How To Make the Best Lebanese Grape Leaves- UPDATED- RECIPE and directions (2024)


UPDATED BLOG POST with Ingredients list:
I make this recipe several times a year, including Easter lunch for the last 10 years ! They are so delicious. (Dare I say that they are even better reheated the second day?!) This remains my most viewed blogpost. I know exactly why- these are the most amazing to eat and well worth all the work, love and effort to make them.

These are directions on how to make the BEST LEBANESE GRAPE LEAVES IN THE WORLD! Seriously, they are so good.

<<El Momma Tip>> If you don’t want the history behind this recipe, or you’ve read this before, please scroll on down to The “INGREDIENTS List.” The ingredients are separated by what we need for the rice lamb mix, boiling the lamb shanks and the final touches for cooking the grape leaves and serving.

After the ingredients list, I’ve included photos of all the items you will need to shop for. You will also need a large pot for boiling the shanks and cooking the rolled, stuffed grape leaves. Be sure to clean out the pot in between. You will also need small plates to place on top of the pot of grape leaves. This will hold them down in the water, while letting them cook fully.

Let me give you a little history as to why you won’t regret making this recipe and consider this a recipe from an expert. After 10 years making these several times a year, I now am officially a Lebanese Grape Leaf making expert!

My husband’s father’s family is from Lebanon. My father-in-law moved to the United States in the 70’s to attend a university and met my mother-in-law. She is a fifth generation Texan. She was an adventurer and loved to travel abroad. So, while dating my father-in-law, she took off on a great adventure to meet his parents and learn about the Lebanese culture. While in Lebanon, she embraced the culture and his family. His family loved her, taught her many things and she was a bright shining star (and a blonde -aired beauty) who they enjoyed having in Lebanon very much!

Luckily, for all of us, she married my father-in-law and is an amazing cook! Many years later, she continues to be an expert in cooking Middle Eastern faire. I asked her to teach me and this is the result. I continue to look back at this recipe each and every time I make Grape Leaves.

Please note, if you have ever had grape leaves that were cold at a restaurant- you probably did not have grape leaves like this. These are served hot and they have lamb and rice in them- they are not vegetarian.

If you decide to try this, please reply to this post, comment here or on pinterest. I’d love to hear how it goes!

The first challenge: What to buy and where to shop. If you are in the Houston area- there are many grocers that specialize in Middle Eastern foods. A great one is Phoenicia. It is like a Sam’s Club for Middle Eastern food. It is huge. Their westheimer location even has fresh pita bread that comes down from a conveyer belt in the middle of the store. It’s entertaining for adults and kids alike.

INGREDIENTS list for 2 lbs of ground lamb mixture:

  • 2 lbs of high quality ground lamb
  • 2 Tablespoons of 7 spices for lamb/rice mixture 1T per lb of ground lamb)
  • 2 Tablespoons of salt (1T per lb of ground lamb)
  • 3 cups of Calrose Rice (Riz Masri)
  • 2 jars of Orlando California Grape Leaves, 16 oz. each (rinsed thoroughly with stems removed)

INGREDIENTS list for boiling lamb shanks

  • 4 pounds of lamb shank (approximately 4 shanks will fill the bottom of a large boiling pot or dutch oven)
  • 1 Tablespoon 7 spices
  • 1 Tablespoon of kosher salt

Remaining INGREDIENTS to prepare for serving

  • Juice of several lemons to make 1 cup of lemon juice to pour over pot just before serving
  • 1 bunch of mint leaves for garnish
  • 1 or 2 bunches of green onions for garnish
  • optional to serve with Labne (A Lebanese Yogurt spread) (top with olive oil and sliced tomatoes)
  • arabic bread
  • fresh lebanese hummus (recipe and How to Video HERE)

Grave leaves. Buy 2 jars of Orlando California Grape leaves. They are stored in a jar so that they will remain preserved. I used 2 jars of grape leaves to roll approximately 150 grape leaves. Remember the grape leaves must be washed thoroughly before you cook with them, or your result will be REALLY SALTY grape leaves!
7 spices. We will use this to season the lamb and the rice. I have made this in the past. Search up “Lebanese 7 spices” for recipes.

5 pound bag of Calrose Rice (Riz Masri)

Lamb Shanks
Ground lambHow To Make the Best Lebanese Grape Leaves- UPDATED- RECIPE and directions (6)

Lemons for garnish and lemon juice (which we will use for the last few minutes while cooking the grape leaves.)

We also need salt. That’s all we need for our ingredients. Now, it’s time to get to work!

