop T a ilo r , Miss F an n ie Sparks an d Miss T hoburn , w ith songs from E rnest, son of tho- oloquont m issionary preacher, Dr., Os­borne. 1 ,

A t 0 r . j i . a Inonstor m eeting was hold a t the surf, a t wjnch Uev’s.’_A. J . Gregory, 11.. S ^J)o B o ^i< f|5 c . L lppincott, I . Sim m ons and othe^TIeUvered^brJ.e^and. e a i ^ s t addresses.

Rov. C. IL Tf^tmaiiV \Vho, In addition (6 the daily m orning m eetings and tra in in g class ex ercises. Is appoin ted to conduot th e tw i­l ig h t m eetings, en tered upon his, work yester­day evening nt-0.30 w ith tho Tem ple crowded, an il a inOst rovivm g ro u n d of exercises, to which young a n d o ld gave absorbing, atten-

•tlon.1- . ' • • • ’ '■'* „ ' ' ' 'F o r th is series o f ' tw ilight f m eetings ho

has p repared aud prin ted a n arriangerncnt of . “ Fifteen G reat C hapters ” as tho them e^ of successive ev^iiflgs and bis observations on tholr Im port, w ith d fro c tap p llca tlo n to Chris­t ia n bollevers, an d especially to tho <u«8aved,

-will moat likely result; In a largo accession pf. Souls to. th e “ sacram en tal arm y ,” , Somo werefcaved at" the.m orningm eeting and o thers a t tbo. first tw ilight service las t cveuinjr.

vTbo ovenlng‘ congregation wa^ beyond all precedent. T h a i h undreds wero con ten t to Btirod fo r tw o hours in d ica te s a moro than o rd inary in terest In tlio plain, sturdy , g re a t­hearted m an w ho, in h is p e cu lia rly 'q u ain t and incisive way, ta lk s a sim ple sav ing gospol, which even akeptlcb can n o t w ithstand. ~j Bishop T a y lo rread as his tox t. Rom a/is^ 2 14,15, which describes tho a c tu a l ‘condition of tho heathen world and 'all uhroponorato

-mon, lip proposed to show tho rela tion of the’ h e a th e n 'to God with- the m u tu a l .re la ­tions ex isting between, the h eathen aud C hristian world. Ho held th a t G od had re- vealcd H im self arid w ritten his law> on their hearts, quqtthg tho 19th Ps&!m a s indicating tho modo of Instruction. •

God’s schoo l,-lie sa id , had been in oper- atlon , w ithout a vacatipn of tvvoweokaor two h ours (o r Q,600 years. XI uder iho D ivine p lan o f-rcd eo m iag g race o n q -h alf 'o f the teem ing m illions o f China; J a p an , ACrfca and In d ia d le rin In fancy , and a re theroforo saved for­ever, bolhg In a justified state.. How- a ch ild falls Into sin ho illu stra ted by a fam ilia r s to ry ; a lso the way a s in n er "gets b ack in to adiusted^rolatloQ e w ith .God’, and s ix d ifferent lapguages tho happy cry of a newly converted soul.

Tbo- Bldhop whon a b o u t to s top was urged to.*‘ g o o n ,” an d thertT eat a n il stood 0*000 pooplo,’sm iling a t h is sallies of wjt^WoopIng u n d e r h is pathos.and shouting frequently , u n ­til ho finally c losed th e b ig Blblo wUh a bang and"sat dow n, n ea r lo o ’clock,■ T he g rea t eat^p-m eeting begins to-day, w ith- a -prayer, a n d sacram en ta l- eelebratlon to-night, a t which" a b o u t ono1 hundred m inis­ters , will bo -^re^entf to'SfeVve'tho bread and wine. . - -<

I n the absen co ^ f any better “ argu­m ent ” our I)emooratic friends are m an­ufacturing and / circnlating weird stbries of R epublican iactional q uanel^ in this State and iu New York. ; T he trick is top. old to work. ~

A C e le s t i a l R o c k e t . i ■’ A fow m inutes a fto r r tn Sunday n ight ab ijll- . lian t niQteor w a a eeeii to p ass tmdernOath’ the <m.oon, jfollqwed by. a tra il o f crim son flame. I t s course w as from e ast to so u th west. Had.

.th o n ig h t b een d a rk iFw ould h ave brlghtoned. th e southern sky.' I t was pcar-shapod, and fo r th e size o f i t ,was o f g rea te r lum inosity th an the m oon. Passing &lo cloS b 'to the lat- t e r ’s t^lreot ray s d id n o t d im inish its brll- ilauce In th e least.. ^Tbo Blgbr- was ono S e l­dom w itnessed o n so c lea r a n ig h t.


C a m p M e e t i n g - F i r s t D a y .OOEAN OllOVB A SPIRITUAL HATTLBFIBL1)—


'M ^ tid a y a t Ooean Grovo w a rm o ro a p rS r Indo o r p rep ara tio n for tho annual cam p- m eeting tbaft o f praotlcal ro u tin e .- Ifc was a tlm o o f counsel, p r a y e r / an d m ighty oxhortar t|0n,; in view of the eventfu l ton days on w hich the peop le bavo ontered fo r exclaelve religious devotions.- ..

T h e e xhaustive labors o f 1 la s t B abbath bad no peroeptlblo effect on1 M pnday m orning’s zoal. • T he s o n g s o f «the Tomplo w e re .. as ohoory a s bvfir^ a n d tho m issionary lad les a re rejo icing o ver; the Bual to ta l o f-ibo lr collec­tions. T he h ighest guess only touohed $ltsdo^ b u t the a c tu a l footing u p show ed ft sot Id cari'- trib u tib n to th e cred it o f the Ocequ Grove b ran ch o f $1,485, f - This w ill educate a num ber o f orphans, open povoral p tatidhs, an d equip.

A l i b e r a l O ffe r. , \ ■• .I t is ro'ported that? M iss K ato W yatt, who. has.beon a resident an d ho tel m anS ger In As­bury P a rk f o rm a lly yfearj?, and haa shown her ab ility since assum ing charge o f the Saint Jam eav’ rocoiyod a n pffer from M f^ .F ra n k .Thomson, G eM fral-M anager of tho P cnpsyl- y an ia Railroad, som etim e a fte r the death of his wife, to take charge o f his handsom o city residence a n d fam ily !o'f children, a t a yearly, ealary o f $1,200. Mlsa W yatt’s fam e is-not confined to"Asbury F arb . She- is woll-known

jn 'F lo r id a ; as well a s several othor .States, a s a carefu l, an d thorbnglpily buslngss-like wo- m aui born to com m and, y e t easy to bo obey-. 0d, and^wlth a cheerful, iho thorl^w ay ab o u t h er thatvm akea .h o j y o u r ftlend la 'bait a dozen w ords. ‘ . \

Soldiers from Camp G ^ e ri\t Sea Girt run over to Aabu0 Park iu good numberai •' .

‘ » j , •' *'•" r . p •.

tbe;fo re lgn field.T he first d irec t n o te o f p rop ata tlo n for

cam p-m cctlng. w a s th e special p ray e r m eet­ing held a t the A ud ito rium a t 10.00 a . m., led by th e president. Tho .occaBlon callod -out a b o s t o f the *‘o ld rellab le ’l camjpalgn^rs, w ho seem ed to havo ^glrdod the a rm o r on " and were read y for the sp iritual fA y.. Tfce figurative allUsjons o f St. 'P aul In re­g a rd t o a .good fight 'of fa ith , en tered largely in to these exerpisfta; fcand 'm e n a n d .women w restled m ightily fo r ovorcOmlng pow er, aa the S a lv a t io n i s t s say to “ whip the devil every tim e.” ,

•A still moro im pressive sorvlce took place ldtirlng_the_lflIanre-bonrs o f tb o aftornodn, whon several n o ted oxhprtors-bad. been in vlted to cjfoliver flve m lnnto addresses on tlfo' conduot o f tho holy w ar. Ten w ere detailed as sharpshooters, b u t only flvo h a d time, to dollvor th e ir m essage when tho D octor’s ap­po in ted h o u r wOs Up, and tho m eeting w as suspended. ■ .

Bro. 'th b rn ley p resented the id ea of aoul- sav ing , a s the s ing le an d Solem n ondoavor of the tcn-days’ devotionB. ' ,r .

ilev . by . Jo h n E . Cookm an i n fiory elo­quence explained the. requisite qualifications fo r effebtivg persuasion ,-as being a fully con? sccrated b'ekrt an d life. „

D r. B row ning,’ o f N ew York.'VfbllCi^ed In the sam e s tra in and invoked tho presonce of. the D ivine S p irit; • as tho needod energy to save aoula, *• • j . •,oM r8. LIzzlQ_^^Itfi,.tho p o p u lar 'ev an g e lis t, in a bcau tlf uily self-forgetful m anner, cheered the sisters w ho form tho r igh t w ln ^ of the sacram enta l a rm y In winiitDg~Bbulfl,'JjBlo8lng h e r ferven t a p p ea l with a touching song o f ' Zion.

M ias Llzzlo M. Boyd, o f W heeling, W est .V irginia,-dwelt oh . the oppo rtu n ity the rtjpet- Ing a fforded fo r work, th e resu lts 'of \Vhich w q u l i s t i r ea rth ah d boa von with jo y and re­fresh the-souls o f all wiio-might engago In It w lth r lg h t m otives.

B ish o p . T ay lo r an d o thers woro to havo spoken, and. altBougb dism issed, th o people rem ained u n til n ea r 5 o ’clock, the Bishop tak ­ing the added tim e to deliver his exhortation, and thon-unfold h is g rea t p lans and purposes in the oxpedition .be has led Into tho heart of A frica, to c a p tu re th a t terra incoqn{tp for C hristian faith an d m odern civilization. I lls ta lk , s in g u la r a s I t m ay seem to stingy peoplo, will p a n , o u t fo r tho “ tra n s it fu n d ” abou t *5,000,

So far, th e -g re a t cam p-m eeting had n o t developed its Im posing significance, b u t whon tbo evening congregation gathered , an d tho voice o f Prof; 8 wcni;y was heard a t the head of bis choir s i u g i n ^ Blessed bo tho namo o r the. Lord ,” the ** eairfp-flro’’ began to .bu rh ,

„...E lg hty-n I no m iniste rs were .ran g ed a round the a lta r ra ilin g a t once, a t the opeulng of the com m union service] whilo the ritu a l form s w ere read t y Drs. S ta te s , S. W. Thom as, C. H ill, o f W -Ilm ingtotiJ^sborne, o f Ind ia , A .;E . Ballard and BlshbpJl'ft^idr,. who adm inistered tho e lem ents to the o ffe rs , am i they to a ll the proaelmrs, whp af*erM rds, a t fifteen tables, averag ing nearly one- hundred persons each, g ave to each kneeling com m unicant the con­secra ted bread an d wiile.

D uring th is h o u r and a half of quiet, o rder­ly movlqtr u p to the a lta r and retiring ,'p laln- tivo hym ns wero sung} and tender words ot adm onition given by the “ fath ers” in gospol w ork p resen t. I t w as a sweotly solem n oc­casion, and du ly Impressed all beboldors.’-- .-1 •*“ ' s e c o n d D A r y •

If the peoplo forgot, t^ e announcem ents <k Monday.’ evenlnj?,-the church-going boll re­m inded, them yesterday m orning o f the Tab- ernaelo serv ice opening a t, a q u a rte r beforo six , and^aa* th is Is a popular g a th e rin g for M ethodists of tho old-fashioned, o r shou ting type, E d ito r A ndrew s had a good'sondtoff, an d h is congregation- seem ed to feel a t hom e a s they w aked the echoes, an d also tho lazy sleepers in ad jacen t ten ts, a n d d istu rbed the slum bers o f a hundred g uests a t tho^Howland Ilouao.acrosa the, s tree t w ith their m orning ballel.pjahs.

As th is m eeting closed, a slnglo ta p o f th e Audltorlum^beH in troduced Dr. Stokes’ fam ­ily prayer,* tlt which he had' 800 persons I n a t ­ten d anco, an d m ade bvorything move on tho sh o rt m etre sc£Ier fb r ho got in' e ig h t prayers, five songs, a S crip tu re losson, th e Lord’s p ray er In concert, an d a doxology, a ll In fif­teen m inutes.

A t 8 th e lo v ers o f p rim itive usago.bad tholr cbanco In tlfe « Hal p ing H a n d T e n t ” o u t on Ocean Pathway^ whor* a n orthodox “ m our­ners boneh,” ttnd s traw covered g round , re ­called tlio circum stances of tholr ow n con­version, 18 ,20 , o r a s tlio caso^ m ight be, 40 years ago.

Tem ple a n d Tabernacle a t 9 oxhtbltcd r e ­new ed ac tiv ity w ith now . faces am ong th e grow ing troops of worsbipora.' C am p m eet­ing w eek is a n ex tingu isher on prolixity , and long-winded b reth ren ojr Bisters, especially, if thoy a re hobbyists, a re hustled off the trqpk to’lot tho da lly tra in of events m ako schedule tim e. ' / t .* w, ; ; , r *‘- . Boforo the m orn ing h o ^ ,a ^ lig h t m isty rain*

had becom e disagreeably dam p, yet to hoar tho now Bishop, F itzgerald , everybody "was determ ined, s o the A uditorium was well Qlled and P ro f. Sw eney kep t tim id folks Trominlnk* ing bow obilly it bad becomo by a succession o f “ joyful songs," to ovory. stra in o f which Bro, Sulger’s tronjbono gavo a su itab le «nb- bass accom pan im en t,' ; T „

In d u e tim e, th a t is ,'a fto r 11. o’clock, the Bishop w as in troduced .. He Is woll p ropor­tioned aa to e ta turo arid m hsoular make-up, h is face act offw itU an 'lro n gray b ea rd o f the stubbed stylo, an d g o ld ' Bpoctables, assis tin g to m akeA ,presentable tout ensemble- o f a lito r- a ry * m a n .^ , • 1 -

I l l s te x t was th e bugle b la s t o f C ap tain Jostiu^, recorded lb the book o f th a t nam e, th ird ch ap te r a n d fifth verso, wblch. baa b ^ n sou n d in g a long th e ’t t g ^ for Over tljnQO th o a : Band y e a rs : “ A nd JoBhua sa id ..u n to tho people, sanctify yourselves: fo r to-m orrow the L ord wilt*do wondora am ong you,

H e described tho situation of the Israelites on the *et|8t b an k o f tho Jo rd an ,“a fte r the perils and m iracles of* tho lr fo rty ,years’ jour^ ueylng, a n d h esita ting l o vcnturo aerosB in to the lan d of prom ise. Tho people oboyed, anti then Oie w onders began-^-tiie passage of the river, th e c a p tu re o f Jericho, tho repulse a n d

s u b seq u e n t v icto ry a t tho c ity balled Al, con-, quest .of the five kings, and a l l th a t series of- engagem ents which finally gave them poaeo and fcosseusiori e f C anaan as tholr prom ised Inheritance*. ‘y V

S piritu a liz in g th is stirrin g record of ovohls, t h e is^eakor m ade a forcible application, o f everV incldenif to tbo C hristian church , In Its h |u t a n t -o rg a n iz a t io n .T h e flvo k ings who com bined tholr forces against Josh u a, ho took as typea p f th e pronlJri^DtB bb stru e tio n s tho

w orld com blnea ag a in s t C hrist, v I s : war; paganism , Infidelity, Iieontiqusness arid a lco­hol; "-These w ith a ll lesser v ices In th eir tra in , ho show ed, w ere deatlnod to a n e te rn a l over-: th row , fo r tho m outh o f tho L ord had spoken i ty a n d he w as tho sam e G od w ho w rought aubh w onders o f old. " ,

B rq. Corblt, tb o gre a t m in iste rla f shouter, waA p resont an d had a good tim e, fo r o thers fo llow ed . h is bxam plo a n d praised tbo L ord ino8li fervently d u rin g th e serm on.

A m eeting In tho T . P . Tem ple, oonducted b y Mrs. LIzzIo H, pm fth, oponed a t 1, and Mra, In sk lp 's ch ildren’^ church convened a t 2 r . M. Theae wero closed a t and th en the b ig boll rang .onco m ore.. V"

Rev. -. H enry Belting was tbo ’ aftornoori p reacher. I t was a r ig h t clover and insp ir­in g e ight to see sdtjh an o titponring o f pooplo In in s u c h a dow npour o f rain . ■ •.. '- T h o p a s to r of B trP aaP a had thu-'good sonfio

tq use*a fath llla r su b jec t an d . t r e a t i t in A genial a n d p rd c tica l w ay .' H is exposition was o n tho w ords o f Jeans; to Simon Fetor, “ Lqvest th o u m e ?” J p h ttJ J i :17,

The Sarmon was a- m odel in torfie*IUuBtra- t lo h an d agreOaBlo brevity . I t le f t room for a w onderful a fte r sorvlce o f p ray er and exhor­ta tion b y Dr. Charles L aru e, who, although a scien tist:o f the first w ater, is a leo a Salvation­is t o f the ApoBtollo" m anner nnd doctrine.• A fter the mooting,, closed tho pdoplq Btlll

lingered to b e a r s^m o anporlor Binging, and ^enjoyedta godd. tim e shak ing hands. ■

A nothor p opu lar tw iligh t m ooting a t 0,80 brough t together a host o f; watoT-proof wor­sh ipers, hn d }ho e x e rc ise s .w e a s^ 's comfor­tab le a n d q u iet a s - i f tho h arv est m oon se­renely ahed h e r silvery lig h t in ar-elear sky, an d u p m oun tain breakers woro dashed in fu ry o n th e sboro. ... ; .- T h e p reacher las t evening was 'Kov. Jan ies M oore, p res ld in g ^E ld e^o f^N ew Brunswick D istrict, New Je ise y conference. Thus three New Je rsey preachers liad tho lr day, an d did- th e ir S ta te fu ll erodlt; f o r E lder Moore’s serm on, like the othors, w as:a p roduction fa t above m ediocrity . ; . ' 1

H la te x t was frbm T H ate’a words, Jo h n 19:23, “ W hat f have w ritten , I havo w ritten .” T h is w as in reference to the sefttonco^passed on J esu s , tbo Soil o f God, which condem ned “ th a t 'ju a t ' Onov’ to su ffer tho death o f t\io crbs'B. " - ■ ' . ; • .'

Somo of thnjrfhlttst preaohcrs pn. the c on ti­n e n t wero p reson t,-and tholr Burprlso and d e­ligh t w a s . freely expressed a t hearing a dis­course so e loquent, oarnest and powerful aa t h a to f M r^M ooro. - ,

v T n iiin i^AVi •Tho sunbeam s which greeted open Ing eyes

W ednesday m orning in a ll p artst> f the Grove w ere m ost, g ratefu l, fo r tho apprehension of a co n tin u ed storm had becom e quite general, a n d a t one tim e the cylcono which m ade such havoc elsew here gave th o .te n ts a n d t re e a a lively, sh ak in g up . How tho thousands along tho ;coas^w ould havo fared bad Its force cen­tered here, la fearfu l to contem plate. * - r -

The yonng ladles who read tiS cont novels, and tho young m on.w ho sm oke Instead o f go- IngtO m eeting, o ugh t to s to p in t im e ; fo r if any th in g serious In this lino occurs,-It will bo la id to tholr depravity :

A t 5 a .m ., th ere are acorcs ostfr oVery m orn­ing. W hile w aiting for a blessing In Bro. A ndrew s’ “ free an d easy” ©zeroises, they sa u n te r to tho surf, a u d vtblBi;VPith tw o moot­ings before b reak fast, them a healthy appetite.

Tho types of m ank ind assem bled In the G rove a t pteaont afford a n inviting s tu d y to those w ho havo dabbled a llttlo In Fow ler’s P hrenology. . Tho s cam p-m oeting alw ays a t­trac ts the m an w^oso religious fervor ex­plodes In b/. s ta rtlin g “Ci, golory 1 ” an d tho othor w ho^e.expressionjof asaent to a solid p u lp it f a c t o r anecdote is a borso laqgh.

B nt.tho solid c ltlzon, unobtrusive, dt&creet a n d .appreciative, j a .also, on hand in large force. Thero for in s ta n c o ^ ^ tin g Iu" front of tho p reacher, is qu iet Mr, Calvin Tom kins, of. Tom kins Cove, 90 yeara o{ ago, arid always ready to d ro p a s ilver dollar in-tho collection.This the ahouterS rare ly d o — ...... — r

Tho pleasant-faced old gontlem an^w hose face la still ruddy and eye b right, w ith h a ir a s w hite a s enow, and happy “ soul &ftdbody,’T as, th e old hym n has. it, Is Dr. T . B. W elsh, of V ln d an d , who has bccomo so enthused over Bishop T aylor’s m issionary advcnturc^_that ho has given do llar for do llar a t th ree camp^ m eetings where con trib u tio n s have been rimdo to help tho^ cauBO alqng. I t Is .n o f unlikely th a t hla zeal w ill coat h im a b o u t $5,000., " y e s te rd ay w as graded n p to a high, pl&ub In th b lin e o f preaohlng,. The serm on b f Dr. J ’,8 . Chadw ick, of New Y ork, a t 10.30 a.m ., was a rich gospel feast. Hla themO: was tho heal­ing pow er o f C hrist, from * the passage inL u k e s r2 7 . ; ; ■ ....-

H e entered qiiito fully In to a doscrlptlon o i s in a s tho un iversa l m alady o f body, m ind and soui, and*C hrist’s ,a p p lie d a tonem ent as the universal rem edy. This Is as wldo a s the disease, as nnnum bered .thousanda can testify fo r “ l lo healed them a ll,”

Tbia D ivine H ealer ts d raw ing hum anity to him self, an d fa ith is tho s im ple and solo con­

d itio n o f salvation*:.____ ______________ . .“ L ord b less tiieao. preachers,” said-a godly

s ister, leav ing tho m orniug service, “and m ay everyone o f tb efh d u r in g tb ia m eeting bo able to give ud'TJuclrsw eet, saving gospel as wo have heard to-day.”

The a fte rn o o n serm on was laid upon D r.C . Larue, o f S taton Island , who-proved lilmsolf ,the;day beforo to bo such a thorough cxhorter. H is d iscourses are alw ays unique. .The tex t, w as P sa lm l : 8 , a figurative representation o f-th e rlghteou® m an; who Is “ llko a tree plan ted by* tho rivers of w ater, whoso leaf shall n o t w ither, a n d w hatsoever bo doet] sh a ll prpBper.” T he D octor (ho Is a u ’efHinctfr ‘1 M D.) brought. Into effective play his studies In n a tu ra l sc ience a s .well as approved theol­ogy, a n d becam o p o^exuberan t In m anner th a t a deep wave of em otion overspread.,the congregation, and, so quickened tho sensibili­ties o f D r, Stokos th a t ho took the holm and ran a powerful aftor-m oetlng.

B u t there Is a ja rg o c lass now in tho-Grove*' w ho evidently , don’t appreciate sp iritua l p reach ing of th e in tense order, A t least they p refe r the llvely,Tom ple exorcises o r Tw ilight to p ic s o f >Mr, Y atm an. All, r igh t If this will resu lt, a s It iad q ln g daily , In th e ir conversion.E vory ta s te a n d tem porhm ont la su ited here.

L a s t evonlng tw o th ings heeam oqiilto evl~ dont—th a t thoro w ere n o longer any fears as to changeablo weatjjor, an d th a t a new votco. was to*bo heard In tho A uditorium ; Tor th a t roqeptaclo o f h u m an ity waa once m ore filled to its u tm o st capacity . -

Tho preacher jwas u nknow n, except by rep­u ta tio n , an d th a t Was ,flrst-rato .. D r; S. G. S m ith, th e p jia tb ro f 9 “ Fcoplo’a Independent Church ” In St. P aul, M inn, ran k s aa oneof. th e p o p u lar pu lp it 'o ra to rs in thp wlde-awako W est., H Ir Ucenoat and. m o sf aUtJnttye bear­e rs last p lg b t w qro tho 150 preachors who sa t a round h im .. .. " f - _ ^ * “‘ D id h e ’ m easnrd up-'td’Toxpoctatton ? - Hla

te x t fjom -vltealm ' 2^ : 2 , w a s ' prepossessing. “ T he beau ty o f hollneps,” ho unfolded, with, a woriflerfnl m astery o f ’rhetoric, an agreeable m an n er an d voice, an d th a t tea l reioqnence whlbU la defined to bu ’‘ac tio n .” I t was a One discourso, an d evldontly m ade a deep Im pression npon.fl^p, thousand hearts.

Tho grQundif w ere 'filled with exonrslonista a lb day, m oat'o f thom in terested jn the vario u s m eetings In progress, an d longing for a b e t-, te r chanco to on joy a sBaro of thepusslng«ea- Bon o f privilege, . ^ , ' -.—j . . i

B, P. Wayne, of Potichkoopato Jas. r^ r a o r , o f Pblladolpula.,

Sunset -liali * . jColoman House..............W. V. Uiiy A Bro.......................H. J. Uiirtls................... ..W. M. PaWley & Co . . . . . . . . . . .C'ABh............................../ . ...........Atlantic Houso............................Sheldon IIoubo.'................. '.......TO 8 h a y .. .. ....... '................ . . . \Oriental....... ................................Gxcurfllon Hotiflo........................George W. I'Atterson.................Caab.......... : . . . ........... .................Burton Uro«............ ...................It. B. Cusack..............................J . T. tlraiJO*.;.............. . . 7 . . . .Brown's Japancso B azaar....Rbbitt H ouse......... ....................Ohaa,'. H arvey ,......................... .J. II. Itolnaln.............. ...............Cook Howland. .............. ; ___ArltriKton....................................Cash v:’.v : .v;t . .......... . .» .............Coin ini aflp. ;; ~~...............Hotel Brunswick........................OeorKovH. Bancroft...................Ocean Hotol.........rrrrr, r . ........ ;8. W. Klrkbrldo..........................Grand Central .......... ................M a d is o n . - , . ,__ ‘............M ctropolitainiotol.........•.8t. Jam es..•........ V..............

- Total..

S t i l l A n o t h e r A jijc to 'ry

T ho Asbury Park baso bal^-nlno added a n ­o th er gamo to tholr record |?cd rio8day a fte rv uoon .^ h e n they playod thq Rahw ay .team . This Is tbo olovonth consccutlvo victory for the hom*o c lu b /a n d thoy’ aro* h u n ting fo r a n am a teu r club th a t will give them a l ittle $x> erciao. Tho gam e was well played d u rin g the nrat ‘p a rt of It, , b u t tho A sburya b a tted the

"Kahway p itcher freely, m ak ing all tb e lr ru n s Iu tho first tlire.o l_pnings. . Thoro wais b u t little e ic ltem eu t u n til th o eighth-inning w hen, th e v isito rs m ade their on ly tw o ru n s by safe ba tting . Tho scoro w a s " rr ... ' ‘ - A sbnry 'p a r k . . . . 1- 2 8 0 0 0 0 O x ^ 0 B fth w a y .. .. ........ .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Q-Q

Tho gam e w ith ^tho Y, M.‘ C. A. c lub , of Now Brunswick, F r id a y afternoon, is expect- ed-to bo very lutorostlng, as they in tend to b ring a first-clafis nlno w ith them , *■

A F iU e f o r a K i s s ,

—J e rry B ennett a n d Sarah Bray are' red I dents of O cean Beaoh. "Jerry g e ts h llarlona o n fes­tiv e apple. ju ice , and a b o u t a .fc e k a g o 'd id w illfully lay ho ld o f the aforesaid Sarah', w ^lle jn fu sed , an d sto le a k iss.' A w arran t w as issued an d .M onday dfHcor '.Hulick b rough t h im bofofo ’Squire B orden ./ H e a d ’ m jtted the lovlng ImpeaohnitJht, ^ n d willingly paid h is fine w ith costs, • v ' C ;

F r id a y E v e n in g , A u iru s t 3 1 .Tfiia^irf the da te m utua lly agreed .upon by

tho Oce^u Grovo au thorities and Chief C. T. B ailey, representing M r.- B radley, fo r the; closlng dlflplay ofvthe b o a ts on W ealey L ake..

In answ er to a telegram sen t the cvonlqg. beforo M r. B radley sailed , he. gave th e car­n iv al h is hearty endorsem ent, an d was asrbo- ab lo tq any da te th a t w as satlsfB ctory to Oooan Grovo. P rep ara tio n s aVe u n d er w ay' fo r a b rillian t ovont.

F ifty dollars’ w orth o f flreworks havo a l­rea d y boon prom ised by M r. Charles Crowell, a sum m er rcsldont Of Ocean G rove, a n d presi­d en t of the Unoxcblled FIrow qrks d o . I f the people in tho P a rk an d Grovo will do as w ell In proportion , wo shall have a colebratton th a t will eclipse any th ing o f the k in d y e t a t ­tem pted. Both of th e bridges w ill b e decor-..., a tod and Illum inated,rand colored .fire ,#111 b e bnm nd cpntlnnongtylfcom onoond o f Jholalso to tbo other; .p o ssib ly o n e .^ 4 ^®^ Bc^"I,*ie®cfl m ay b e provided. V. . . / v

Mr. <3. II, W lnans, o f tho fyraUy an d Mr. LeRoy^arb th e au thorized c o lle c to rs ..

* • BUBScnipxroNS for The cabkival. • • .;! Chas. Crowell, Unexcelled Fireworks C o,..950 00 T he‘i rv in g .. . . .B, 1’. Wayne, of Pc:—v*- Jaa. C^eraor, o f PI

I 00 1 00

60. . . 3 00

5 00 . . . 1(1.00 . . . 10 00 . . . s 00 . . . 2 00 . . . 1 00 . . . BOO . . . 6 00' . . . r*00 . . . 600 . . . 2 00 . . . 1 00 ., 1 00 . . 1 00

I 00 1 00

___ 1.00. . 1 BO

60„ _ . J L O O

fio5 006 60

. . & 00

. . & 00

. : 2 00

..' 5 001 00 1 00

.. 1 00

.. 3 00^ 1 00 , 60

P r e t t i e r t h a n V e n ic e . .A gontlcm an and lady s to p p ed 'lh tho m id­

dle o f th e -b ig bridge d t e r W esley L ake on Snnday evening to adm ire the view. The lako bcnoath w as a s sm ooth a s glass, reflecting the m oon- a n d tho hu n d red s1 of ligh ts upo n its itoeurfaoo. A f to r ,a fow ‘m om ents o f .s ilen t contem plation the geritlb raan .rem arkpd :

“ I have traveled a g re a t .deal in couuttloa aoroBB th e ocean an d visited m any be^u tlfub places In I ta ly an d Franco . H u t I.say there’s nothing p re ttie r anyw |ioro th an iho sig h t epread o u t boforo its. i t ’s ah ead o f Von ten,

JtflLmy w ay o f th inking , arid I ’m g la d I ’vo; found such a garden Bpot In 'm y ow n coun-try .M ; ; " ' • - v ' »■

T h e W e a ty ie r B u r e a u .M r. B am m an has connected w ith his s to ro

a so rt o f w eather btiroau. On th e to p is a vane \yhlch indicates the direction o f tho w ind on a d ial placpd^ln .a show case on th trs ld e q f tho build ing a t thVelt^i'walk,

A nother, d ep a rtm en t |a att a p p a ra tu s for gauging th e velocity o f tho "Wind also Indi­cated by a m oving finger b n a .d ia l In the case, Tuesday nlgh't^B w ind ro ach ed a velocity o f 50 mlled an .bodr. In tho ease Is a lso a ba­rom eter a n d s tan d a rd therm om oter. • ,

A n A rm y o t E x c u r s i o n i s t s '. The m anagers o f the excursions whlclb

cam o in^W ednes\lay muBt certa in ly have pro- pUlated -bid Jupltwr by som e pCace^bffeiTttg, for ihaC m ythological^ deity cleaned u p his Wrinkled visage anti p u t o n h is b es t sinllo fo r the benefit o f the a rm y 'o f excursionists who visltctrtijo Park an d Grovov - . .. . , : • . /

There were 10 tra in s averag ing 12 cars each, .bringing fully' 0,000 people. They cam e from Red Bank, Perth Am boy, R ahw ay, Newark:, R eading, G erm antow n an d Philadelphia. The N ew ark tra in had tw o sections, and tho Philadejphla tra in bullo tlny^ threo sfcetions.