First, we must rinse the grape leaves. As I mentioned above, this is a crucial step. Without rinsing the leaves, they will be very salty and not taste good at all.
Now, let’s boil the lamb shanks. Get a large pot of water.
Add one tablespoon of 7 spices

And add one table spoon of kosher salt. Place the lamb shanks in the pot and bring water to a boil. Cover and simmer for half an hour. (if the shanks are frozen simmer for 1 hour) The shanks do not need to be completely cooked at this point, because they will cook more with the grape leaves.

In a separate bowl, we will make the rice/ground lamb mixture. We will start with rinsing the rice. Use 1.5 cups of rice per pound of ground lamb. Add water to the rice and rinse. This will make the rice easier to work with. I usually rinse the rice in a very fine colander.
Add the ground lamb and a 1 tablespoon 7 spices per pound of ground lamb to the drained rinsed rice. Add 1 tablespoon of salt per pound of ground lamb. Mix this together well.

How To Make the Best Lebanese Grape Leaves- UPDATED- RECIPE and directions (14)

Lay the grape leaf (shiny side down) on a plate with the stem at the top. Cut the stem off the top. (To simplify this step, I pull off the stem as I wash each leaf individually)
Pinch a small amount of the ground lamb/rice mixture, as pictured and place in the middle of one grape leaf

How To Make the Best Lebanese Grape Leaves- UPDATED- RECIPE and directions (15)

Wrap the grape leaf, like a present, bringing up the sides first and then loosely rolling the entire thing together. The shiny part of the leaf should be down so that it is the outside of the roll, once the grape leaf is rolled around the ground lamb and rice. Make sure to roll loosely. This will give the rice room to expand as it cooks in the grape leaf. If you roll too tightly, the grape leaves will not be able to stay together and they will pop open as they cook.How To Make the Best Lebanese Grape Leaves- UPDATED- RECIPE and directions (16)Always remove the stem. Also, if the grape leaves are too large they can be cut in half.
Carefully place the rolled grape leaves in a container.

Once the lamb shanks are finished with their first stage of cooking. Remove them from the pot.

Cut some of the meat off of the lamb shanks. The goal is to place the shanks and meat evenly at the bottom of a clean pot to make a nice even layer to place the rolled grape leaves. You can use the same pot where you boiled the shanks, just be sure to clean it before this next step. I usually just wipe it clean.
This photo demonstrates the lamb shanks and meat in an even layer at the bottom of the pot.
Ready to add the grape leaves.
How To Make the Best Lebanese Grape Leaves- UPDATED- RECIPE and directions (22)Take the rolled grape leaves and place them as evenly as possible in the pot on top of the lamb and lamb shanks. Make sure to place the rolled grape leaves down on the point of the leaf so they will not come unrolled while cooking.

The result is a beautiful pot full of grape leaves ready to cook! Add water to the pot until the grape leaves are completely covered. Place the pot on the stove top until bubbly. Simmer on medium to medium low for 2.5-3 hours. While cooking, place small plates (instead of a pot lid) directly on the grape leaves. This keeps them under the water, allows them to breathe and cook perfectly. The grape leaves must remain covered with water while cooking. I use a tea kettle on a separate burner to boil water on the stove top. and add this to the grape leaves pot as needed.
Once the grape leaves are finished cooking turn off the stove (approximately 2.5 – 3 hours). Pour fresh lemon juice over the entire pot. Use a liberal amount of lemon juice- at least one half cup or one cup if cooking in a large pot. When the grape leaves are finished cooking, tender, delicious, easy to cut them with a fork, turn off the burner and pour the lemon juice over the top of the grape leaves.

To serve, slice lemons and wash and cut green onions. Grape leaves taste great with a sqeeze of lemon juice and a green onion.

Ready to serve. I’ve removed everything from the pot and placed the lamb in the center of the serving dish and the grape leaves around. It makes for a “wow” presentation. Save the juices from the pot. My husband likes to pour these over his grape leaves. You can also save the pot juices for later (leftovers) in the fridge and the oils will harden, so you can easily scrape them off the top.
Grape leaves are also served with mint leaves. I’ve placed them in a small vase, so they double as decoration and as a garnish.
I am so happy with the way my grape leaves turned out. They are so amazing. Thank you, Mary for teaching me this amazing skill. I promise to teach this to my children and grandchildren. Love, El Momma

How To Make the Best Lebanese Grape Leaves- UPDATED- RECIPE and directions (2024)


How to prepare grape leaves? ›

Blanch the Grape Leaves: Fresh grape leaves should be blanched before using. Either soak in very hot water for 15 minutes to soften the leaves or blanch grape leaves in a brine until they are soft (the time will depend on the leaves – fresh ones will only take a minute).