I ts i l lro ju l a i c i f a t t h e C o n s t. * 1T he Now York GonoraL E aste rn P assenger

A gents of the railroads west of th e M ississip­pi^ will m ak iia 'tfiu r of tiie Now Je rse y coast on F riday and Satu rday of th is ^ e tk . Thoy will Bpond F rid ay nlgfit a t B erkeley,.and ' tak e yadbts for tbo fishing grounds .of Bnrncgat Bay, whor* they e x p tc t to try th e ir prow ess o n the weakllsh. ” -■. * ■

N o t a l l l a n lc D a y . ri ..Many snpposo .tha t a ra ip y day a t tho Bhore

had little o r no pleasure in storo for tho guests of hotels. - . . - •

Thoy aro greatly m istaken , fo r.ou r roportor lu bis rounds Friday found only cheerful faces and fun. Those who d id not dou w ater­p roof and go do,wn to t l io ' beach tb 'w ltneaa one of tho g randest sigh ts in nftture—a storm on tho sea, stayed w ith in doors an d im pro­vised card parties; gam es, e tc ., whilo a t a num bet of places iuualc and tlauclng chim ed In co n tras t with the wind and p a tte r of the rain.- ' ,

A t m any.of tho houses d inners were gotten u p a littloVm ore olaboratoly, a t which the g uests lingered with o n jo y m en t. a n d ' a koen relish. N ot a bluo o r grum py perstm was> fo u n d , I f they wero n o t Batleflod tlvoy had the philosophy not to show it. T h a t is really the tru e sp irit to m ako happy llv o scM ak o tho b es t o f w hatever comes.


W e s t A s b u r y I ’a r k l . o t S u lc .Wtfct |A sb n ry P a rk , ly ing beyond the gta-

tlon cbiiflguoua to Asbtiry Park,’ has bccom o quite' an Im portan t ad d itio n as a p lace for resldenco. Since the first tw o sa le s m any

10 co ttages have been b u ilt aud all are o ccu­p ied , m ainly by tholr ow.ners,

On W ednoaday a aiilo b f tho re m a in in g lo ts was begun by Mr. Geo. R« Lord, Thero w as a %fair a tten d an ce and pood prices wero reali zed. Tho first lo t offered was No. 95, on B angs avenue, near th o sta tio n . T he com pe­tition Was lively, and It was sold to Bbhj. Al­bertson for $1,500, F ive to ts ;.205 to .209 in­clusive, wero sold oq„tho..Bame avonuo west o f 'LauRford, ran g in g la p rice from $750, to $080 . On tbo south, side o f B angs avenuo, co rn er o f'C bm atook, t\vo lo ts wore sold for $725 and $025 respectively.

L o ts 259, 260 aknd 261, form ing a trlauglo on the west of Comstook avomio, wore sold to ­ge th e r fo r $1,235. The salo :,was then t ran a- ferred^to the, jots »n,th_e nerth ttfri-part of the trac t. I t will bp eohtinued to -day hnd to ­m o rro w /1 .Yesterday’s Sales, am ounted to $20,000. .

3 Iu » lc a le a t t h e O c e a n r ’ ''* •Tho gUeats of tho Ocean H otel tendered the

orotieatra of tho houso A honefit Tuesday n igh t consisting of a ninslcal an d lite ra ry en te r­ta in mont, fo llow ed 'by “ Mrs. Jarley?s*W aX' W orks.” The affair was a g rea t succesai, and did muolj[;,predlt-'to-M Ta.- S; A. ■ MaoDougall, M rs, Coa'dor and Mrs. Bannprm an, .who a r ­ran g ed thp wholo p rogram arid carried It t h t o u g h . . " * V

T h e D r lp f lH a l “ M ik a d o ” I3 a z a a r .The only an d unhpproachablo “ M ijtado”

B azaar io A sbury P a rk ) b th a t o f Mr. C . B rj^ j Bpbst, on- Railroad Square. Indeed, one m igh t travorae tho U nited S ta tes an S n o t find Its equal In rloh an d ra re a rticles Im- portod-from tho O rient by M r. Bobst, H e la a connoisseur and a u thority on Jap an ese and Chinese wares, nijd brio-d-brao of,,every de-, scrlp tlqu . 1 v ’’ * .. .

H e |s ju s t now In his m idsum m er opening a n d h as an Infinite vatlety.-ol-cholce goodsnovor before offered to - a n Am erican publio; S trangers should^not fall to v ialt th is b azaart , where thoy cad soo ra re an d valued goods- found no\yliero\i}lBo o n tbo„ continent. Mr, Bbbst and his a tl^ndan ta aVo a lw ay s pleased to show their goodsydietfior yffelfors pufchaep o r n o b

A n n u a l K e u n io n ^ r -

The 10 th A nnual Ronnlon o f tho '14th W rI-m ent, Now Jeraoy V olunteers, o f ih o old Oth eorpd, Arm y o f the P o tom ac, w ill held in Edhoatloria l Hall^- A ^ b n r ^ ^ r k , on tho 19th of Soptembor, a t 10.80 a ; m .

""“ M r s . R i p l e y S u r p r i s e d .

Sevorai g uesta o f tho W es t .^ nd , .wish in g In,, somo su b stan tia l m an n er 1 to show- their apprec iation o f the m any k indnesses received from Mrs. J . S . Ripley, tho lady who bo be­com ingly presides a s hostess, over thi3 Im- mbnso oslahiisbm ent,' p resented h e r M ondey w ith—a-HslumboVr-robe* of oxpenalvo p a tte rn a ttd m ost beau tifu l design, ,

Tiie secre t w6b k e p t very close a u d Iho m o at atirpjrlscd person I n , (ho v as t com pany was Mra. Ripley hereolf,

^'"A h e a t little speech’ ^>f prt!abntatlon was triado an d tho robo ncceptcol I f l t h -matronly, m odesty and m auy th a n ks* to ci^e though tful guests. * A side from Ita iritrlnslp Rvalue’ tlieVu’s^ noth ing M rs. R ipley Will In fu lu rp reg a rd bq highly a s th is unexpected gift.

T here wore o thers to hear frbm . On W ednes­day m orning Mts. Ripley w as p resen ted with a very handsom o a n d costiy bowl, know n as the “ G olden ^lodalllon .’? I t Is of tho celebrated Canton woro, an d was im ported by, M r.'C. E. Bobst, of the M ikado B azaar. ,.• A act o f vory fino glaws goblets.w as' a p a rt of tho present^: o n each o f Which* were on- graved th e in itia ls of tho donors. M rs. R ip­ley baa woll earned these high encomiums, thus so p leasan tly expressed by her jguonts* h n d \to havo no d o u b t the W est E nd will long bo rcm em boret^ by Its g uests o f lgS8. •

T lip F i r e m e n ’s P a r a d e .Thp com m ltteM ffo rn 'th e iev e in l com panies

having In charge the p rypara tlongfo r fire­m en’s parad e noxt Tuesdoy evening, A ugust 28, inot last n ig h t a t Chief B row er’s, A. ’D. Ba.iley in tho qbalr, T . F ran k Apploby, socro- tary , ^

Mr. George D. C ow ard w a s^ p p q ln te d m ar­shal and M ilan hoss assis tan t m arshal. Tho aldea will bo appo in ted by tho m arshal. Tbo forem en o f the several com panies aro to ac t as reception com m ittee. AH o ld firemen, .visitors fro m o th er placcs, an d tbo Commis­sioners a re J o bo Invited. ” ■ '‘ T h o com m ltteo will g ladly recoivo con tribu­

tions, which m ay bo le i t .a t Chief Brower’a, an d all residbnts aro requested to Illum inate along the route-w hlch Is as fo llow s; 1

Line will form o n R ailroad Squaro right resting o u Cookm an avenuo, m oving down Cookm an a venue to Elm ory s tree t, to . A sbury avenue, to Kingsley s treet, to T h ird ayenue, to 'G rand avenue, to F ifth aveuuo, to Wobb street, to Sevontb avenue, to P ack a rd street, to S ix th avonuo, to K ingsley s tre e t, to F ourth , avohne, Io Ocean avenue, to Second avenuo, to G rand a v en u e,. to Summerfleld avomio, to Bond street; to A sbury avonue, loM alustrco t, to R ailroad Squaro and dlsm jsa. , ^ . _

n o m o c r a c y I l l u s t r a t e d .Mr. W. M. M atthew s, o f IJrb an a , III., Is ono

of tho g uests of the Sheldon House. The O th e r day ho cam o 'ln tq the.o filceof th a t house w ith a n um brella In hla hand. “ Mr. W est, sa id ho, speak ing to the genial c lerk behind the counter,. “ do y o u ' know I yCarry this um ­brella because „ It illu stra tes Democracy- so well,” ^ u d o p e n in g It ho disclosed a b lg h o lo In tho top, “ you see i t ia n o p ro te c tio n .- I t lota tho ra in and sun fall o n m e tho satriii lis tho Dom ocraby w an ts tlio p ro d u c ts 'o f tho pauper lab o r of E urope to fall on tbo Am eri­can laborer.”

l^ re s l i ’ H o te l C le rk s . 'There a re m any y onng dudes employed as

Clerks In o u r h o tels who havo Ideas o f tbcir- Im portauco far beyond the m easure o f tholr responsib ility o r o f th o estim ate placed on thom by others. *

This ia no t-becauso of tho;poattion,’which Is a s honorable as a n y calling, biit seem s to follow.from a m istak en 'n o tio n th a t they a re to be taken for thelr-appo& raneo a n d supcr- clllons airs, ra th e r than fo r the' possession of" b ra in s a n d Common politeness. I f thoy own-! ed tho earth and oxpectod tp contro l tho uui- verso. thoy co u ld 'no t p u t on more consequen­tia l Importanco.

On tho o th er hand, i t Is a pleasure to noto th a t we hayo a num ber who fully understand tholr bualnoss ; who d o n o t regard tho posi­tion m ereiy a s a placo to show off their figure and best “ storo clothes. ” " They a re n ttontivo to all, perform th eir dutloa w ithout any u n ­necessary d isp la y ; I11 fac t, they -make thom- selves usefu l and valnable-holpers Ip tho es: tabllShmonts they w isely toprpaeut. • .., Hotol keepers-w ould d o ’ well to s ift out, somo of tho chaff and p u t i n ;thoao.-whorcan benefit thoir business. T oo often th is class o f help Is m oro dam age th an profit

A n I n iq u i to u s L a w . 'A goritleman and tw o In dies cam e to Asbnry

P ark on S a tu rday to atay.-a couple of weeks. Tlioy woro strangers-and ordered tlio stago to take them to a ljqusp. of-b igh sounding namo on T hird avonuo. Tlio gpntlom ah "asked for rooma, and told the landlady th a t Tf all was Batlflfactorythoyiwdiild“sta y 'tw o weeks.

They found the condition o f th e bouse any­thing b u t satisfacto ry , an d w hen a b o u t t o loave and tak e th e ir baifgqge tho w om an de­m anded thb fu ll tw o week’s board o r sho would hold tholr trunks'. Tho gentlem an ' sought legal rodress, b u t finde h e m ust subm it to .a jtcd tous ptocesa p f ^ w o r pay tho extor- tioriaio d e m a n d ." ..

T i i e C o r o n e r ’s V i e w .

Coroner F red M. V acd p p ’cer came to . A&- Uury P ark 'M o n d ay lu the casb o f the drtAvi - Trig o f K atie Mallom A fter vifeWing tlt'o'fjbdy^ rtud hearing the Btatpriients m ade, ho deolded th a t i t was a d e a r case of suicide a n d th a t no inquest was reqalred . I le gave Mr. Soxtgn- a perm it for thO rem oval o ftluU iody . 7^

Tho rem ains, w ere ta k e n o n th e 5.80 p . m. train to her ifather’s residence, 424 W est 28th streot, New York, In a sealed ca8kot,“’oiiid Will bo h u rled in Calvary Cem etery. —r~n

Ton editions o f 10,000 copies each of tho Pennsylvania E xcursion R oute Book for 1888, have boon issued , an d t ho supply Is nearly ox- HauBtqd. O ver 5Q0 ’ books have been aold a t 4ho In fo rm ation Bureau, a t o u r n tatlon slnco 4 h e first o f tho m onth . *It is tho oheapest book o f tho size ever Issued , costing 5 con ts, r

^ S t f d d e n B e r e a v e m e n t . *

Pecu lia rly sad .was tho d e a th .o n S a tu rd ay of M iss A11I6 C . K ennedy, dau g h ter of, th p la te F rederick H . Kenriedy and sla ter of P residen t Isaao C. K ennedy, of th o J M onm outh T rust Cbm pany. I t w as on ly a b o u t ten" days ago th a t she first com plained o f feeling unw ell; sho grew w orse rap id ly , b u t i t was n o t u n tli Satu rday m orning th a t ho r physic ian had;any though? p f tho possibly fa ta l term ina tion bf tbo fever t h a t had followed tho first a ttack ; H er b ro th er w as aw ay fp r tho day , and w as ;triet.npon h is re tu rn with tho overw helm ing Intelligence of h e r d ea th . ■;

M lsa Konnedy was a elncero an d earn est C hristian , devotedly a ttach ed to hor hom*o and fauiijyi N atrim jly o f a re tiring dlgposl- tlbh, eho so u g h t com pany very,1 lit tle boyond tho lionjo spherp , whoro her w orth was b es t known,; an d w here hor abscnco w ill b e m o ^ t liorply fe lt. •/%.-.•;/f .’;:.'.; "• ..* W o.can prily offer io the so rro w in g m o th e r

b ro ther *and surviving: siste rs .our hoartfel t sympathy^ ;T hoy havo tho sw eot consolatlonf th a t whilo who desired to livo th a t sho m ight do'.'moro fo r th o M a s te r ,-y e t sho was fully p rep a red fo r tho grpa^ change., V ."S

' T i i e B o d y F o u n d .

Tho body of Katlo M allon, tbo young lady who was m issed frpm hor b oard ing p lace on :Mt. H orm on W ay, on Friday , w a s discovered ab o u t 1.80 SaturdayTnfterrioon b ^ two young lads, a t the bottom o f W esley' Lako, a lm ost bOnoath tho E m o ry s tre e t bridge. W ord w as sen t tb M ajor P a tte rson , w ho w ith thb assist­ance o f the boys In the b o a t, m oved tho boily qulotly qVer to the Asbury P ark , ehore, w here U ndortaker Sox'toh to o k ch a rg o qnd romoved i t tb his estab lishm ent o n M ain qtreot,

' ““ K a tie M&Tlob;'ahbut 20y'ears o f aguTandhbr sister, d augh ters o f Mr. .E dw ard M allon, o f 438 W est 28th 8 t„ New Y ork , fcijmo to Ocean Grovo a b o u t three 'WoOBs “since a n d took* bo ard a t Wrffcve C rest C ottage, o n M t, H erm on W ay. K atie had ,been depressed In sp irits fbr soveral m o n th s anq It w as th o u g h t -that a

‘chango o f a ir an d tho cpm paniSnehlp qf young peopio in th e exceilont su rround ings a t tho Grove w ould’ benefit her. No special charigo, was' no ted in h e r. m anner, ja n t l l . her Bister re tu rn ed to New York, o h account b f elcknesfl In tho fam ily / ■ . \

A young.cpihpanlon w as left In her com*. p a n £ . who slep t w ith h e r T hursday -night. A bout 4 o ’clock F rid ay m orn ing this young lady aw oke an d saw K atie u p an d exam ining h e r triink-as if sho contem plated a journey,

'T h e young 1qdy th o b g h t n o th in g o l I t and agaih wont to s leep . A h h o u r o r so la te r sho agqln aw oke and K atlo w as gont). No Infor­m ation could be ob tained an d i t was sup^ posed eho badjgono to New York.

H er fa th e r was telegraphed to b u t ho know no th ing o f her,w hereabouts, and no definite Inform ation could bo galnod th ropgh tlio dajv a lthough rum ors .were afloat th a t pho'brid been Beeu to Jum p Into tho fake, b u t how or whor* could n o t be answ ered, a lth o u g h afte r the body was fojjud It -liecamo know n th a t a coir orod w om an liv in g a t the Grovo co ttage had seen tbo occurrence b u t could givo no reasons fo&wlthholdm g such Im p o rtan t inform ation.

Tho fa th e r was notified ail’d a rrived hero Satu rday ovonlug. T he rem ains woro en­closed In a m etafile coffin, a n d tak en to New Y ork fof iutcrmoDt,

B y r o n a n d IM xey .Tiie now O pera House is to havo tw o noted

s ta rs o f tho com edy firm am ent -to scin tilla te before the play-goers o f A sbury P a rk this

‘week and .noxt. •On F riday , Aug. 24, M r:;Oliver Doud Byron

will tako tbo_“ Inaldo -Track,” and of coureo w ill win—golden retu rns. Look o u t fpr a m ouster houso, as woil a s on S a tu rday night, w hen jio will bo “ Ten Thousand Miles A w ay,” but. will nevertheless Interest those who m ay bo ablo to got-acata In the house.

Tho following Saturday , Sept. 1st, H enry E, D ix o y will a p p e ar in -h is ,- fam ous rolo as “ Adonis.” _ _ _ _ _ -

The Ltzzlo E v an s Com pany arrived Tubs day , and have coihm eneed rehearsals of thctr

,uow com etly, " T h e B uckeye,” which they will prQtJuco a t the O pera Uouso noxt M on­day. night.; T h e play was purchased .by Miss Evans from D enm an T hom son, and Is said to a bound In. the q u a ln tp a th ra l touches th a t dis­tinguish “ Thb O ld 'H om estead .” B u t no m at­te r w hat tbo play, Lizzie Ev-ans. Is. a 'vgreat favorite a t tho Park , a n d w ill bo grcotpd by a n overflowing house- . .* ' J . .. ^

A c t i o n o r t h o * S t r t t e C o m m i t t e e .

A t a m ooting o f the Ropubllcau S tate Com- .mltteo, hold A ugust 17th, tho follow ing pre­am ble a n d reso lu tions wfero unanim ously ad o p ted : « . ^

W h e r e a s , The S ta te C onvention of Itepub- llcah Clubs, held a t .Asbury P a r k , . on. VVed- neaday^ AUgust 15, 1889, did.uuapUnously re- solve to placo a t tho service of this Coinmitr too tho whole uf th o ir ; m agnificent organi­zation,' which has fsad such a wonderful growth under. Iho ablfj inanagom cnt of Lts ofll-. cers th a t tho S ta te ' R epublican League, novv mustoris a grand arm y of upw ards 'b f twouty- four thousand earn est R epublicans', thero­foro,. lifsdved. T h a t tho R epublican S ta te Com ­m ittee g ladly and gratefu lly uucupt th is ten ­der, au d regard i t a s a now and m ost cheering bvidonco of tfho zeal with which all truo R e ­publicans arid m any D em ocrats throughout-

, tho S ta te a ro en listing for^tho g rea t pending ■contest in behalf of Pro tection for Am erican 'W ages, Pro tection for Amerldan' InduM rles, P ro tection fo r Am erican-lloraeb, arid Am eri­can M arkets for Am erican P ro d u c ts *,-a con­test which wo firmly believe will re su lt In p lacing NoW Jersey i n ; lin e „wlth her sister S ta tes in tho g roat and prosperous N ojth , for H arrison and Morton.

Jiesolii'tl, T h a t a copy of tho foregolug reso­lu tion bp transm itted to IVIlbur A. M ott, E sq ., tho P resident, of tho S ta te Republican. Leagufl-of Now Jorsey, and th a t the sam e, bo published in the Republican uow spapers of tho Stated ' ‘

" E a s y T r a i l i t W e s t a n d S o u th . *Tho Boashoro tra in s aro nicely arranged In

conhoetlon w ith the through tra ina fo r tho WbSt.aud South. A travelor-n iay- leave As­bury P ark d t 7.20 a . si. an d reach W ashing-. lo n , D. C'., a t 1,43 v. m. the sam o day ; cago9.A , m., C incinnati 7,10 a , m , and Louis­ville noon n e x t d a y ; o r by leaving the,P ark a t 5.33,p. M., a rrive a t Chicago 9.15 p. m , Golum bu^-2.30 p, m., C incinnati 0.80 i*. m , Coulsvlllo 1L 451*. i i. ’ n ex t day, with; bu t.o n e charigo in tho sam o -sta tlp u a t Philadelphia. One m ay take through yestlbulo P u llm an slceper8 to Chlcogof St. Louis, C incinnati Columbus, LouisvllIe,.Mcmpbi8, New Orleans, Cleveland, W ashington, R ichm ond, C hatta­nooga, A tlan ta; C harleston, Savannah , Ja ck ­sonville o r Tampo?——

V 'T h e ' “ »Dr,J ’ -Ifcii>i»cd OJK

■ HD urhtg the . wind of; Tuesday , n lghl tho

a fte rth o u g h t “ D r ” was whipped loose 'from th e Prohibition banner.

Tho handle, q f tho Rebel C haplain’s, nam e seem s to *bo R o o m e d '‘Ui“dtsturhginco. First, th M n q t lt f ^ “ W ho I s ‘ Gen.’ B rooks?" was too m uch o f a d istu rb ing oleinont oven for loyal prohib itionists a tfd ;s5~ lrw as'b lIm i^ ted from tho ban n er and the leas objectlona\itb ' “ D r,” w as subBtituted, becauso i t was found h i bad occasionally readf a form al ’servloo lix the Southorn cam p. . Aftof eloctjou tho entire n am e,-" Gen.” “ D r.” Brookfet an d all, will he aw bpt^rotn tho banner b ^ a galo of Ropubll- can ballots,

P rof. J . C. Golssell;1 o f Now York, com ­m enced giv ing Btcreopticbn entertainm ents- F rid ay pri the co rner of Second and Ocean avenues, w hich wlli con tinue fo r Borne tlnjo Ho show s, Vie we from Puek, Jn(ltje, ~Lorid6ri Punch, b its from tho “ M ills B ill,” free trade pictures, ofq. Ho Is em ployed by the New Y ork a rid B oston Advertising Co., an d Inter- Bperse'd with tho a b o v e viowo aro advortlae- m onls o f d ifferent m erchan ts 'w hom thoy rep* reapnt.- - ■ ’ . , ' ’

S u n d a y F l o t s a m *

Ton g irls and women t o ‘ throo then was a b o u t tho averago on tho plaza—and a ll thp m on w e re o n t; : ’ • .

Chlof Bailoy took chargo of a little njlss on tho boardw alk l a s t evening who h a d lost hor * frionds an d d idn’t know exaotly where she lived. . '■*■•/••• ‘

H ig h ’ tid e Interfered w ith tho children’s p lay g round c a st o f the promenade, aud they., crow ded o n tho pier,' pavilions and prolno- nacfo t6 let lposo tholr p ran k s and,nilschlef.

Tho yach t Drjlancc, afte r a day a tth o Ilopk, comb i n closo tp the end o f tho p ie r , tacked sou theast, an d cafet nncHor opposite the pavll- ion. T his was a t 7 o'clock.. Thbro .‘haafi’t boon . . a ; p leasanter evening a io n g th o beach th is summer- TjiO a ir was ,delightful--eq.ql an d b rac ing ; from thp south­east, su rcharged . w ith \ ozone and .saltiness;.“ T h o brilliance o f tho .electric lam ps was paled b y tho ra y s jfro n ta full harvest moon. There w asu’t a cloUd In tho sky, wiilch reflected the golden tin ts of-a bean tlfu l sunset;

-Thirty th ousand peoplo thronged every availab le Inch o f the-prom onadu 'arid pavll- lone frem supper tim e untllTafter'9, while tiie Ocean G rove A uditorium contained, an au ­dience estim ated a t e ig h t’ to. ton thousand. T hp g rea t m a jo r ity o t the crow d were eonald- orato onongh to leave their, qujda,of tolii a t. hom*o.' I t was a vast assemblage, arid did not

‘by a n y m eans rep resen t tho entire population, for .on evory hotel o r co ttag e porch'wero from ton to a,hundred.pcrsons..wbo.ppoferrcd q u ie t . an d com fort to thb risk of injurctlH idrns in ' tho c ru sh aiotig tbe bcacb., • • .

N e a r ly a F a t a l F a ll.Abou^ 9 ; o 'c lock F riday m prnhig Mis.

W urrCafforty,' o f Allontown, fell dqwn stalrs*-- a t t h e reside nee .of M r. Ja co b R. Bordon, oti Cpokm an avenue, au d It was thought a t iirnt th a t sbo w as k illed . '•

. Mrs. Cafferty, who Is a 'd h ta n t relative Of „ •Mrs. Bordon^ arrived with lior, daughter on M onday n igh t. / T h e stairw ay which came so nearly the cause of a doplojablq accldeui, wus. orig inally . lighted, b u t an adjoining build ing now sh u ts o jf tlio light.. I t has a- tu rn a t tho top,' and Mrs. "CaffePty„ being a ” stranger, mado a m isstep and fell to tlio bot­tom , whor* sbo was found-In an' unconscious condition , ap p aren tly dead. •

Drs. K inm qnth an d W ilbur wero quickly B^mmoned, an d they found tiie lady.breath; Ing and w ith retu rn ing consciousness, l l e r ‘ head w as bruised, one Unger dialocatcd, atid a w rist sprained . ‘Tho surgeons did what was neces*ary and advised re s t and quiet for a sh o rt Jperiod, A t la s t accounts the." lady I,-}’ ap jja ren tly o u t o f danger. ..

lyir; B ra tU b y ’s l> o i ia tio n ./The ftillow lng le tte r w as Tec^jv^d by I>V.

^J^ristine o n W ednesday evening, too latr, u n fo rtuna te ly , toJb o read in thb convention.:

v "^SJteOmcr. Alter,' IIohokkn , Aligust 15, ISSS, Dr, W m.TL CifcHSTiNE, ”

. . C hairm an of Local Committee.'~D£<fr,Sir .-—I regret-exceedingly I cannot be

w irfhybu to-day in the gathering of tbo elans th a t have goue to A sbury Park to confult and p repare for the great battle of N ovem ber,1 T hough absent, I shall bo with you in spirit, a n d sincerely hope you m ay have a grand good tim e, ' -

I am deeply., sensiblo of tbo honor tho lto- p ub llcan le a g u e has done Asbucy Park iu m ak ing i t a m eeting place a t this tim e, and 1 hope th a t the Orders I left to provide every coavenlcneo fo r the Convention may bo'cur- " rlod otft! , 1

As we ge t c loser to the titnb of voting, and . a s I reflect u p on-w hat the Republican party has been In tho past, arid wkut It did for tiie temperanc,e cause iu New Je rse y in the las t 8eB8tou of tho leg is la tu re , I am filled w ith en-. r thualaSm,- Tho old fire tb a t l felt In tny ypiing m aiihood when I battled forA bralm ni Lin­coln Is again aroused, and 1 assure you th a t on my retu rn early in O ctober tho p a r ty will h ave the benefit of my m ature m anhood.

Ooo'of the beat meana of carry lug tbo S tate - Is the d issem ination of Republican lltufuture. „ Tho fife and drum a re useful pdjtm cta in. a cam paign, b u t the types .are the m ightiest s tru m en ts .to en lighten tho people.

Tho S ta te Com m ittee will need funds to parry on the, work, and may I ask you to say . th a t tbo*Stdto Com m ittee tnay draw om m e ‘ for ($250) tw o h undred and fifty dolhirn.

Y our tru ly , J a^»:s A . B it\iu .i;v . .

A S a l i n e L u x u r y .

I f p ro p er d irections are followed thero Is . 8carcoly any th in g moro refreshing and i«vig-\, o ra ting th an a w arin se a w ater b jith /su ch as rady bo found a t Jo s . Ross’ a t tho foot of W ealey Lake, Ocean Grove;

Upon entorlng the bath room open both tho, h o t and cold w ater Ja u cc ts and by the time: , y our.c lo th lng .is rem oved tho tub.w ill be tw o- : th i r d s ^ ! l i e d th e n test for tem perature. The .w w ro shou ld b e as ne^r the tem peraturo o f the body a s is possible,; o r so th a t-w h en the finger. Is d ipped into it there Is. neither a Bcn- satlon.of. w arm th n o r o f cold. A robust^pcr- s^>n should havo It a little cool ra th er than warm. I f tho w ater la too w arm thero Is su re to bo a feeling of lassitude following tho batli th a t d es tro y 3 Us. benefit. -

Whon tlio w a te r is rlght s te p in and quickly subm ergo the entiro body, excepting the head. R ub.w ith th o ;o p p n palm 10 render tho skin flexible and aoft as woll as to rem ovo the su r­face e * u d g tio n sr^ tff ld ec—n o tdrctiinstanees uep soap , a n d espeoially a^> u t the head. .Otyjari w a te r* is 'a pow erful solvent, of .skin Impurities, b u t m ixed with soap of any k ind It is su re to^leposlt a film upon tho skin th a t Is s ticky an d u n p le a s a n t ; i f I t g e ts in to the h a ir It Is Im possible to rem ove It excep t by a w arm jd k all no head ba th , ■

.Ten m inutes is tho u tm o st lim it for-the t fBoaking an d ru b b in g ” process, Aftor be­ing i n the bath flvo m inutes open the cold w ater fau ce t half way and keep i t open until . you a re rea^y to leave the tu b —say flvo irihi- u tes. By th is tlmo the tom poraturo of the w ater has been reduced from ton to fifteen, degrees^ Open tho wtjsto p lug In tho bo tto m o t tlio tu b and s tand up. .Scrape tho w ater from the upper p a r^ o f tho body w ith the cdgo o f o p e n 'h a r id ; Then tak e tho coarsest towel a n d begin .a vigorous rubb jng o f the a rm s/'ch esty • shoulders a n d ' back. By the ., tim e tho first towel is used up this watoi; has ru n o u t ' o f the tu b and half dry ing tho f«ct • you atop o u t o n .tho r u g . w ithout wetting rhu. Whole, floor o f t{, Tho rubbing, la. rl- Su med w ith thb d ry towola u n til tbo elo-thlng - m ay bo rpplacod. By th is tlmo, no m atter w hat tbo w eather m ay bo outside’'—h o t o r cold —thorb is a delicious feeling of com fort and Invigoratlon. The tonic properiloa o f tho a^a w ater seem to reach every nervo am i m uaclti; thero ha8 been n o ru d e shock o r sudden chill to recover, from ; r e a c t io n ^ njilMfcesaary be­cause th ere haa^been ub dej^e^Sfon.............. - i,..!!

M u s ic a l '" I n s tr u m e n ts .F or the Fiaherraau—C a'slaneC ’"F or tho Lawyer—Lyre.For-tho P olitician—O rgan.F o r the W hist P layer—T ru m p etv‘F or tho"IIorso Jockey—H autboy.F p r tho T oper—H orn , „ ,F o r tho L aundress—F lute. -F or.the Paw nbroker—Jew sharp^ '

T h o r o a r e O th e r IC easo iis . "» »Tho R n ss lan la w prohib its jok ing abou t tfio

C zar. T ha t’s why no orio In Russia ovpr re- fora to h im a s ^ n old Czardlne. — ‘

W h ic h W a y t h e S t r a w s B lo w .M r. W. II. Hatfield, q f Pf>ughkeopsIo, N.

w lshlng to know how th p volets of tho Shei- dou Houso, w here ho Is stopping; s tood ou tho presidential nom inees, go t each y o tcr to nam e h is favorites. vAftpr ob tain ing all tho namea. he’could ge t th e resu lt s tood as fo llqw s: '-. i HSrrison and-M ortoni ; _ .1 24- ,

Cleveland nnd Thurtmrh, '■'v 4 FJsk an d Brooka, a li i t fy a Lockwood, ' I .

MERCHANT TAILOR, - [PDF Document] (5)




1 R ate* o r A dvertising .

!‘f im


W eeks.


10°t fs s175 935 BOO 560

10 00




$1251 752 75 AM 450 550 7 -


160 300 260 8604 605 60

11.60___2800 80 00

8176828 426 500 700 800

18 00 25 00

82 601 '400 560 7 00 0 00

1200 1800 85 00 05 GO)

$40018 600 000 10 00 800 1400

10 00 18 00 ,1500 2500 !20 001 85 00 8000 6000 5500 86 00 OOOQUfiOOO

« ^ ? 0Ar< ^ t J0kh.~A lim ited num lior of local no tlo o sw lll l>o adm itted a t tho r a te o f fifteen cents .pur lino. T hey will' bo placed a t th o hot* t*0iH colum ns only, and. m ust havo

aav tit tho o n d .. Whon continued four weeks o r longer, a discount o f 25 p er cent. 1b allowed.. Yearly advertisem ents aro payableH ^ rto riy , in ad v an ce : advertisem ents fo r' ’ oorlod tftftn throo m an tas a re cash. •

8 traw rides aro.fla com m on those n ig h ts as hard ly to cause com m ent.

Dr. J . C. H orty an d many; o th er iiotcl peo­p le aro a t tho B runsw ick.

D r. E .,M eterly% Is m ak ing jiia summer.v$< cation a t tho C o lonnado ..