What's the difference between dolma and Warak Enab? ›

Warak enab means 'grape leaves' in Arabic, but this dish is also commonly known as dolma, which is the singular term of this dish in Greek-usually the Greek stuffed grape leaves are referred to as dolmades (the plural term).

Why are my grape leaves tough? ›

"The older, darker, and thicker leaves always remain a bit tough - no matter how long you cook them." In the kitchen, we unpack and separate the bounty, a few hundred grape leaves, hopefully enough for the entire year. The leaves that will be cooked immediately are placed in a large bowl and covered with boiling water.

How to brine grape leaves for dolmas? ›

Bring 1 cup of water to a boil and add salt, stir until salt is dissolved. Place the rolls of grape leaves in a clean and sterilized jar. Pour the hot brine over the grape leaves and screw on the lid. Place the grape leaves in the fridge, they will be ready for use in two weeks.

Should grape leaves be eaten hot or cold? ›

These dolmas are made with what may seem like a strange combination of spices, but this is a wonderful, delicate traditional Turkish dish with a twist. They are traditionally served chilled, but you can serve them warm if desired. Squeeze fresh lemon juice over them before serving.

Can you eat grape leaves raw? ›

Raw grapevine leaves are not edible; thus, they must undergo some culinary processes.

What are the health benefits of grape leaves? ›

Overall, grape leaves are both low in calories and high in fiber. They also have high amounts of vitamin A and vitamin K ( 17 ). Additionally, they have a very high antioxidant content. In fact, research suggests that grape leaves have 10 times the antioxidant activity of grape juice or pulp (18).

Why are stuffed grape leaves so good? ›

Flavor Enhancements: Ingredients like lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, and aromatic herbs such as dill, mint, and parsley add depth and complexity to the flavors of stuffed grape leaves.

Is dolma Greek or Arab? ›

Dolmades are a food you will find in many variations in every area of Greece and in every season. The name 'dolma' has been borrowed by the Greeks from the Turks, however the food itself stems from ancient Greece. In ancient Greece, dolmades were called 'Thria' -Θρία- and were made with tender fig leaves!

Does Epsom salt help grape vines? ›

Grapes unlike other plants, need a lot of magnesium. If there isn't enough magnesium in your grapes, your fruit will turn yellow between the veins of older leaves and many cause pre-mature falling. For prevention of magnesium deviancy, Epsom salts can be applied at a new plant at the rate of 4-6 ounces for older vines.

What's wrong with my grape leaves? ›

Both indoor and outdoor grapes suffer from fungal diseases which affect the leaves and fruit. The three top grape diseases are downy mildew, powdery mildew, and grey mould.

What do you spray on grape leaves? ›

Protectants such as mancozeb and ziram can provide economical early-season control, especially for Phom*opsis and black rot, and sulfur may be used for early powdery mildew control in cultivars that are not sulfur-sensitive, Schilder said.

Can you eat the grape leaves in dolmas? ›

Once the liquid has been absorbed, you can remove the plate to finish cooking as instructed. 5. Let Cooked Grape Leaves Rest for 30 Minutes before Serving. I know, it's so hard not to immediately dig into those tasty grape leaves!

How do you store fresh grape leaves? ›

Pat the leaves dry with a paper towel and store them in plastic freezer bags. Remove as much air from the bags as possible. Make sure your bags are dated and labeled. You should also provide a half-inch headspace to allow for expansion.

How do you tenderize jarred grape leaves? ›

Carefully remove the grape leaves from the jar and rinse very well under cold water. Bring a pot of water to a boil, and blanch the leaves, in batches, for 4-5 minutes. Remove to a colander and rinse with cold water.

How to pick and preserve grape leaves? ›

Hang bunches of leaves in a dark, cool place to dry them (similar to the method used for drying herbs and flowers). Once dried, pack bunches (still tied together and enough for one recipe) in plastic bags and store them for future use.

What are different ways to eat grape leaves? ›

5 Ways to Cook with Grape Leaves
  1. Grape Leaf-Wrapped Grilled Feta. ...
  2. Goat Cheese & Pancetta Coins. ...
  3. Steamed Fish Parcels. ...
  4. Braised Lamb Rolls. ...
  5. Grape Leaf & Spinach Spanakopita.
Jul 27, 2023

Do jarred grape leaves need to be blanched? ›

Whether using fresh leaves, salted, or jarred, you'll need to blanch them before cooking; fresh leaves need it to tenderize them, and the preserved types benefit from a quick dunk to remove some brine.


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.