Ju d g e J o h n F . Oolmolly, o f ScranW nj.Pa., i s a C o lo tn a n Hoiiao guest. . \ . ' f

H on. II. F ra n k Robinson, vice eonsulAtdof Russia, 1s a t tho-B runsw ick. •

H on. J .C . Ilogoboom , of Hudson, w lih hie wlfo, Is a g uest n t tlio B ristol. ‘

... ..... ‘P n llw an YqeUbttlo cara hftV_Qj3Pon_puj, on r - tljo Philadelphia express again.

H o ip Jo s . B, Nixon, of A tlan tic C ity , I s a reg istered gupst a t tho W lndsofT^V '

\ , .Capt. T. C. W lqks and wife, of;N ow York, a r j again recflatered a t tho W est End. . ~—.

Thoro were o y er 1,705 ponu lesln tho StilRlfty m orning collection a t tiie A uditorium .

SevontJ’-fiyo persons .woro refused accora-. m odatlons at; tho Sheldon on Saturday’.• Dr. a n d ,M r^ W, J . Coats, o f New York-, ■holp to swell tbo crowd a t S unse t Hall. “ -

u • M rs. B rady, w ifo o f Rev. D r. J . B . Brady, o f P assaic, is reg istered a t tho Atlantic.

Rov. W m . N . Searles, of ForHhTasblngfon• M.‘E, Church , 16 a g u e iT a t tbo; R ational. ..

M r. P au l D. F ly n n , ’tflanagor o f tbo-JVeM- Itq jh tcr o f N ew ark^ ls a Spray VleW'gubst.

M rs. N. E ; B roadhead, o f on o 'o f tbo .old fam ilies of ‘K ingston , N. Y , Is a guest a t .the Albion.' Rov. ^Dr. M axwellr-of^M ouongahoJa C ity,'’

P a ., Is ^ topping a t- th o G rand View, on Sec­on d avonuo. . \ ... - — •.

n o n . F ra n k .T .; Shaw, m em ber of Cbngress ~ 1 from M dryland, an d h is fam ily, a r i f a t

H iw oll V illa. ' '

M r. W. H ; \y in ton , one of tho lendlngr’coal o p e ra to rs of- S cranton , Pa:, lias room s-at tjm M etropolitan . v . .•

Mr. G. M. l l in e , o f Poughkeepsie, w ith his ■ family,"‘is tak in g In tho sea rtf r on. tho p iazzas.

• o f thb 'A ta lan ta . ^Dr. E liza F. P o ttlilg lll,'^ ^ 'P h ilad e lp h ia , Is

^ponding hor vacation a t t'ho /iin illy cottage, 400 G rand avenue. 7

Mr. D. Roberts, tho Sotnorvlllo hjillionaire, "with his wifoj (has room s a t tho A tlantic Iloiiso, O cean1 Grovol

N eptune Cornet* B and still ■ a ttrac ts largo .. ud ionces a t tho pavilions. > I t seeins-t.o ju s t.

m eet the. people’s want. - .Tho v isit of M rs. M arshal Booth to Ocean

Groyo has in terested hundreds o f ladles in h e r w ork aud the doings of the A rm y .'’1

Tbo noxt b ig day .here.w ill bo A ugust 28, w hen tho K nights T em p lar o f tho 8 ta te hold a graud conclave and exhib ition tlrilfc'CV.'."’

Tho swltch-.track o n .the .e lec tric -ra ilw ay ■ recen tly p laced, atj .Cookman avenuo and

/ . M ain s tree t, was p u t to uso o n Saturday., Mr. W illiam Clerlhow, sp o u t S unday i n trio P a rk a n d occupied his old-tim e placo lu tho c h o ir of F irs t M. E. ChUrch in tho m o rn in g ^ ',

Air. F ran k O’Brien, ow ner o f '‘tho principal hotel and opera houso . in B irm ingham , Ala;* and his wlfo, aro s topp lng .a t tho G uernsey.

Sunset Lake? w ith Its shady Islands,. g reatly adm ired by s trangors as thoy cross m o

' Em ory s tre e t bridge on tho E lectric Railway.. Tho T ren ton Houso cafe lids a lready.gained

- .a w ld o 'p o p n la r l t j ^ B d 'ju s t moetS llo f th a t locality , herotofuro w ithout a tabic

W hole. ■ .Simpson; W allace, E sq ., Of N..JVVUAyor &

!Son, leading a ilv e rtisln g ^ ag en cy ,' Philadel-’ piiia, is tak in g his vacation with relatives in

„ • 'tho P ark . •Mr. W .' jVV. W lmor, of Philadelphia, »wlll

. ,^-spend a m ontlr a t tho sea shore, .occupying M r. Sanford Doy’s c o tta g e 'o n 8um merflcld

. avonuo. „ :D r. F. A . M ansfield, of Rochester, N. Y.7

h a s left his p a tien ts to the teuder care o f other, ^Isolplos of E scuiaplus, a n d :in fe s tin g a t tho

f I,oGhovalior. ... . • • ,I t ’s ju s t a b o u t double the wor,k to spado;-

t ip a piece of ground fo r garden purposes- th a t i t is to d ig overil>o Baraospacoof g round fo r w orm s to go fishing. , ,

___ Tho Legislative CommUtee on Fisheries,. which hold,a m eeting in tho Board of Trade

' , room s on Friday evenVrig, ad journed to m eet t v in Septem ber to comphTeCe tholr invefiiigatlon.

Miss K ate W hite, Miss M gllalo a n d Miss Spellm an, thlree. of tho beat known toachera- In tho public schools of'Buffalo^ a re rusticat-. ing d u rin g tholi? vacation j i t Mr. I, N. K er’s ' o n Bond s t r e e t / _

M r. B. Vr. Leigh, cashlifr of th6 jCllhton Na*.. tlona l Bank, is among*'tho g uests o f Sunset

; I la ll. The bank is am ong the best paying In th e coun try , m aking a regu lar dividend of 10 por c en t., an d occasionally a s p e c ia l/ .. . .

* ” • Tho s u p p ly -o f cake-w alks and nightly •dances holds o u t a t C entral Hall. The Jouii- nai. force g e ts the full honetit o f tho horn- too ting an d piano-banging, and. has scvetal b rick s laid u p fo r the follow th a t calls o u t the

• U g u r c s . ......... 'Tho Lenox o n ,F o u rth a,yionuo has a num ber

<if th e sta id and ste rling people of Crosswioksj w ith in its coin fortablo ^portals. Such ’narhc& a s Thorn, W hitehead, .H endrickson, Middle-.

. to n and Brick, well know n iQ^tbat p a r t of B urlington coun ty , m ay bo fdund at. tho table.' J t la o£ a ;su b stah tla l Q uaker o rder.

TholpTrlta have heard from tho lato Jo n ah ' Million,, ox -w eather'p ropjio i, who \sulclded

threo weeks .ago . Jo n a h predicted th a t the ^ 13th of A ugust' wpu 1(| bo .thp’hottest, day of

the year. Ho -irilised It by.-vthreo-dayaVbut i s allegqd tfo-tyorfectly siitlsfled with his, *prosont. ahodo, . dtfCIJty . sympathleii. w i th . those w hb aro com pelled to ondnro

—■ •' n iueh hoat o n e a r th .vr ■+ : :....

_ N o t ic e t o G a r b a g e C o lle c to r s .■ A t a m eeting o t. th e B oard of H ealth , F ri­

day, A ugust 3d, 1888, all perm its o f volunteer ^garbage, collectors' w ere rovokedf apd they

w ere reqnlred to app ly for how perm its th ere­a fte r. All garbngo m u st be colleotcd.bptwoen the h o u rs 'of 5 a. m . an d 7 r

. . . R. R oss, Glcrk.—Xffw;.

J u s t o ^ en jng 'a t' SohnO id^’s M ato tfeoVn^* Jjolstei’y atoi^'^?Tairgo asso rtm en t o f fancy

~ W i l l o w - ^

Alaout J u b o 15tb, Mqssrs. Gow dy A Pitcher. Iw lll rnn a wagon up an d down tho coast Jor

colleoUiitf harneas fo r ropalr«, a\\4 rc tfu n tbo 'aftmo freo of o x tra charge .— d v .

fcom. F. V orhis and wlfo, o f Philadelphia, a re a t thb Albion; >

Twenty-flvo m llk-shako laborato ries aro scattered .th rough tbo P ark .

- L^ot8 of ‘‘camp-ffi6etlng oxcnrsionista ” th is week ft’dro all over the Btato. r ,r- - A tlan tic City Is en te rta ined every n ig h t by the pyrotechnic “ burn ing o f MuhooW.”

Tbo 'best and m ost In telligent rep o rts of the O cean G rove Cam p-m eeting will a p p o a r -In this paper.

A bram F rake, p f tho B ridgeport .fiwrriaJ, Is e d iting a t long range from tbo A rlington in Ocean Grove.

From tho excavations being! m ade, the foundation for. the now bank, build ing will .bo 'most su b s tan tia l

M rs. Jam cs.K . Jo n es, wifo o f lJn \te d S ta tes S enato r Jd n c s , bf A rkansas; is am ong tho M et- roiiolltan gnoat|r.,

ExcufsIo^ttJiffi^^wTri™ ’kepp tho ra ilro ad track s bright th is w$ek and noxt. Dozens of them a rc coming.

Mr. J . A. O'Farro]!^ b ro th e r o t , th e cole- b rated Catholic prclpto Bishop O’Farroll, w ith h is wlfo, Is A Buest of the Rockafellors a t Sun- SOt Hall;

Rov. Jahios.Boyd B rady ,' tbo Irish o rato r o f Passaic,, ju s t re tu rn ed from , a t r ip a round the world, is tak in g •in* Od^knXfrove, a t tho A t­lan tic Hotise. ‘ r ;\P ro fi ' V aqS ah t and wlfo w ill sa il for E u ­

rope a b o u t tho m iddlo o f Septem ber. IIo goes o u t to tnore.fuliy comploto his Btudlos in Vocal m usic.

M onsier Carm an, a largo w heat dealer, and M r; C,« B. Canato, a- prom lnon t ban k er, bo th o f S t. Petotaburg, Russia, aro am ong iho.Coleman. gnc6ts»__ .v_. _ i L —.......

R ead the reports -of the Ocean Grovo Cam p- m eeting a s published in tho D a i ly J o u r n a l . Two cen ts ^por copy o r tw enty copts for the tpn’days, by m all: , * .. a ,..

H otol guests,* w ith a tu rn for th a t so rt o f UXerelBO, tako long walks back to tho sand hills, and re tu rn With bouquets ofgo ldon-rod a n d othor wild b lo sso m s.. :

T h e J ou,hnal„ i s -finder obligation; to- Miss Jonnlo Feloh, a t tbo C entra l telophono office, fo r h e r p rom ptness In aU ondiog1 to calls and roadiness a t a ll tlmos wliilo On d u ty . . . -7

T ub J ournal congra tu la tes its p a tro n s on a prosperous season.^ W e knot? It, because of thb easy w ork o u r financial commissioned has ift trad ing-receip ted bills for cash.

Jo h n Schneider se]Is largo q uan tities of goods to go to o th er jplaces. On 8at‘u rd a j\h o received a n order to fit o u t a houso in New York, us in g bis Own tasto Slid" judgm ent. V

Rev; Jo h n S. How kjj p as to r o f P itts Creoli. P resbyterian Chdroh a t Pocom oko Clty,.'9 n, thp casto rn .sh o re of. M aryland, Is onjoylng Ocean G rove lifo ai>tho Ccntonnial, w ith h is w ife .. . . . ' ' \ •

ftov. B. C. Roberts, o f Chester town; fttd.» Dr. W. K. In g u rsp l^o f Ph iladelph ia , an d Mr. W m. M. Taggart, publisher o i Tagfjarl'h Time*, o f Philadelphia, aro resting a t tho C o lem an .. . ^ *. .

Hon. Chauncoy Shaffur, of Now York, noted a s an em inent law yer add M ethodist laym an, is a t tho E l Dorado. IIo is now engaged In g e tting u p a fund fo r Bishop Taylor’s A frican m ission work. . "

.Tho program mo o f the noxt County, F a ir at. F reehold has been' Isauet}, giv ing lists o f: prizes an il rulQS o f ’ Oiitrles, exhibits, etc' Copies m ay be abtalnejT-of Thos. A. W ard T reasurer, F reehord , N . J . -

The Arlon Soolety of N ew ark (w ith a m em -

* boe

bershlp of 700), the c rack singing organization of the S ta te , a ro going to H ighland Bcacb, tho new excursion resort, on tho 2fith. Thoro" will bo m uslo .in th a t vlcln lly ab o u t' th a t time; ' • -

Mr. Jo h n I I. P ao g b u rn an d fam ily, of Albariy, b u t form erly of A sbury P ark , are . V lsltlngM raT P an g b urn 'a fallier,' M r. W . B . Dunckloe, for.- 5 ” week o r two) Thoy havo been aw ay from the p lac o . for„ noarly four years.! . . -•

A young m an In a whito ilanpel Buit, tf b lue strip ed cap , <;apd a m aroon bolt six Inchcs wldo a round his suspender buttons, 'w a s tho s ta r tlin g apparition a J ournal m an ran Into at'C ookm an 'avenue and Klpgsloy street' on Sunday evening.

•John 'C . Lucas, p residen t of tbo Keystone Bank, PhnadelphTa, and . ow ner o f a .consider­ab le p b rtio n -o f Spring-Lako'jB0&chi"dj^od a t tho la tter placb on. S a tu rday ril^ht. H is ro- ‘ ‘ / ■ ‘ ‘rti '

n earP hn^do lph ia .Somo of tho inw ard bouud tra in s cam o In

on S a tu rday- w ith . doublo sections. There was tho usual c learing o u t w hen they arrived hero., Tfcio Pennsylvania tra ins, from P h ila ­delphia had scarcely a co rporal’s gu ard in them a fte r loaring trho- A sbury P a rk station,- though full w ijen 'arrlvlng.

E rnest-O aborno , son of DrTTTonnls Os­borne, tho In d ian m issionary an d the p rea c h e r a t the.A uditorltpn , was a guest o f Mr. and $ r s . n i ll , o f Chicago, a t tho Coleman, jwhero ho d ined Sunday. .Y oung O sb o rn c ^ s aa bright aud ontortaln iug as a profossbr, and th inks A luerican Bummers a ro h o tte r ;th a n in fnd la . ” jfci.*—/ . //• / -» ■

A party '-^ tfC alem an guests ^ciT t'ffaiirng 'flr B arnegat on M onday^ an d ro turiled w ith loaded baskets. T heir ca tch of weakfish was served a t Tuesday’s dinnor. Tho m oat suc- ccssful anglers woro M essrs,’, G au tie r a n d , Brown', an tf they woro. honored ip typoi The course was “ W eakfish, G autier p riv a te stock, Brown s a d c o .^ " X - , *

iday’s n m rn i a t1- tho Colem an 'w a s prin ted |n Fw nchy o n a . d istinctively Frctich im ported card . 1^ was a sourco of am pso- m ent betweon somo o f tho,guests_aiid Walters

the form or to. k;now w hat thoy R anted , and th o ja t to r to undoratand tho dlsbos called 'for. I t was a, lmrmloss joke, carefu lly nursed by Proprietor^ Ralph an d C'hqf Ryan, and tho laugh i s n 't th raugV yot. .

Allen D.-IIoffer, trea su re r ol1 tho Lebanon and Cornwall Railroad, who has been a t . th e S a in t J a m e s w ith his fam ily fo r eovernl weeks, retu rn ed .yesterday to Philadelphia. Mr., Hoffer first se ttled on P o in t P le asa n t aa his sum m er location, bu t- bo m ado a baftty chango, an d som ehow got to A sbury P ark and to tbo S a in t Jam es, whoro, to use Ills own expression, ho “ w as tickled to d ea th ” a t tho" sa tisfac to ry en te rta in mo n t an d ^ioagabt^com- pany ho found there. s ;•

W. J . W helan, a loading d rn g g ls t o f E liza­beth, is a t Sunsdt U all.

B ishop J . N . F itzgerald , o f N ew ark, h as room s a t tho Sheldon.

S^rs. Gen, J8td lnQ ,.of New Y o rk ,is m«k= Ing h e r hom e a t tho A m herst,, D r. D . R. Boaver a n d wife, of Conehohock- Tsn, a re am ong the a rr iv a ls a t tho Ocean.,

M r. n . F , B runer, a n extcnslvq, coal dealer of Coiam bla, Is w ith h is w ifo a t tho Ocean.

M r. C. H . D1 overm an, th e c a r b n lldo r of MIUop, Eft,i Is am ong tho B ru ^w lo K gnoats. .

'■ Mr. J o h n FrederlClf,* a c lg a K ^ i^ i ta # tu r e r of C olum bus, O .,1s With his i!fo a tth o Ooean.

Jo sep h 1 G riffith, o f tho firm o f 'G riffith & Pago, Philadelphia, • is am ong tho guoafs o f th'o'Oflontal. .. ; ,- T ax b i lk a ro now in c ircu lation . You havo four m onths in which to pny them , b u t d o n o t prooraslittato . •

M r. G. W. M lllor, th o woll-known _car builder o f K alam azoo, ’Miohr, is with h is fam ­ily a t tho Albion. ■ ' , '

F rom tho appearance d t b lue coats and gray pan ts, there aro m oro m en . Out th an In tho Sea G irt cam p.

'^h o ro . wero 3,351 peoplo weighed by Prof.. Ja k e P ark er ‘ W ednesday a t th e A sbury avenue pavilion scaics. .vThls b ea ts a ll form er re-, cords. ,* . .

Mr. CharleSL^Ioss a n d M r. C harles Cole, two form or residen ts pf tho P a rk , b u t now of Now York, aro spend log jh e i r ; v acation w ith rela tives hero. • > v

B. V. Leigh, p residen t of the Clinton tlo aa l Bank, and .fam ily, re tu rn ed hom*o yesJ* terday^ m uch b e tte r for th eir m o n th ’s so­jo u rn a t S unset H all.

M r.-I» ren zo :S .: gppves, o f tho woll-lknown Boehestor 'o lovator^flrm of L. S. G raves & Son,-l9t w ith his ^ i f o ; an d nicco, Ml8S Nolllo Coifln, a t tho Wos.t End.-— -- B ishop O’F arfo l, fcf N ew ark , madO a flying

v isit to th e P a rk yesterday. Ho w ill ro tn m tho la tte r p a rt o f tho week fo r a sh o rt v aca­tion , a n d w ill s to p a t S unse t H all.

Bonpy Iloym an w as tho p u rch aser o f .th o trian g u la r lo t .bounded b y Prospect, B angs &hd Com stock avenues, a t • tho salo o n \Vod- nceclay, ah-'West A nbury Park;. _ - - ,

Tbo employCa o f a n A tlan tlcC lty holel aro am using tho guests w ith a m am m oth k ite . I t i s 12.feet hlghi-takes.1,500 feet o f clothes lino and rcq ui res. fl vo men.jto hold I t.r

Tho tw o rival w ator com panies of A tlan tic City aro belaboring each, othor th rough col­um n; odyOrtisnnonts in .tho lo ca ld a ilies , I t ’s a regu lar b onanza for tho papers.

M r. W . J . Cooper is obliged to Increase His' s team pow er p roportiona te , to h is b ig trade, ftnd offers to sell a 6-horsb B ax ter engine an d bollor ln comploto order. Seo card . '

A c ircu la r ed ition o r tho-rccent ord inance adopted b y tho Bbard of H ealth , in rela tion toplum and d rainage , will soon bo read y fo r d istribu tion to those In terested in th e su b ­ject,; 7 . .

'T ho big D em ocratic b a n n e r a t Spring Lako succum bed to tho s to rm o f T uesday n ig h t a n d has been reeled.^ M any believe th o om ission o f tjjo “ A” in nom inations h ad som eth ing to d o with it. *

A g a in o i^ b o ll w ill,be p laypd noxt M onday a fternoon fo r tho benefit o f W esley Engine Col, betw een tho A sbury a n d a picked nino from' tho fire w m g an y . I t will bo ji k ind Of go as-you-pleaso gam e.

Rose Gom an, a servan t. ^ t tho W o stE n d , ch a rg ed 'C icero Groves w ith u s in g p rofane language tow ard her. ‘ Ju s tic e Bordon sa id it

D a r i n g t h e Q u e e n ’s R e i g n . ‘Now, how m an y waifs havo wq h ad d a rln g

th e q ueen’s rolgn f W e havp h ad a w a r in Now Z ealand, a n d ono o f tho oOlcers engaged lu th a t w ar was obliged to a d m it , th a t tho ■Now Zoalandora w ere en tire ly r ig h t a n d wo wero en tirely wrong. W e h ave had th ree w ars w ith C h ina . W o h a d a Z ulu w ar n o t long ago m ade absolu tely b y a m an w ithou t any orders from th is coun try , a m an who professed to bo really influenced b y tho C hristian faith and Religion. T h a t cost u s a g rea t m any E nglish lives, and w o destroyed tho Z ulu n a tion ; a t 'tho Bamo tim o b ringing confusion in to .S onth A frica, • W o havo had a SoInd war, In whloh ono o f tho N apiers was oonoerned, a w a r fo r which Tie h ad n o t tho s ligh test ju stification o r Instruction from th is c o u n try .; Then thoro ^ a s r thb g ro a t G lkh 'ivar, b y w hioh the P a n - jaq b was s ann ex ed t o . tho -E ng lish dom inion In Ind ia . . There wore a lso tw o A fghan wars,; for which thoro w as n o t a particlo o f justjfi- c a t l o h . i n b n o b f 'w h l o h a E nglisharm y was destroyed, t h e n wq. h avo had throo Burm oso wars, the sooond :o f w hich I recolloot, w as g o t u p on^pwtencos abso lato ly frau d a lo n t and soandaiohs. T hen w o-com e to tho CrlmCan w ar, tbo really b ig w ar o f o u r tim e, though i t (lid n o t la s t v ery long. B u t a s to itssovority , ajad th e m orta lity caused by it, no m an is able to m ake an aocura te com ­p u tatio n . " ‘ ’ • . v ,

A book w ritten by a F rench general wfto ro p o n tijrv lsito d tho Crim ea, in connection w ith tho comotorlos there , estim ated th a t .the bodies of 250,OQP m en aro therd. I bolloye tho wf’i88ian 8 4 /ohe' burled m o rb 'th an 100,000 on tho n orth s ide o f Sebastopol. K lnglako in his h isto ry estim ates th a t I,000l000 Tnen lo st their l iv e s 'in th a t struggle, a n um ber abput^equal to overy ad u lt mfan In tbo v as t city o f London.

A nd w hat wero all thoso lives sacrificed for ? A bsolu tely n o th ing w hatever, becauso tho o n ly a p p a re n t resu lt w as a sligh t lim ita tion p u t upon tfio.''R ussian governm ent w ith ro^. gard to .its fu tu re fl$ot In tfeo B lack sea, a n d th a t was surrondored th o ^ io m en t th o F ranco- G erm an w ar b rd ^o .out. I t w as n o t w ^r, bc- caueo w ar was novor deolarecf, b u t wo m ado war, no tw ithstanding , on a co u n try w ith which wo woro notoriously an d professedly a t peace. Tho bom bardm ent o f A lexandria is a s o r t o f peaco w hich tho pnbllff o f th is c o un try have not„beon onthusiastio a b o u t, . Thon fol­lowed tho wjar In lfcre~80udan, du ring w hlchv a t th e lo w e s t .calculation; fro m 40,1)0010 50;- 000 lives woro lost. • ; , * ;•

I oncb proposed th a t tho foreign offico should bo b urned dow n; an d i t would' b& a very good th in g if all Ita trea ties woro b urned w ith It, Ctfncolvo tho cost o f tho w ars th at

"have o ccurred d u rin g tbo rolgn of tho queen. Go backs fu rth e r t o tho beginning of w h a t wo call o u r p arliam en ta ry an d constitu tiona l system in tho rolgn of W illiam I I I an d you will find th a t w ithout Qho single exception thoy wero absolu te ly unnecessary*, and th a t tho only re s u l t ' thoy havo p roduced is .an enorm ous national dobt, which from th a t timo to th is has been ex trac ted from tbo lab o r and tho' sw eat o f m illions of m en In th ls co up try ,- b u t which shou ld have rem ained w ith -th em fo r tho sustenance and com fort of them selves and thoir fam ily. ,.- -

F ifteen .wars in a fifty yoars’ relgo o f a prof(}B8e<lly “ peace lo v in g ” nnd tondor- hoarted quoen aro hard ly am bng tho blessings for which than k a Will bo- re tu rn ed ,—Boston Wobc. ' ‘

w ould cost tho nam esake o f tho g roat Rom an ju s t $1.25 for using enss w ords. ’

As soon as tho season begins to tappr off. som e of o u r hard-w orked business m en w ill b uy .tick e ts by the sh o rte s t ro u te to sorhb c o u n try board ing tyouse .in th iM n o w rfa in itr ic oxchango sa lt for fresh air, a n d highland fo rlow land.— :-.-i—— *... - —*-•:-•

D unham ’s E lecttlo P a in .D estroyer is a n ap p a ra tu s u s e d ' by m any peoplo abou t'hero for hoadaches, neuralg ia an d kindred ills, a n d . Is . lilghly^ xjumtnended by: , tboso. w ho havo tested its afffcacy., M r. D unham is a perm a- n c n l residen t o f O cean Grovo.

Robert Lawronco apd .JU . S . G. R unyon, w ho c’amo w ith th o excurs ion from R ahw ay charged u p w ith ro ck a n d rye, a ttem p ted to w alk tho s tra ig h t ways* o f Ocean Grove.. 'IJ;' w as a failure, and Ofiicor.M addox Introduced thom to tbo “ bar” room a t P a rk Hall.

Tuesday aftornoon a lady foolishly w ent In ilagore’u pavilion li

storm . . 'Tho breakors wero too m uch fo r hor strength,- an d it requ ired tw o b a th fng m astore1 a u d the aqsl stance of tw o o th er gentlem en to rcsc iia lje r. W hon “ Old N eptune ” is atigry I t j s b est to keep o u t o f his clutches.. N o tw ithstanding tho sovefo storm o f Tues­day n ig h t there ttas-A good audienco a t Edu- c a tio n ^ H all to en joy A unt- Polly B asset’s '

^ ‘ «kow l.” T o accom m odate tlioso who werejkfept aw ay by th e rain , tho .perform ance will bo rep ea ted to-m orrow hlght. There w ill

i jo no m oro “ skowls’’ th is season.- Tuesday n ig h t a b o u t 10 o’clock consider­

able exoltem ont was c re a te d on Second avo- niio by an o i r ia m p o n tho piazza o f tho Sea­side S an itarium exploding an d throw ing b u rn ­ing o i l-o v e r iho b u ild ing an d floor .of tho p iazza. Tho flam es wero extingu ished before any dam age was d one ex cep t tho scorching o f a fow w eatherboards..

T ' S w l n i i n i u g M a t c h .

W ednesday m orning a party, o f g u ests from tho B righton bought bfithIng tick e ts fo r the ‘Rom an pool a t A sbury avonuo. ,A m ong.them woro Mrs. S, O. N lehols a n d M rs. F .-B . Alien, both of Now ark,. a n d each o f them ' good swimmers* 'W hile ba th in g a m atch between tho tw o w as .arranged, which resu lted In a victory for Mrs. N ichols n nd lo ts o f Bport for tho lodkers o n l ' ,

Lam ps, lam p ,fixture's, of all k inds, a t Cole­m an’s, B ond &t. a n d Bangs avo.™ Adv. '

* W a n t e d . - •. vA lo t s itu a ted a lo rig tho ra ilro ad in iVsbury P ark o r vicinity* ■ A ddress o r apply- to ’ >

A lp iib d D. B a ile y , Apbury P ark , N .;J. Ofllco, P . O JDulldlng. —Adv.

F lag polos pnd. fix tu res a t IK D. CfolOman’s b a r^w are sto re , B ond ,st. —A<b>; • .

p a le s t p a tte rn s Sf M attlhg In d a rk s h a je s . -SuhnOidor’a.—Adv.- * ^ ‘

' l> e c o ra tiv .e p a p e r H f tn g iy p ^ ..James S. Batoman? formorly^IOcoan Grovo,

hasfremoved to:-010 • Fifth avomio, Asbury Park; hn'd Is prepared to oxocuto. all,'Myles of w q y k ? 25 years’ oipOrionco.. : Satlsfaotlon guaranteed.-—A dv, ' ' ; .

F u rn ished houso a n S stab lo to fCtit. >■', C. T .V bailev , p a rk Adv.-

A choice ifrio of Poroh C hairs ju s t rocolvod a t Suhncldor’s"—Adv. ««• _____ -

Now Btyliia of FurnlaU lngs an d u b f i fibTHo, a t S chocldor’s fu rnU Q raslorc.—ilt/y.

"T H e E n g i n e A ls o D e m o r a l i z e d .A s ^ n inqldent o f tho dem oraliz ing influ­

en ces pf horse-raolng, I t p i a y b o <notei^ th a t thp englho which* b ro u g h t a c a rlo a d of liotses to M onm outh Vark on T uesday w,quld n o t bo dotached from tho car," an d n o t till a n hour spo n t In m oral suasio n , an d a ll of tho, appli­ances of tho ongine (la<J been b rough t to boar, Wero tho couplings separa ted . .

A <*0 (1(1 1)iv.v f o r F i s l l .

W ednesday was a b rig h t d ay a n d ' tho (lahor- mon a t tho P ie r w ete lu 'l u c k ; g o ltlhg in 23 flno bass, beeldos dozena'o f k in g an d weak- fish. Mr, J o h n E h m an took ,'tw o b ass weigh­ing 8% a n d pohjltls respectively .- W m. M oynan.-caugUt 8 ba9s,-i4~p]alco an d i)- k ing fish. Jam es Ed^o took buo B-ponnd b a s^ a n d

^ n e 3-ponnd weakftsh. ■: _

B r o k e H is A rm .As tbo-litSo son of M rs. A. R. Plors'on was

s ittin g in h la rbaoy carriage on -the p iazza of tbo Bradley BeaeV Houso yesterday, a sudden gOj^ of w ind B tartfid jt-and i t ran off. In fall ono arm . w as b roken a n d tho shou lder dislocated. Dr. K lnn ion th atlonded to tho se ttin g of tho in ju red a rm / , . * .

t ru s s e s , trusses, truBaos, trussoa,; a d lib a t K lnm onth & Co.’s d ru g atore."-—Adv, “

M aS o u ’s J a r sa t W. R. O’Brleh^s G rocery, C ookm an avonuo an d JJo n d strcot.r-“ ,rfw.. . , v

' P h i l a d e l p h i a P r i n t 15u t t e ra t \V; H. O’Brien’s G rocory, Cookm an avonno a n d Bond s tree t.—Adv.

S t a t e C a m p a t S c n G l r tIs now In f u l ib la s t. Tho~grounds aro vlsltcd by hu n d red s o f4.'0 ur su m m er sbjournors every day. ' ' \ t

Tho dro?s parade, whlph opeurs overy a fte r­noon, is p ro b ab ly tho m o ro ' in te resting o fm llttary -tac tlC ff:--------;— j — — *— —— •—

G ovornor Green a n d Mnj. Gens. Steel, Plum a n d Sowell aro p resen t ^vlth tholr ro^ s^cctlvo staffs. Soa.G lrt is b u t six Iow *tbo P ^ rk . E xcu rsio n faro- 30c, and

W ednesday a t Cam p Groon, batta lion drill was carried on with, g rea t ■ chorgy a n d fa ith ­fulness- Tho artllW ry. d rill w as . specially good. Both thb regular flold:pleco3 a n d tho G atling g uns were m ounted and dism ounted ^v|th g rea t skill and cnlerlty, and all the o thor a rtille ry m aneuvers woro oxccuted ■ w ith equal success. Tbo Cam eron B attery elicited fre^uont b u rsts of app lauso by tholr a;dmlr- ablu m arching n ad thorough drill in h a n d ­ling regulation rillos as woll as b y tholr m an- agon ien t of th e ir G atling.specialty . ‘

R o b b e r y a t f^ong; ,‘I,1>tU r a u c | | ,

letweon.S-and Q o’clock M onday m orning, M rs. H erm an . Solomon, w hb is s topp ing a t th e W est E n d Hotel, L ong B ranch, was a t ­tack ed on M orrl^ av en u e by a negro who sn a tch ed h e r w atch chain And a lo ck e t an d m ad e b is oscapo. T he chain b roke an d ho d id (n o t got h er-w atch . -

P . 1C. K . B i i r e a u .o f I n lo r jn a ^ io n .Tho P ennsy lvan ia R ailroad inform ation

b u reau a t the Ooean Grovo A ssociation Olfico Is ag a in open fo r ten days from 10 a . m. u n til 1 p. Ht I f any o f o u rv is ito re 'havo any k no tty inqu iries to unravel, they should call o r d ro p , a noto to tho agent. .Tickets"to d is ta n t po in ts m ay bo obt&ined. Pu llm an accom m odations reserve*! In ad v an ce and checks fo r baggago d irec t from co ttago o r hoto l-arranged . M r. F ran k 'McOonnell, T raveling Passenger A gent,

in charge . '

/D IE D .KENNEDY.—A t Deal Beach, New-Jersoy, on

8 ii turd ay, August 18. Au d a C. Kknnkuy, young­est daughter o f Uie la te Ffederlok U. Kennedy.

TO RENT.A eevsm-room houso to l e t ; atoro fron t, on

Cuokm auavoim o. Cheap to April 1, 18811.Inquire of II. HURLKY; 53&Cookman ave., -

.or P. O. Box 45, ASbury Park, N. J .;

TO WHOM IT MAY) th a t I

c o n c er n :I hereby glVo notice th a t X will pay n6 bills

contracted by others than.myself. 1, WtlLLIAM RIDDLE;

-Atlantio City, N. J ., August 18,1888.

g o t c I j S ) ' ^ c .


- Directly bn the beach, 100 yafclsfrom bathing grounds. Unobstructed view of th o ocean fromUlroornB.' \ ' ....

.■ —‘ . ' A M I. STOCKTON, P ro p rie to r .'

TH E H A M IL T O N ,- I ' f .214* Cookman Avenlue,

ASBURY PARK, \ NEW JERSEY.Trio Hamilton ooouples oho of th e flnest Joca-

tlonrf In tho Park; Only One m inute’s w alk from the beach"and In immpdlato vicinity o f the Cole­m an and West End llotels,

^ • i C. T.SJVilTir, ManaKOr-

BR IQ HAM C O TTA G Ewill open for t h e ‘season May lQth.for transien t

a n d perm anent b o a rd e rs ^ ' - Tho rooms a re largo and woll furnished. Table.

TinaOrpassod. Jlpuee lias al^ tho modern san­itary Improyements, Torms reasoDable. - , ~4 ^ . , Address MRS. E. Q. BRIQIIAM, prop.

New Hotel LafayetteArherlcan and European plan, v;V

Broad and Chestnut. S t s . , Philadelphia,W ithin throo m inutes’ walk o f P. -Rriir,"Station.

- • TERMS:American Plan, 83, $3.50 aud $4. Baths ex tra . European Plan, 91,181:50 a n d 82. ■ B aths ex tra ,

f '-- ,* '. ‘ L.U.MALTAY.

; - v . ^ tV ' ■ » OrganLKed February, 1880. . ;; . L;RENltYC. WINfitiR,-President.- - JAS. A- WAINRIGHT, Vico President.

. ALBERT C. TWINING, Caphler, ~ J l f . ' M

? .

I . ASBURY PARK, N. J.,C a p i t a l , »50,OOO.OO. , - , S u rp lu H , 8 3 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0

TOST OB'FlCE DtJlLDINq, MAtNiflTRBter'AND MATTISOS AVENUB,Tmusnotfl a KODerRrbsnkliiff buslncw. Imuob le tters of orodit (lvnlliil)lo in tlio jirinolpnl cities of the world. Foreign andldomestlo exchanges bought and sold.* ,CoHoctlonscarefully rim lo and prom ptly accounted for. ’ :T ' •


G. F. Kroohl, Jas.<A. Walnrlght«

Albert C. Twining, • Ilenty 'C . WlnsQr,

N .X Buohanon,-'-^ - Isaao O. Kennedy, Oliver H. Drowu, J . Stanley Ferguson.-'

S e p a l .

Q H K lU F r ’S. SAXiE.—B y 'virtnO o f nO . w rit of ft.:fa. ,to m e d irected, liisuod, out i>t iho Supromo C ourt of the State of Now Jorsoy. will be exposed to sale-' a t’ public vendue; on M o n d a y ; th q 3 d d a y o f S e p te m b e r , 1888, between tho hours o f 12 and 6 o'clock,’:(a tf2 o ’dlook), la the afternoon of said day, a t P a rk ' Hall, in the borough of- Anbury P ark , in tho' townsldp of Neptune, coun ty of Monm°Uth, New Jersey. . •

A ll t h a t c e r ta in l o t o r p a rc e l o f l a n d situate in the township o f Noptuno, co u n ty of Monmouth, Now Jersey^, know n as lo t No. 538 aud p arts of lots Nod; 530 and 587, on a m ap of Asbyry Park , beginning a t a point In tho south­erly edjce of SowaU avenuo, d istan t ono hundred ana fifty feet and four inehcs westerly from a marble stone planted a t tho intersection of tho southerly edge of said Sewall avonuo w ith the northerly- ed(?o of Cookman avenuo, It being also the ndrtnw est com er to a lo t-o f land belonging to Susannah C. M obro; thonco along tho edgo of said Sewall avonuo westerly, sixty-six foot and eight Inches; thenoo a t right angles to said Bow- a llavenuo southerly, ono hundred and twonty- nlno fo«t tw o Inohos to. th e northerly edgp of Cookrd%t avonuo-; thonco oastorly-along tho edgo of Cookman avonuo seventy-seven feet and six inches, theneo on a lino a t right the aforesaid Sewall avenuo northerly , eighty- nine feotrand’fivo inches to .th o njtpresald place° o l ^ d 'a s f ii0 property o f P rcder|qka A. Dohm and G. Adam Dohm, taken In execution a t tho suit o f Adellno Jeffrey, Adm’x. «fco.< and to bo sold by '•THEODORE FIELDS, Sheriff.

*- * - " <EDT. A tt’v.Isaac C. Kennedy, A tt’y. Dated Avg* 2,1888. fPE’s fee, $7.20.)

# u # i w l « I . ;


728 M attison Ave., opp. P . O. ASBUKY'PARK, N EW JERSEY.

Ca p it a l , $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .Authorized by law tb aot as Executor, Admin­

istrato r, Guardian, Trustoo. Assignee, Receiver, A iront,eto., and fo r tho faithful performance of a ll such duties Its capita l s tock and surplus are liab le; aWo to Receive and Tixocuto Trusts? of every description, from the Courts, Corporations and Individuals.

All T rust Funds and Investm ents aro inscribed in the names o f the owners of tho property hold in trust, aud a ro kopt separata and ap art from the assets of the Company. ; ’ ■■

I n t e r e s t A l lo w e d o n D e p o s i t* . . .N nfe n c p o H lt K n ii ltH i n A r e a n d i i n r .

( c ia r p r o o f b n iM ln R now In course of erec- tidn, corner M attison avenue ^,nd Bond street.

Wills receipted for and ko p t w ithoutbharep.ISAAC C. KENNEDY, President - GKO. P. KROE1IL, Vico President. 11ENKY O. WINSOIt, Secretary.A. C. TWINING, Treasurer.

DIRECTORS:G. D. W. VROOM. T renton, N. J .W. J . HARRISON, Lako wood. N- J „ , OLIVER II. BROWN, Spring iAke. N. J . HENRY II, YARD, Ocean Boach, N. J . JNO. S. FERGUSON, Asbury Park, N. J . HENRY C.WINHOR, r‘ , “<lEO. F . KItOKIIL, ' _ .**

- BRUCES. KEATOR.M.D., “ “X. C. TWINING, “ . “ •


Fully furnlshed bodrdlng houso near tho beach, also co ttage and oholoo lot very cheap.

Address JBOX181, Asbury P a rk P. O.

FOR SALE.Cottago a t Oocan Bpnch, Second avenuo,- farina south-- Second housa from the ocean. Price, ‘ jlshed ,$4,000. Addrqss, “ OWNER,”

Allen lloilse, Deal Beach, N. J .

For S a l e o r E x c h a n g e .A country storo and deslrablo dwelling 18

nx»ms (sultablo for summer b o a te r s ) barn, w a­gon house, &o. 7 acres tine garden land, 400 peach trees, 25 applo trees, ‘1 acre strawberries and raspberries. ,Nenr Long branoh and AsburyPark, N ;J . ^

Farm 12 ft0 res*»8^ in l lf is from Asbury P a rk , N .J . Apply to L-’ WM. B. BYRAM, .

. ’■ PostoHIcoTluIIdIngrRwmn7Asbury P a rk , N. J .

C g d M f j i t i t f u a l ;

Children’s Educational, Home.Board, tu ition and best o f c a re fo r children.

Engagements by-the month o r yearr—Call a t — if-. WOODSIDE COTTAGE,

;; 216Second avenuo, Asbury,Park.

Sea-Side Home,Boarding anil D ay Soliool lor Yonng

fad ioe and Children,ASBURY F A B E . ' - , NEW JE n S E T .• ;--Eleventti year openB^SOptombor 20,'1888,

Address JULIA ROSS, Principal; v - . 604 A sburr ave-A B bnry P a rk , N. J

SHOW LICENSES. ‘Bo It enaoted by tho Committee of the Town­

ship o f Neptune; T hat a license feo o f fifty (150) dollars shall hereafter be obarged each metmgo- rie, circus, o r show in the nature thereof, exhib­iting within th is townBhip.,

Any person o r persons exhibiting as qforosaid w ithout Such lloenso-flrRt being obtaltiad. Blmll bo pimished by.a Ano of 820,.and prohlbited-from giving such exbibitfan. * ^

v " BV Order Township Commlttoo. Dated-Aug. 8,1888. 'A. DART, Clerk.

Tlio only fine calf $3 S e a m le s s Shoo In tho world m ade^A V ithout taulciw o r n n llw . Asstylish and durable a s those c o s tin g ^ or $0,and having no tacks o r nails to w ear the stocking or h u rt tho feet, m akes them as comfortable and well-fitting as a hand-sewed shoo. Buy tho best. Nono genulno unless stam ped on bottom ** WJ L.' Douglas $8 Shoe. W arranted.” '■

W. t . Douglas $4 Shoe,only hand-sew ea w e lt 84 shoe, whleii equals cus- tom-made Bhoes, costlngvfro m $«to$9 .

W. L.0ougla3$2.50 Shoe * a » ;fo r heavy Wbar. ' - •

W. L. Douglas $2 S h q ^ T i i ^and is tho bost school shoe In th o M M i. *

All th e above gopds a re m ade In Congrcss^Bnt- ton, Labe a n d W aukenphastv and aro for sale a t

CD. EC, PORTER’S' “ T w in C ity ” H at and Shoa S to re ,

Main St„-Opp. Depot, . A S H W tV P A l l I t .

tSS^Ccdl an d sco our Now Spring Ilats. They aro l ig h t in Weight, F ast In Color and Popular


$5 ami $10 U pw ards.• »


Pianos to Rent.n d J E x a r a in f l o u r S p e c ia l B a r - n in s f r o m $ n O U p w a r d .

Pianos and Organa Tunod aud Ropairod.



The Monitor and Adams & Westlake Oil Stoves are the . Best, Vithoiitexception.

Absolute. SafetyPerfect Com- -', bustionJ

S i m p l i c i t y .Durability.


_ Convenience.Even Flame and

Heat.Entire Absence of Smoke or 1 Smell. -

W. M. PAWLEY &■ CO:* Ileadquartors for 0,11 Stove,a anil Oasollno HtbvenV

166-168 Main Street,■* It T” '

t - ' ' .

A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J f



INGRAIN CARPETING5 0 Patterns of ‘our Bost r; vr.r(i

Grade, w o r t l t § 0 c . ; ot por y^ rn -5 0 Patterns, w o r t h

« 0 c .; a t

SFB1HG LAKE, M. J.2 5 Patterns, w o r t h

* 1 .7 5 ; a t



Our Special Sales have always a ttrac ted a large number of buyers from of tho city nnd country. This la th e largest quantity and finest lino of patterns wo navo over offered a t retail a t Huuh LOW DOWN PRICKS, a n d n o one should m iss tho chance o l secuTinu aome and do so quickly, being tho products o f our own factories w ? w arran t every C arpet as represented.

Our New Patterns for this Season are now.ready.

JOHN AND JAMES DOBSON,Tlfe Finest Stook of

Steinbach Bros.LEADING ,



Largest and “ Finest StockOF MERCHANDISE

In ;y Park,, i

STEINBACH BROS.,Wood sn Building, Near ilia Lake.

n o v e l t i e sF i n e N t n t l o i i e r y , I » o i lB , ’ T o y s j ' '.

C n l l e r ^ i W r i t i n g M a t e r i a l s ! , , e t c ; - ___ C l r c u I n t l i i K I , i t t r a r y .


Mnip street, opposito D epot.

TH E IR V IN G ,- J Third avonuo, n e a r opean,


F or fu rther particulars, ajlOross'A . LAUDBNSLAQKR.



Can b e seen running a t Cooper’q Ioo CrCam G ar­den, Second aVonuo, Asbury I 'a rk , • Ni J.-- Will sell cheap, a s i t Is too Small to do m yjyork. ., ' . . WMf^T. COOPBR.

Singer Sewing Machine for Salechoijp, a t $80- In flrstTclass order.

ir t ~ '

II. 1>. CLARK,618 Cooknmn avonuo.

HoMiilnisMng -floods• to bo fonnd oit the New Jersey Coast.

Newest Designs in Furniture;ANTIQUE OAK ...

n Bedroom S u its , Sido B o a rd s V Chairs, ; T a b le s , E t c .

Carpets, Mattings,-R eed and RattanXJooi!

BEDDING, :Silverware, Lamps, Sto-ves.

, All the Novelties in .• * French, Bohemian and I>o-

i mestic Glass. 'Foreign andD om estic China

and Table W arer > “GqodB delivered in ABburv Park and Ocoan

> * Grove.

FISHING TACKLE.-. A ll p radea and V arieties o^ _

Jointed Rods from IB cents tq lO,

Reels Crab Nets ^E verything needed : for Boa o r hake, fishing.

Also a line lino o f . . ,

BASE BALL GOODS,— AT------ . -X - -


Comor Bond stree t a n d Bangs avenue,- * A S B tn iY PARK; N . J .

MATTRESSES a id BEDDING o f all kinds can bo found a t : : '•

N q .X M a i n S t . (O f m e r o d B u l l d in g ),... ASBUjiV PA fyC .JI.J . ,. '■» 1

Renovating Mattfessoa a npcClalty a t reasonable prices, >•' G e o .W l l l i a u i8 o n ,A |{ t . r

FOR SALE CHEAP.•Small pony, a dog o a r ta n d ppny phastom

A d d re ss ' 8 . 0 . C O W A llT . F reo h o ld ^ N .rf.

Pioneer Oyster House C. V. FRENCH,

Dealer In F 0 ISEK1N ANO DOIIICSTIO FRUITS. OVBTKItH a nnm.lQlty, I'amllloa ,

704 Cookman Avendro, Asbury Park, H. J

We are Almost Riving AwaylOOO PIECES

15c. 5 0 0 PIEC ES



VELVET CARPETING.1 . 0 0 per, yard.

__________________MWltrtlwwwsjViMHwewtfi**}'1,,500 PIECES

Tapestry Brussels Carpeting.2 8 p c r y?rU,

2*2 j Patterns,. w o lr jl i ‘ S I .2 3 ; a t -v'

S 3 Pattornflf w o i 'l l t - ' 7 5 c . ; a t 55c.


(E lta b iu h c d 'ln Sew Y ork 1861.)

K N I C k E R B O C K E R - M A R K E T , %

Pinesi Poultry. „ , Smoked Meats.

S u p e r i o r C o r r S e d B e e f

Prom Seleotod'Stock, Artesian Water and puW Pickling Materials.

Vegetables and Fruits„FroSh Daily from ^Qnniouth Countyi J

- < V- vpnpte-.- '7' *->•'

o a n n e h v e g f .t a i i i .e r ,DEJWRHT FHIIIT8,

- PLVH PB D niN O . Ae.■

A Batlafactory placo todealjwhoro overything sdld is guarantebd to bc^tho best in the, market,

Tolopliono oonnoctlonswith Park and Grove.


DO NOT FAIL-TO VISITThe Grand Oriental' Baz&ar,

" Mikado,” on Railroad Spare!»'■ • . .. ..[•

Stranco and W onderful Hoods from ChinAand - Japan. C . E - B O B B T .

Larjro clook In ■1 fron t of th e store


JEWELRY.Flno ' ro p a lr in g afid

a d ju stln ff a sp o o ia lty

$ 1 0 , 0 0 0Good Itd Morteag ...

8. O. COWART, Freohold. N .J . Tbo lino movod fu the followln o r d e r ;

, ; . v k r . . . . ^

T im a b o v e cut represents thffBlzo'ftrthe

g o l d .• to bo dwarded to tho - ^

Champion Fisherm an fo r S E i S O H o l 1 8 8 8 .A T T U K 'A S U U n Y PARK FISIUNQ PIBR.

; * . ■ ■ • * ; ‘ , .V

MERCHANT TAILOR, - [PDF Document] (6)

LO N G M A N a /fc^M A H TIN E Z



'* A C u r i o u B P r o n i n .I.Was s tay ing w ith a frlond in a strange,

l ia lf 'd o p o p iija tc d o lty /of tho Old W orld. W hile Standing, l a tfi&d&fr-way of ourJ^ptfgK ing house, ono w a rrp ^sn n n y afternoon In A utum n, dljfciJsslng tho odd m anners and c t^ to m s o f tho Inhabitan ts, and tlio rise and fall o f th a t onoo populous otty, wo wore na­tu ra lly lod to sp eak o f tho m illions* lions of hum an beings who havo been and are no moro. Ttaon eam o questions concerning tho fu tu re . W h at is It to "bo ?-sIs thpro a hea- von o r a holl t I s thero to* bq a n n t to r anriihi- } l a t io n j Theso problem s wore d o b a tJ n g \ whon wo woro suddenly In te rru p ted by. the approach o f a old, gray-haired m instrel’. At* ' though, ap p aren tly , abou t the a&o o f n inety, . ho possessed tho vigor an d bearing of a m an > o f thirty^ { ^

Ho wfw rom arkably tall a n d ’ crSct. Ujo snow y beard descended in w avy m asses be­low his w aist, an d his. hair, soft an d white, foil g racefully over, his shoulders. H is faco was rad ia n t w ith a m anly dignity an d beauty,' su rpassing any th in g I had over im agined, eclipsing tho conceptions o f tho m ost, re­now ned pa in te rs . N or could a n y w ord-paint­ing hayo p o rtray ed tho happlno§8 an d wisdom beam ing from his-countenance.

Ho stopped a t o a r door, loaned upon his h a rp for a*fow m om enta, and looking heaven­w ard ,-ran his fingers over tbo chords,/w hich gavo forth Bounds o f unearth ly Sweetness;

j^nch as wo had novor before listened to. Wo stood en tranced , Incapablo o f th o u g h t o r action , unconscious of tho ga thering crow d, seolng only^the lordly m instrel, a n d hearing only hie heavenly notes. . Tho m usic ceased. Ills oyeS fell Bmlllngly u pon ub as tie Struck

’ a ip a fan d an g o , " Im m ediately a Httlo girU his / com pahlon^tlU then ufiob&erved, sp ran g in to

thoe oircle7 l ln Immense crow d had by this tlm o collected,^ The littlog lrl began to ^an ce . Sho seem ed to bo eight o r ten years old, and was exquisite ly beautiful.— •- - -

H or dress waa of the p u res t w hito gauze,; and floated a round her- liko folds o f 'm is t

hloWn-and w hirled abou t/by a s trong b a t gen­tle breoze, ps' she m oved to an d fro, keeping stop to tho m usic. So ethereal was h e r. ap ­pearance, th at T was rom inded of th e fairies I bad "read a b o u t when a child, and I.w on-.

* dered i i sho was n o t ono. T he daneo ended, and ali eyes- tu rn e d f from tho ch ild , to ' the lia rpor ; w hen lo 1 in the tw inkle o f. a n eye, his face ch an g ed -in to , th a t of a dem on. In ano ther second horns, in lons au d w ings wero developed, T h o ‘ground all a round , w ithin flfteon feo t o f him , becam e a m olten, burn ing ,

. sn rg jn g m ass; ljqu id flame, broad an d . inas-. slve, co n ta in ing all the co lors of tho rainbow , yol g reatly intensified, now an d then buret from .th ls boiling w§ll, i n w hich tho m instre l— now^tho E v il One, y a s swallow ed up . The child again began to danco. RoOnd arid round she went, on the very vergo of the flaming circle, beckoning us all to d o llke- w ls e fb n t none dared follow h er. I I.QOked around m e. T here wero Inhnrncrablo faces— facea fa ll of s u rp r l^ and eftnstcrnatton-^gaz- ing Upon thoticene, and I s a i d ; V '

‘‘ This,seem s as if thore were a hell,’1'Tho las t word had scarcely le ft m y lips

when tho Evil Ono n jshed a t m o w lth q u t-0 stretched^ arm s i and_ wide-spread wings, all \ lr ip p lr ig with ttio flaming, bisalng fluid. Im ag­ine my agony an d to rro t, you w ho ean , for it ca n n o t bo described. I drew ' back, an d in- stat-tfy a n o m ing, soft an d low, b u t doep and wide, and peacefu l as* the Bound o f ocean waved in Sum m er, escaped from tho su r­round ing m ultitude, and, God stood In our

- 'm id s t H e looked upon m e, and his looks said : " . ' ’ r t

. <lC/too$e between v s .”I lifted up my h an d s to him , eatlc tt Upon

his nam e, and, 0 1 w h a t jo y 1 I was ac­cepted In s ta n ta n e o u s ly m y body becam e n6 ligh t as a ir. Y

M y w holtrboing w as-sp irltualized . I_real-.

sorrow o r suffering, n o rd o u b ^ nor fear—th at , - a ll e a rth ljrea re s and tria ls were gone in to the

e ternal p ast—th a t I was trium phan t, happy a t last. In the m eantim e, S a tan , who sm oth­ered curses of rage and jealousy , san k down, down, an d tho boiling w aters closed and_ dis­appeared with him , leavipg only a d ry cavern o fash ^ s and lava-llko s ta la g m ite s ., Then a s lstor sp lritr touohlng‘mo, sa id : '

“ Come, i w an t to show you som ething ,”A t a wish, an d w ithout any physical exer­

tion , we m oved a lo n g ju s t abovo tho surface of tho ground w ithout to u c ^ n g it. I lot- lowed through a winding,, su b te rran ean pass­age. I t w as n o t dark, b u t lighted only by o u r sp ir itu a l presence. I n a sh o rt tim e we^

- -merged In to a b road , open s tree t, and floated to .the to p o f th o h ighest b u ild ing In tho citv.

T here sho stopped and exclaim ed, “ Look l** A now, howovor, becam e aw are th a t in being sp iritualized m y se n se s 'h a d been perfected;I noticed th is w ith regard to to u ch and smell as wo ascended through tho delightfully

- cool and f ra g ra n t atm osphero; W hen I was com m anded to “ look” I raised m y eyes from

■j.^hb s tree t below and looked abroad . _ / I t w a s :n o w supnncr. The whole .eoiivex

ti world, lay sp read b u t before m e. Rivers, v a K -leysj-m ountalns, oceans, s ta rs an d planets, sceraed a s d istinc t, to ray en tranced vision as if every po K it'in the imm enso p rospect \Vas b u t a sh o rt d istance from ro e ; while tho en ­tire broad ex ten t of one side of the g lobe was- only tho fo reground of tho vast s te lla r space I bchold.- I looked ibeyond tho e a rth , bclotf

—and-abovej;and-saw w orlds-inhabited^by-our- departed friends. Tho a ir , too, which oceu-' p ied all spaco, was full o f sp ir its , an d , al­though thousands o f miles off, I recognized .my fa th e r and o th er frlonds a n d " heard them

‘ talk ing^ All this, and rnpro th d t I cannot^ And language, to oxplajn, I tf saw a t a glance,-

^nnd I th o u g h t : - “ (ih j i f I couhj tin ly havo. know n th is while in.flesD, bow 'happy I should

, ’havd been, cou ld I have realized tho m illionth p a rt o f tills was ln s to re for,m b I How insig^

•niQ ^ant ray greatest" troub les w ould 'have seem ed ; I c o u l(^ h a io h o r f te o v o ry tbingSvlth-

, o u t a m urm ur.” - T..-r v; : .‘ S ta rtin g to m cH m y^friends, whQ i^ r o 'a p ­

proaching, and unable lo con tain ihy jo y 'an d thankfu lness, I began c lapping , m y h an d s . and sh o u tin g p raises to God, T he so und of my own voice aw akened mo.—

W H ililS F O B D BEY . - T . FB A N K APPLEBY.

W illisford Dey & Co.,' E S T A T E . ’•

.Wo have a larffo num ber o f furnished cottaRof* and a few boarding houses In A'shury P ark and Ocoan Grovo for rent. Bradloy Loach plots alm ost glvon away.. » '

S t r o n g e s t I n s u r a n c e A g e n c y i n A m e r i c a .

PUconix, H artfo rd ; German-American, hom*o, Niagara, Continental, Plionix, ; Qlona |Talla and Liberty, Now Y ork ; Infftmmoo Co. o f N orth America, F ire

Aeaooiation and Union, PhU addbliia; Liverpool and London and _ a Globe, Royal and Londoii and Xjancaahiro, L iverpool; Com* •.

^ meroial Union, Pliconix, Im perial, 3Fire Insurance Asso> ' ;/ oiation and Oitry of London, London =; T/ancashiro, Manohooter ; '

North Hritiflh and Moroantilo, E d inbn rg li; E l io t , . B oston ; Britiah -• America, Toronto.; Providence Waahington, Providenoe; E quitable

Lifo, M etropolitan. Plato Glass, and Amorican Snrety Oompony, New York.; . Our companloslnsuro against damaffo by lightning, Vhother flro ensues o r not.

C3-©.p-'T?5 '- T r c L a s , • Licensed Auctioneer,


2|0 Maitf St., Asfitiry Park, N. J,



Meat JSs pip ~ and -Insurance. Agent>’ 726^,Oookman Avenuo, Asbury park* N. . - I

FERGUSON’S Coal, Wood & Charcoal

. Wholesale and Retail.Nine yoard steady.oxperlonCo, Summer nnd vMntpr, a t th e old ,

■ 1‘ s ta n d . . ,

AIl m y Stock Is o f tho best quality in tho m arket, aiid ia novp kep t constantly dry under comploto covor. ^

I w urninteverything I soil, If-not na rot)ro»ont«Hl the pioney will berofundod. -


O p p o a ito O c e a n G r o v i M a in E n t r a n c e . V*

B liA N C r i O F F IC K S ^ -R a m m a n ’s O ro c o ry S to ro i n th o P a r k .^ \V a In r i« h t $ E tT lcK so n ’s S t o r e i n t h e O ro v o ;

O rdeifl1>y m a l l p ro r t ip t ly rc c o iv o d n n d d e l iv e re d . C o m p le te . T e fe jjh o n o U o n n e e tlo n .’ :


251 Pearl Street, hear Fulton Street, New YorkHavo oeoupiod tho saino bulld l^r^aofe than ypn arto r o f a century. ,,Tholr Roods a ro shipped to a ll p a rts of th e United States.


AND 4-ARGEST STOCK OFBefore pnrchasinR elrtowhero consult yonr own

Interests by,Ihspectlng our assoi tm ent In

Parlor, Dining-roomFEATHERS, Etc.

FACTORY NO. 143 MAIN ST.Up Stairs,

Renovating M attresses a Specialty.T o le p h jA p C o n n e c t io n .


Matting, Oil Cloth and Linoleum. W indow Shades all grades. Cornice poles, &o. •

U pholstering in all its branches carried on,, ftlBb a full-line o f P icture Praniea and Mouldings kept constantly on, band. Window Cornices of aU tfo&oriptions.Stoves, Tinware, Crockery

and‘Silverware, Ifavlng had several y ears’ experience In tho undertaking business in Asbury Park and viclnltv I feel com petent to give satisfaction to alH vho m ay favor me with th eir patronage. ■

TELEP1IONE CONNECTIONS with principal hotels and stores in Tark and Grove. \in fac t everything in the ffousofurnishlng line. Quality and prlco guaranteed.. Con tracts solic­ited for furnishing Hotels and Cottages com- ploto. ■ “

A aB eent>bottlo makes 1© f.’n l lu n s of de« t ic io u aH o o tR e er. MO CO O K IN G . Easily made. Tho most hoalthy Suramer PtiveraRO Un iiso for I lo n ie and n a r r e a t - F ie ld * Larger BotUrs atG O o., t t l . a s and 93«BO..

- F u ll dircetiona on each bottle. ' Ask for

. . J p p p ’s Boo t fleer E x tr a c t.”f'.’l i f ’ EFJAl’P & 60S9, iow Yorfc

E s tn b lla h o d 1 8 3 0 .FOB BALE BY MOST DRUGGISTS,

Office open day and night.

• And ihoy-will tast alohglim e. ~Ono o f tho best places to And an assortm ent of FfRST-CLASS BUILDING MATERIAL, is at the

old established birslness placo of .ASBURY PARK, N. J

N. E. BUCHANON ^ CO.■ , . Sonthweat corner of Mala street and Asbury avenno,

A s b u r y P a r k , N o w J e r s e y .* : *

/T h o u san d s of custom ers w hp have putronlzed this house, can tes tify th a t there Is .no placo to purchase everything Which ontera Into tho construction o f a cottago o r a palace, along w itlryour orders for- ;... ................... . . ■ ' ' „— ... »•••••• ::.... - _


”~ri * And everything to complete your house, ^atlsfap t Ion'guaranteed to airoustom ers.o T lio M e r ry -G o -R o u iu l .

Tho ,‘Lako avonuo C arotisscllo , Saturday n ight rtaa a busy place. Crowds of sight­seers, and o th ers a ttrac ted by tho .steam pro-' polled o rgan , a s we] 1 a s tho .^erry -go-round Itself, wero draw n to tho new ly opened place of amuficmontT " .......

Tho little fd lks woro j n a w hirl of, delight, and anxiously aw aited tho lr tu rn to m ount tho. ponies, sea horses, lions, and o ther an i­m als p laced on tho circ ling platform . Even grow n u p children and gtoy-haired tri*n vyould re lu c tan tly y lch r thoir-'p laoea.4)h t. go tho “ ro u n d ” a nhm bor of tim es. 1 The little to ts weto hold on by tholr parents, o r some ono cmployed by /M r. Schnltzler, who vyas nresont him self 19 s eo .tha t all movod smooth- G. J. SCHANCK^ SON. Successors to

^ S p M ^ R S / ; Aslmry. Ave. »iul P a r k , M. «B».B R A N C H O F F IC E S ^ M ila n R o ss’s , 120 C o o k m a n a 'ifenno , A s b n ry P a r k , a h d O'. Y£, M ftrtiu 's ', P ilg r im

P a th w a y , O c c a n ^ r o y e . w ljo ro a l l o rd e r s r e c e iv e d w ill bo p r o m p t ly l i l le d .

. Granite and Marblo Monuments • Tombstones; aim all Cemetery Work. .Call a t ou r "show-room and seo samples, cuta, &cr. Wo can suit in quul- ityandprloo . G E N U N G d c C O .

710 Mattlson ave., Asbury 1'ark, N. J .

Successor to GRAVATT TAYLOR, wholcsalo jind reta il doaler In

M anufacturers nnd Dealers in all branches ofA n d S o w in g M ac liln e s , .

H I* SALE ORBF.NT N B H A U l Olt OS n i m m E m . •. •

Repairing and Tuning. Cor. Bond s tree t and Mattlson avo., Asbury P ark, N. J .


■ ^ ^ ^ ^ PHOTOGRAPHV. In Ite P e rfe c tio n I '


’i i ^ H p P A C H B R O S .B it nitOAIIWAY,

“■ Cor . 13th S t., . . N EW TOUK.CIU LD ItEN O U tt PETS. * PB tC E S MODERATE.

Main/Street,. M unro t AvenuO arid iRailroad,■ >'■ a s b u r y ;p a r k , n . j . ■;-■;

Window Fi'aium, Nfvili, Dllndn, D o o m , NonlillnRS, BraekfUl and Carvel Work* *" Hard and Soli Wood Mnnteln. TarnliiK and Scroll Nnwlnft a Npc-

, olalty. Dedl^ns and Prieeq Furnished <fu AppUcaiIon* *

■' ■-'•'"r4 ’ • a t ^ h o o ld e s ta b l la h o d y a ^ . - -; . v ;.4 1 N R E A R O F I A K E I T X a y r 3 H P U B E , ^ ,

A f n l l S to c k o f t h o a b o v o a r t lb lo s w i l l k e p t c o n s ta n t ly o n h a n d a h d sh ttH fa c tlo n f fn a ra n to e d . B r r a f ih offlCos a t B o a m e s ' G ro c e ry . A bb u ry P a r k .a n d M a t t h o w s \ B a l I a r d ’s G ro c e ry , O c e a n G ro v e .

, T E L K P llO N E . X ; ■ ■ '» ■ ” •


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.